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About Austin0520

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  1. Good Morning! I was wondering if anyone can shed light on a BVA status question. My va.gov status has shown “A judge is reviewing your appeal” for a little over one year. I just noticed under Issues it is showing Closed and Granted for 3 of the 4 issues I had filed the claim for, which is wonderful news. Ebenefits is not showing any changes. Does anyone know what to expect next for the 3 that were granted? Since 3 out of 4 were granted, should I expect the 4th issue was remanded? Thank you again so much for all the experience and knowledge this site offers.
  2. Hello, I am hoping someone can share advice for me regarding my lawyer. I got a VA certified lawyer in 2017 to help me with a CUE and an appeal. I feel like he is too busy and he is not putting any effort into my claim. For example, one of my claims disappeared from ebenefits, and when I emailed him to let him know he told me it was still there and to be patient. Then a month later I emailed him about it again and he realized I was correct that the claim was no longer in the system. He told me he would follow up with them, but never did. He often does not respond to my questions until I have asked a few times. The CUE has been rejected at least two times because the VA is saying he didn't submit a form he was supposed to submit, but he says they don't need the form. So, my questions are 1. Is this pretty standard? I am not sure what to expect, maybe I am expecting more than I should. 2. Should I get a different lawyer? If so, how do I do that? Thanks for reading and I would appreciate any advice anyone has for me.
  3. You are not alone. There has been no movement on my claim, except pushing the date further into the future.
  4. Yes, I opted for RAMP and now my completion date is in 2020. I initially filed a claim in July 2017 and opted into RAMP initially I think in April of 2018. Since then the claim has been given a new submit dates several times and the date of completion extended over and over. Now they're estimating May 2020.
  5. Hello, I know this is a funny question, but has anyone else noticed the abnormally long wait time with the Los Angeles RO? I have not seen any movement on my claim since April. It was estimated to be completed Feb-Apr 2019 and when I called in April to inquire about the status the only thing that changed was my estimated date of completion. They just moved the date ahead a year so estimated completion in 2020 now. Anyone else notice that everything stopped in LA?
  6. Thanks Buck 52, I had never thought to do that....
  7. Hi Buck52, Thank you for the information! This is so helpful. I kind of have a few things going on.... In basic training (1998) I fell off one of the walls in the confidence course and fractured my foot. In 2004 I tranferred from active duty to the Reserves and in my exit physical had no pain or issues (this is what’s haunting me today). From 2006-present I’ve been seen by podiatrist, chiropractors, and several MD’s for pretty bad pain in both feet, hips (bilateral early arthritis diagnosed at 37 years old), and back. The only rating was for the foot I broke, but everything else has been denied because they say it’s not connected to service. Doctors tell me it’s related to my injury, but I couldn’t get anyone to write it on paper until Dr. Bash. So...I just got the awesome letters and filed the NOD. Hoping for a better outcome this time. Then...during the review with Dr Bash, he recognized the reactive hypoglycemia that I was rated 0% in 2004 and denied 10% because the VA said I was not on a restricted diet. I was on a diet that the endocrinologist and dietician described in notes. This is the CUE I’d like to file. Dr Bash also mentioned a possible CUE for my previous hip and back denials. I’m not sure about this one? And finally....I had PRK surgery in 2002 and still have severe dry eyes (they seal shut at night). Also starbursts that make it difficult to drive at night. I was denied because the VA said it was elective and dry eyes are a normal side effect. Dr Bash recommended the 1151 because of “not intended outcome”. I think he thought it would help to get the claim approved. I had so much going on and became extremely overwhelmed. I wish I would have know about this site a long time ago. Everyone on here is so great and it really helps. This experience has made me want to go to school to be a claims officer to help people! Thanks again!
  8. Vetquest, Thank you for the firm and name, I see that he has won several appeals (thanks for the tip Berta!).
  9. Hi Berta, I sure wish you could take my case! Dr Bash did not think I needed a lawyer, but when he started talking CUE and 1151 I didn’t feel comfortable doing it myself. Also, I’ve been dealing with these issues for so long I felt like I was gonna put up one last fight and give it all I had. How did you even find that they hid evidence?? This process is so overwhelming, and with so many road blocks. The VSO’s I’ve had we’re leading me to dead ends too, and giving me horrible advice. I feel like I’m finally finding the path I need to be on.
  10. Hi Berta, No I haven’t. Finding a lawyer was not easy either. I contacted every lawyer referral I could find on Hadit and either didn’t get a response (probably very busy now ) or they are only taking TDIU cases. After contacting dozens only two were left who did VA cases, and neither had reviews. I will look at the link you provided and work a little more. Thank you!
  11. Thanks Berta! I’m so sorry for what you’ve been through. Sounds like it was a long and rough road. Thank you for sharing your experience. Thank you for helping so many people on this site. The process has been over my head so I am slowly teaching myself and now using outside resources for help. I wish I would have found this site 10 years ago!! Dr. Bash also suggested a 1151 for malpractice in one of my claims as well, and two other CUE’s. The lawyer did not agree with those or malpractice, but I’m still waiting for him to fully review everything. It feels quite overwhelming. Thank you again!
  12. Hi Berta, Thank you for the response, you always have great information. Dr Bash recommended I file the CUE for a decision back in 2004. I was diagnosed with reactive hypoglycemia while on active duty. I was rated at 0% with the reason that I was not on a restricted diet. I have notes from the endocrinologist and dietician about the diet I needed to maintain to prevent hypoglycemic episodes (passing out). I’m not sure it’s a CUE, but I’m going to try. I only submitted my package and file to the lawyer a few weeks ago so I think he’s still sorting everything out. He thought I had a good chance, but no guarantees of course. Thank you again!! It feels so nice to have support here.
  13. Hi Berta, Thank you for the response, you always have great information. Dr Bash recommended I file the CUE for a decision back in 2004. I was diagnosed with reactive hypoglycemia while on active duty. I was rated at 0% with the reason that I was not on a restricted diet. I have notes from the endocrinologist and dietician about the diet I needed to maintain to prevent hypoglycemic episodes (passing out). I’m not sure it’s a CUE, but I’m going to try. I only submitted my package and file to the lawyer a few weeks ago so I think he’s still sorting everything out. He thought I had a good chance, but no guarantees of course. Thank you again!! It feels so nice to have support here.
  14. Hi Everyone, Thanks again to everyone for contributing their experience on this site, it has been so helpful in getting through the process! My claim was recently denied (again). This time, for the first time, I appealed and decided to get help from Dr. Bash and a lawyer. I’ve been battling these claims on and off for 5 years and this was my last try...had to make it a good one. My question is what happens next? I just filed the NOD and the lawyer submitted the form requesting a DRO. Does anyone know how long is it taking these days for a response from the DRO? Is this where I wait 3-5 years? Just not sure what to expect from the appeal process. Also, does anyone know how long the CUE process takes? I’m assuming the 3-5 years or longer? Thank you again to everyone for sharing.
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