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About Julie

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  • Military Rank
    Chief Petty Officer

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    Full time Farm

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  1. I'm not sure if this post is still active however,, if it is, I too was diagnosed with ITP in 2008 just before retirement. I served on a carrier during OEF and OIF and no exam or VA physician ever asked me about the link to the Gulf War. I was service connected during treatment which lasted a year with a roller coaster ride of Prednisone and weight, anxiety, no sleep. I also have lung nodules, liver spot, anemia, and arthritis that have been there since then as well. I'm not sure if linking it to the Gulf makes a difference but I'm looking into that now as well. Fill me in if you are still active in this post. Julie Chief Aviation Machinist Mate (AW)
  2. Finally have a partial rating and back in for another C&P because the last exam did not document everything the VA needed. 30% for scaring of the head, face, and neck. It was not long enough to fit into other categories however, 30% is better than I thought they would rate. scarring s/p basal cell carcinoma, right temple with skin graft behind right ear
  3. I cannot remember ever having a hand injury just knuckles popped all the time. I am currently 80% for a combination of many other little things and the only arthritis I have is in my knees that is service connected and lower back sacrococcygeal junction degenerative joint disease , osteoarthritis with patellofemoral syndrome of the right and left knee. I honestly did not have any pain until 3 or 4 years ago and it had gradually gotten worse. I have a hard time gripping anything now. So yes I have been diagnosed with arthritis but not in my hands. Probably a long shot.
  4. I'm not sure if arthritis develops over years or is injury induced. Either way. I used my hands all the time safety wire, hand tools, heavy lifting. It is probably a long shot after being retired.
  5. Hello everyone, I retired in 2008 after 20 years in Aviation mechanics. Two years ago I started having a hard time gripping. Now it just hurts like hell. Has anyone claimed arthritis and been granted service connection years after service? I have nothing in my record for hand injuries. I'm just seeing if it is worth dropping a claim or will I be denied.
  6. Thank you and best of luck to you as well. It gets really confusing when trying to word what you think they need to hear and you know you already have.
  7. Hello everyone, I retired in 2008 with a 0% for Actinic Keratosis/Pre-cancer on my face and denied chest and arms because it was not considered Chronic (20 years flight line/dek maint. San Diego, Hawaii, Lemoore, two carrier deployments). Over the past 10 years I have had 9 visits to civilian dermatologists removing/Freezing areas on face neck and arms. Recently had surgery to my face for Basel Cell Carcinoma with a beautiful round and long stitching to my temple/forehead and into my hairline with a graph behind my ear. At what point is it considered chronic? I never want to experience the 7 hours of MOHS again so I am getting checked every six months or sooner if needed. I'm not sure how they will measure my scar because it is now the size of a shot glass bottom attached to 2 inches of a tail. Behind my ear is the same shot glass size. I will request an increase from 0% but to include chest and arms that were denied. Any suggestions on claim? How do I measure my scars if they are circular/oblong shaped?
  8. Hello everyone, I retired in 2008 with a 0% for Actinic Keratosis/Pre-cancer on my face and denied chest and arms because it was not considered Chronic (20 years flight line/dek maint. San Diego, Hawaii, Lemoore, two carrier deployments). Over the past 10 years I have had 9 visits to civilian dermatologists removing/Freezing areas on face neck and arms. Recently had surgery to my face for Basel Cell Carcinoma with a beautiful round and long stitching to my temple/forehead and into my hairline with a graph behind my ear. At what point is it considered chronic? I never want to experience the 7 hours of MOHS again so I am getting checked every six months or sooner if needed. I'm not sure how they will measure my scar because it is now the size of a shot glass bottom attached to 2 inches of a tail. Behind my ear is the same shot glass size. I will request an increase from 0% but to include chest and arms that were denied. Any suggestions on claim? How do I measure my scars?
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