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Posts posted by bm6546

  1. I have been on Plavix for over a year and a half from VA and doctor says will also be on for rest of life. Have not had a problem getting,just had my heart doc write note to VA primary doc.

    old romad - I had my private cardiologist write a note to my VA doc but they said they don't care what my doc says. They said the VA policy is that they will only pay for Plavix for 1 year. I went to see the va cardiologist in Reno and they said they will extend my prescription for 6 months and after that they won't pay for any more. My cardiologist also said that I will probably be on Plavix for the rest of my life. Thanks, Brian

  2. Brian:

    I had angioplasty on Sep 13, 2006 and one artery was blocked 90% and had a stent put in. For some reason it was one of the old kind of stents that did not have medicine it would release. My Cardiac Doc started me on plavix the day of my operation. It was done using Medicare HMO outside the VA. I took the prescription to my primary Doc and she wrote it for me at VA. I was unaware of the 12 month rule at VA but plan to check up on it. I have a friend who had stents put in his legs and he has been on plavix at the VA for 18 months and just had it renewed for another 6 months.

    Brian have you seen a cardiologist at the VA? If not maybe they are the ones who need to write the script. I don't know about you but I think that you should fight this and I would not feel the least bit comfortable having to rely on some Moke who does not speak English when I had a Heart Condition.

    If I can I will try to help you with your claim. Please don't give up.


    Pete- I also had angioplasty on Jan 26, 2006. I had 2 stents and have been taking Plavix with aspirin. I do not qualify for Medicare until July 2008. I don't have prescription insurance so will have to rely on the VA. They did renew for an additional 6 months. I am not comfortable dealing with the VA cardiologist, but I have to play their rules or I will get nothing.

    I am not going to give up on my claim with the VA. I have been dealing with this, on and off for over 40 years. It gets real frustrating and disapointing at times and sometimes I feel like I'm not getting anywhere and that I am just wasting my time. I have a lot of people that are encouraging me to keep fighting. I am also really happy with this forum and the people on it like you. It is very comforting to know that I am not the only person that is having this problem with the VA, that there are a lot of people that are in the same boat as me and that they can come to this forum for advice.

    Thanks, Brian

  3. If you continue to appeal and provide new evidence to the VA you will win your claim eventually. This has happened time and time again here on Hadit. Many who do get their correct rating go on their way and you never hear from them again, but there have been many.

    John999, I appreciate the fact that if I continue to appeal that I will eventually win. What I don't understand is if I have the proper evidence now, why doesn't the VA just compensate me now and save everyone all the hassles. Do you have any idea how long a NOD like mine takes to get an answer from the VA.

    Thanks, Brian

  4. Brian:

    If you are already service connected for heart condition and now Social Security has granted you SSD for Heart you should have a slam dunk for 100%.

    If you are able you should ask for a Hearing with a Decision Review Officer and sit down and let them explain why they did not grant.If you can get something from your Doc that says you are suffering from heart condition that will not let you work from a Service Connected COndition they have to give it to you.

    Good Luck and don't give up. You earned the benefits.

    Pete, The VA is showing me SC 0% for my heart. I have been receiving SSDI since July 06. The Social Security determination is Primary Diagnosis - Anxiety Disorders and Secondary Diagnosis - Chronic Ischemic Heart Disease with or w/o Angina.

    My VSO has filed a NOD to add anxiety disorder, depression and PTSD as secondary conditions to my SC heart condition.

    The question that I have is if the VA won't give me any compensation for my heart why would they give me any compensation for anxiety and depression. I guess I just don't understand the process.

    Thanks, Brian

  5. BM - I am just a little confused. You started your post and said you had been SC'ed for your heart for over 40 years and then you said the VA just denied SC for your heart condition. Could you pleas clarify? I am sure someone on here can help you with this. Also what were the reasons for the denial if you don't mind posting them.

    Ricky - I have been SC for my heart for over 40 years. The VA denied my claim for compensation and is still showing me 0% SC for my heart. Here is the reason for denial:

    "We have continued the evaluation of Paroxysmal Atrial Tachycardia (PAT) as 0 percent disabling because symtoms warranting the next higher evaluation were not shown by the medical evidence of record".

    I have been denied 4 times since 1968 when they took my 10% away from me, after medically discharging me in 1966 with my heart condition. I have also been in the hospital 4 times with this same heart condition and on Jan 25, 2006 I had a heart attack and have not been able to work since. I am receiving SSDI because I can't work anymore. My VSO has filed a NOD to add anxiety disorder, depression and PTSD as secondary conditions to my service connected heart condition.

    Thanks, Brian

  6. Well, 2 weeks ago I received a letter from the VA that they denied my claim for my heart condition. I have been SC for my heart for over 40 years. Since 1966. Although I did have a heart attack over a year ago and have not worked since. I was approved for SSDI last July. I was extremely disapointed when the VA turned me down and wanted to just say to hell with it. My VSO and my VA Psychiatrist talked me into filing a NOD for anxiety disorder, depression and PTSD as secondary conditions to my service connected heart condition. I am just tired of explaining it every time to someone new. I would really like to forget about it and for people to leave me alone. I am very pleased with my VA social worker and VA Psychiatrist. But I have to keep talking about it and I really don't want to. I also feel the VA is laughing at me and doesn't want to help me. Sorry to ramble on. I'm not sure if this post is even appropriate. I'm sorry if I am out of order. I guess its just frustration and my way to vent. Thanks, Brian

  7. Pete53

    I don't think my VA doc will be any help to me. He did not speak English very well. He had to go and get the nurse practitioner to explain to me the VA policy and to extend my Plavix for 6 months.

    Pete53, you said your doctor told you that you would have to take Plavix the rest of your life. Are you getting Plavix from the VA and are they giving it to you for more than 12 months?

    I think I read on a previous post that you have CAD with depression and anxiety. The same as me. The VA denied my claim for my SC heart condition. I have filed a NOD for depression , anxiety, and PTSD as secondary to my SC heart condition. Not sure how the VA will handle that. I was very dissapointed when the VA regected my claim. I wanted to quit but my VSO and VA psychiatrist talked me into it. I am just tired of explaining it every time to someone new. Having to go over it again and again.

    Pete53, any information you can provide me will be very helpful. Thanks, Brian

  8. Has anyone had a similar experience with the VA and the use of Plavix

    I had my heart attack and 2 stents back in Jan 2006. I was told to take Plavix and aspirin to help prevent another heart attack. The VA will only pay for Plavix for 1 year. My Cardiologist wants me to stay on this drug indefinately, at least until a new study says to stop taking it after 1 year. One of the reasons that the VA will only pay for 1 year is that Plavix is very expensive. The cheapest is Sam's club - $127 for 30 days. I can't afford this seeing as the VA denied my claim for my SC heart condition. They are still rating me at 0 SC.

    Has anyone had a similar experience with Plavix and the VA? Does anyone know where I can get this drug a lot cheaper than $127. I am not sure about ordering it on line as I have heard that some of these companies are not too honest.

    Thanks in advance - Brian

  9. I would sure want the cash! You could direct this letter to the VARO- Attention Finance department- and get the support of your vet rep to follow this through-

    although we all worry that whatever we do can hold up our claims longer- the reality is they take time anyhow-

    if your claim is successfully awarded then the VA already has the 10% and your mailing address squared away and can raise that amount and then make sure you get that next check right away-when you get an award.

    Rating boards can mean months -my claim had been in and out of "rating boards" for years.

    If I were you I would get your money first- I dont think it will really take Finance too long to square this away-

    they sent me more money with 3-4 weeks when I caught VARO math errors.

    I have VA paranoia too-pays to have some- make sure the vet rep or you have documentation of the 10% award so the 40 year old award letter can't suddenly mysteriously 'disappear'.But I really dont think it will.


    Thanks for your reply. I don't have anything in writing that shows I have a sc 10% award and I am pretty sure that my VSO doesn't either. We found this out by calling the 800# and it was verified by 2 different people. How can I get a copy of my award letter from 1966 or any other evidence that will support the fact that I am sc at 10%.


    Brian B)

  10. Brian- yes TDIU and IU are the same thing-

    I just wish the vet rep had told you to file this form sooner---

    Getting a copy of your c file at this point would hold up the claim- by a few weeks- maybe it is best to do what the 800# rep said-

    as this is a finance problem and the finance division usually works a lot faster than the claims department-

    WOW- sounds like you can expect some nice retro- then again you could have used this a lot sooner-

    it is a shame when this happens and sometimes vets are reluctant to even look into situations like this- I am glad you did.

    Is all this info in your present claim that they are working on?

    "My SSDI is for depression and axiety attacks caused from my heart attack on Jan 25, 06. With the VA I am claiming heart problems that I was discharged with in 1966. I will also be claiming as a second claim my depression with anxiety brought on by my heart attack and related heart problems."

    If you told us- forgive me but I already forget---what is the 10% SC for?


    The 10% SC is for my heart. In 1966 I was medically discharged with PAT - Paroxysmal Atrial Tachycardia. I signed some papers and within a couple of months I was getting a check for a small amount, $38 or $44 a month (not sure of the exact amount) After approx 3 or 4 months my payments stopped for reasons unknown at this time. That is the mystery. After calling the 800# they told me I am still in the computer showing SC at 10% for my heart.

    My question to you or anyone else that can answer this:

    Should I send a letter to the VARO now and have them investigate my back payments or should I wait until I get an answer from "Ratings" on my claim. Once I have an answer from Claims should I send for a copy of my C file and then have VARO check on my back payments. I guess my concern is that I don't want to take a chance that someone at the VA might remove any paperwork that would stop me from possibly getting my back payments. Or am I being a little paranoid? The VA wouldn't do that, would they?......................................WELL, WOULD THEY?!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Just kidding, ....I think!! B)

    Thank you,


  11. bm6546,

    When you said;

    "When I got out of the Navy in 1966 I moved around a few times like everyone does. I am sure I did not let the VA know my new address"

    you answered you're own question. If you were receiving a disability compensation check from VA and you moved without telling them, and the checks started to be retured to VA from the Post Office, then VA had to stop the paynments. This doesn't mean that you aren't service-connected anymore, it just means the VA was unable to forward any payments to you for your disability.

    §3.158 Abandoned claims.

    (a) General. Except as provided in §3.652 of this part, where evidence requested in connection with an original claim, a claim for increase or to reopen or for the purpose of determining continued entitlement is not furnished within 1 year after the date of request, the claim will be considered abandoned. After the expiration of 1 year, further action will not be taken unless a new claim is received. Should the right to benefits be finally established, pension, compensation, dependency and indemnity compensation, or monetary allowance under the provisions of 38 U.S.C. chapter 18 based on such evidence shall commence not earlier than the date of filing the new claim. (Authority: 38 U.S.C. 501(a))

    (B) Department of Veterans Affairs examinations. Where the veteran fails without adequate reason to respond to an order to report for Department of Veterans Affairs examination within 1 year from the date of request and payments have been discontinued, the claim for such benefits will be considered abandoned.

    © Disappearance. Where payments of pension, compensation, dependency and indemnity compensation, or monetary allowance under the provisions of 38 U.S.C. chapter 18 have not been made or have been discontinued because a payee’s present whereabouts is unknown, payments will be resumed effective the day following the date of last payment if entitlement is otherwise established, upon receipt of a valid current address.

    [27 FR 11887, Dec. 1, 1962, as amended at 28 FR 13362, Dec. 10, 1963; 52 FR 43063, Nov. 9, 1987; 62 FR 51278, Sept. 30, 1997; 67 FR 49586, July 31, 2002]

    Vike 17

    Vike 17

    I called the 800# and talked to some guy in "Claims" . He said that, yes I am SC at 10% and have been for some time (he couldn't tell for how long but did say it was "a while").

    He wants me to write a letter to my VARO and explain exactly what happened. He said they will investigate and if I have not been receiving my payments and I am still active, I will be getting all my back payments that they owe me for the last 40 years. He said this could take some time while they sort this out.

    He also said that requesting a copy of my c file right now would not be a good idea. He suggested I wait until I hear something from "Ratings". The investigation of my back payments has no impact on my current claim.


  12. Brian- I just saw on another post that you got your SSDI check-

    Is your SSDI for the same disability you are claiming with the VA?

    If so have you sent them a TDIU form yet?

    Berta - My SSDI is for depression and axiety attacks caused from my heart attack on Jan 25, 06. With the VA I am claiming heart problems that I was discharged with in 1966. I will also be claiming as a second claim my depression with anxiety brought on by my heart attack and related heart problems.

    My VSO said when I get an answer from "Ratings" we will also claim "IU". Is that the same as "TDIU"?

    Thanks, Brian

  13. Brian- I just saw on another post that you got your SSDI check-

    Is your SSDI for the same disability you are claiming with the VA?

    If so have you sent them a TDIU form yet?

    Berta - My SSDI is for depression and axiety attacks caused from my heart attack on Jan 25, 06. With the VA I am claiming heart problems that I was discharged with in 1966. I will also be claiming as a second claim my depression with anxiety brought on by my heart attack and related heart problems.

    My VSO said when I get an answer from "Ratings" we will also claim "IU". Is that the same as "TDIU"?

    Thanks, Brian

  14. That is what I have too, but although VA diagnosed it, they can't agree on whether it is a heart problem, which is NOT SC, or a Neurological problem, which might be SC. So the local VA regrads mine as a heart problem, not SC. Don't be surprised if your VARO decides it is neurological, if you are claiming for a heart attack. See the following extract from The Medical Dictionary.

    Tachycardia, paroxysmal atrial (PAT)

    Tachycardia, paroxysmal atrial (PAT): Bouts of rapid, regular heart beating originating in the atrium (upper chamber of the heart). Often due to abnormalities in the AV node "relay station" that lead to rapid firing of electrical impulses from the atrium which bypass the AV node under certain conditions. These conditions include alcohol excess, stress, caffeine, overactive thyroid or excessive thyroid hormone intake, and certain drugs. PAT is an example of an arrhythmia where the abnormality is in the electrical system of the heart, while the heart muscle and valves may be normal.


    Thanks for responding. I just learned this morning that I am already SC with 10% and have been for several years. Nobody told me and I have not been receiving my 10% since 1966 (You answered my post today in Claims) But apparently I have never received any money in over 40 years. I am trying to find out if any of this is retroactive back to when I got out of the Navy. I am also wondering how I can start getting my 10%. Should I just call them and tell them I want to start receiving my money?

    Did you have your PAT when you were in the service and were you discharged because of it? Did you ever get SC for it or are you still fighting them? I received a Medical discharge because of my heart problems. I have been in 7 hospitals since I got out of the Navy and had a heart attack last January that knocked me on my ass. I am having depression and anxiety attacks for the last year. I just received my Award letter from SSDI and received my retro check in the mail today (almost 10 grand) so that makes me and my wife very happy.

    I appreciate your help. Thanks


  15. I would have to agree with Berta, I suspect the $37.00 to $45.00 was the 10% rating back then. I looked back as far as 1987 on the VA website and 10% then was $71.00, so I would suspect that was rates back then.

    Did you move a anytime in the 1960's? If so, did you let VA know. Many veterans fail to notify VA of when they move and all of a sudden payments stop. Then they don't have a clue as to why! Did your receive a rating decision back then. Do you remember filing a claim back then?

    I would request a copy of your C-file and take a look see at what is what.

    Vike 17

    Vike 17

    When I got out of the Navy in 1966 I moved around a few times like everyone does. I am sure I did not let the VA know my new address. In those days I was a young 21 year old healthy male with probably only 1 thing on my mind and I'm sure you can guess what that was.

    I know that just before I was discharged I talked to a young officer that helped me with the paperwork to file for my disabilty. I don't remember getting a rating or even talking to anyone at the VA until 6 months ago when I filed my claim with the VSO. And as I said earlier I did not even find out that I was SC with 10% until this morning.

    Would my c-file show any of this information about my past payments? Should I request my c-file by mail or would it be better to go to the VARO in person and see my file? Will they let me make copies while I'm there?

    Thank you Vike 17 for your help,


  16. "Does anyone know how I can find out how long I have been SC at 10% and what can I do about it? I have not been receiving any money from anybody"

    If I were you I would ask for a complete copy of your c file from the VARO-

    I assume that the few payments you got were fron the VA and were compensation for the 10%-

    The good news is that there seems to definitely be reason for a higher rating SC now-

    (10% right after discharge makes the condition a presumptive one)

    but the bad news is -who got all that money for years on the 10% if you did not get it ?

    The c file to me-would be the best place to look-

    did the military make any lump sum award for compensation-separation pay- when you were discharged and the VA withheld this from your comp?

    Even so- still that must have been a large sum-


    Thanks for responding. Should I call the VARO and ask for a copy of my C file. My current claim is at "Ratings". Will this delay my claim by asking for a copy of my file.

    Apparently the payments were compensation for my disability. I do not know where all that money went. I certainly did not get any of it. I did not get any lump sum award when I left the Navy. Do you think I would be able to receive any or all of this back money that I did not get. And how would I at least go about start getting my 10% from the VA?

    As I said my current claim is at "Ratings". My VSO thinks I should wait a few more months to see what the Ratings people say before I do anything.

    I wanted to call the VA and find out when I was awarded the 10% and when can I start receiving it.

    Thanks, Brian

  17. I have a claim in to the VA for my heart. I am currently in "Ratings" since Jan 1, 07, to see if I am SC for my heart. I just returned from an appointment with my VSO. He called the VARO and they told him that I was already SC at 10% for my heart condition. Nobody at VA has ever told me that I am SC for my heart and I have not received my 10% or any money from the VA or anybody else for over 40 years.

    I received a medical discharge for my heart from the Navy in 1966. At that time I received approximately $37.00 or $45.00 a month (can't remember exact amount- 40 years ago) This was compensation from the Navy or VA for disability. I received this amount for approximately 3 months and then the payments stopped without any notice.

    Does anyone know how I can find out how long I have been SC at 10% and what can I do about it? I have not been receiving any money from anybody.

    Also I am trying to find out how I can get copies of the paper work that shows I was recieving this monthly payment for 3 months back in 1966. I requested info from NPR but they don't have any info on this.

    Any help from anyone would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


  18. Got my "NOTICE OF AWARD" letter today for SSDI. Applied 5 months ago and won on the first try. I am so happy. This is a big relief off my shoulders. They say I will get a check for my retro on Jan 5, 2007.

    My claim with the VA is currently at "Ratings". I have no idea how long it will be there. Should I wait for a decision to see if I get SC for my heart or should I contact my SO and submit my Award letter now.

    Also could anyone tell me when I will get Medicare? Is it 2 years from when I became disabled on Jan 25, 2006 or is it 2 years from my entitlement on July 2006?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thanks, Brian

    PS I am learning so much from hadit.com and I want to thank everyone for all the different topics and all the information that I read every day. YOU GUYS ARE ALL GREAT!!!! Thank you very much

  19. I am hoping that someone can help me find out whether anyone has experienced the heart condition PAT (Paroxysmal Atrial Tachycardia). I was medically discharged from the Navy back in 1966 with PAT and have since had a heart attack associated with PAT. I am trying to get SC from the VA and my claim is presently in Ratings.

    Any information would be appreciated. Thanks, Brian

  20. Brian

    Are you service connected for the heart or the anxiety and depression? That report should be good for IU and SSDI. Usually, it is good for the SSA doctor to say you will be totally disabled for at least one year.

    John, I currently have a claim in for my heart, trying to get SC. I was medically discharged in 1966 with a heart condition. I recently had a heart attack and have depression with anxiety. I have not worked for almost a year. All my doctors have said that I am unable to work. The SS shrink said that I will not be able to work ever again. I am 60 years old and am only a couple years away to SS anyway.

    Thanks again, Brian

  21. I have a question on my Psychiatric Evaluation. The SS sent me to see a psychiatrist for a mental exam approx. 4 weeks ago. They sent a copy to my doctor.

    At the end of his report under "FUNCTIONAL ASSESSMENT & MEDICAL SOURCE STATEMENT" he wrote:

    "At this point he would be too anxious to work in any environment. He would not be able to attend. He would not be productive. He should have psychotherapy related to this and I suspect with time he will desensitize. However, this will be a long-term process".

    Under the SS rules with the main criteria being whether or not a person can work at any job, wouldn't you think that the SS should give me disability, or am I trying to be too logical.

    Thanks in advance for any help.


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