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Second Class Petty Officers
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Posts posted by RetiredVet

  1. I forgot to renew my meds for the first time in a long time. Four of them we could not re-order because they were the last refill. I take nine meds daily. My wife keeps track of them. She gave me a list of the ones I need refilled, but I forgot to give it to the doc. I see a VA doc every month so they should have also caught this.

    Do I function? Not much. Nine pain meds daily and three meds that interact with each other does not help me function. I had my wife type this so people can read it. I looked at some of my previous posts and I know I do not type well enough for people to understand what I type. At least she types this the way I talk.

    If my wife is not around I never take my meds on time or I just forget to take them. Since I spend 99 percent of my time in the house no one touches my meds. And the bedrooms are off limits. We have a bathroom people can use without going back to the bedrooms.

    You need to watch for the amount of refills you have left. When you get near the last refill let the doc know before you get the last refill if you can remember to do this.

  2. Testvet is right..Buyer gave Howard complete control over the IT department $2 billion budget with zero accountability. I think it was a couple months ago when Shinseki suspended IT projects because they were late and way over budget...gee I wonder why they were over budget, when the hired family members, paid people full time for part time "work" and showed nepotism and favoritism.

    The rest of the VA also does not have accountability either and regularly awards VA employees bonus money while Veterans wait on theirs. I think some people should go to prison for this. The IT department is just the tip of the iceburg, and I certainly hope this scandal leads not to additional promotions and bonuses, for covering it up, but rather to prosecution and jail time.

    There are some bad apples at high level positions at the VA, and they need weeded out for Veterans to make any progress.

    Unfortunately, in the VA, corruption is rewarded with big bonuses and promotions. For example:


    I think the former Cleveland VARO manager used the famous Enron defense:

    He claimed he did not know that the employees were stealing money.

    In private industry, Enron CEO's go to jail, when they steal money in the VA, they get promoted to the Central office.

    So where are all of the vet orgs that are supposed to be helping us and lookign out for us? They should be on all the medai and organizing protests. but the orgs sit back make money off of vets and do nothing. they play politics same as any public servant in D.c. we need to form a group that will actually go after employess in the va and after this kind of stuff inside the va. a group that will use the media for the vets and show abuse inside the va. a groupd that does not cower to the va or the government. every vet org claims they did soemthing whenever congress does something for vets. when they actually did not thing but write a letter or go to a hearing and state an opinon on how they stand. they enevr want to take action directly with protests of going on the medai as much as possible to let peopel knwo how messed up the va and the gov is.

    they seem more organized to collec tmoney and use that for their own betterment of life.

  3. Here is a link to the actual VA pamphlet entitled "Your life, your choices."


    The VA is attempting to trick vets into making decisions that could be used against them when the time for end of life care comes. While assisted suicide is illegal in 49 of 50 states (someone please correct me if another state besides Oregon allows it), a veteran coecered into signing a "living will" can equate to the same thing.

    Again, this is not politics. I could care less either way. I am just providing the requested information.

    they should pul the plug on most va empoyess. it shoudl eb easier to fire federal employess. no doubt thousands of va employeees have had millions of complaints against them and still work for the government. none of the vet orgs help to push to get fedearal employess fired even at the VA. they orgs are a waste fo money. you cannot solve the continued porblems with statements and complaints which all those va orgs do. these orgs know who the problem people at the va are. they deal with those same people year after year trying to help evts get what they deserve. but they never push to get them fired for not doing their job and for not following the laws.

    if the orgs were doign their job we woudl nto have anythign liek this happeneing. but they kiss butt at the va. they use quaota systems liek the government uses. vets have becoem a quota to them.

    time somone staretd a vet org that went after va employess that contiunuesously make errors or do nto follw the law.

    i had a guy at the va send me e-mails with incomplete sentences and words spelled wrong. he has a masters degree, never bene in service and not disabled. this si what we deal with now. just an educated idiot.

    if he is on as many meds as i am then he shoudl nto being doing what he does. i have problems typoing wiht loss of most of my rigth hand and side effects of meds etc. if he is liek em he shoudl be looking for another job.

    we need va orgs to demand legislation so these peopel are drug tested randomly. everyone decidng on a vets fate and making decisions on a vet should be drug tested. the va does nto want it because they would have to fire 50 % or more of their workers. the orgs won't do it becsue they really do nto care. sma eiwht every agency of the federal government. they woudl lose 50% of more of theri employess.

    i have aksed several groups to do this. to campaign for drug testing but they never do it.

    our life our choisces. if we do nto choose to demand our orgs to demand drug testing and easier ways to fire va employyees then we deserve this kidn of treatment.

  4. i'm service connected 30% for a lumbar injury 24 years ago. at that time the navy said it was a herniated disk. new mri images shows much degeneration and a few other things.

    how do i submit a request for increase SC due to the deteriorating condition.

    never trust va. send everything certifiied mails return receipts and itt woulds not hrut to have it notoriezed.

    even then they can lose it osya they lose it.

    we need big protest of all va's on same day aronund the country to get atteentinon brought to this. milllions of disbaled vets and thhe service orgs get nooting done in theeir mettings and letters. vets need to band togtehrt for protestts.

  5. i got call from VA. person says i got 100% annd wife gets chapter 35 benefts. person aslo states got letter fomr lawyer. person said did not replies to lawyer. I recordedd everything. now have recording on tape. person would nto admit i have p&t, but said i get the p& t benefits accordingly to my c-file and i wil nto be scheduled for any further examinsations.

    person said they show lawyer not my powwer of attorney, but old service org i used. still messed up.

    called lawyer after that. laweyer sending anothe rltter to VA. lawyer been power of attorney since back in april or MARCH.

    person would not send me a letetr stating what i was told. but i did record all of it. jst shows hwo the va is disorganized.

    lol i need spell chaekc to chekc my speelcheck. soryy fo rerrors. i have had my pain and psych meds increased in last two months. doc sai dhe can ponly increase one of my pain meds one more time. i think i neeeds to cut one of thme down.

  6. I was reading that there is a bill trying to be passed allowing space a travel for disabled vets. Has anyone heard if this bill was passed or may get passed? Also, are we allowed to use billeting on bases or places like Bellows Beach in Hawaii? Vicky

    why fly unless going overseas? too many peopel fly and missses the great country we have. or in too big a hurry, but say they are never in a hurry.

    lot beteer places to see than hawaii. of all the states hawaii is the biggest tourist trap. but they promote it that way.

  7. Yes, you can file a reopen claim; the issue would be...Whether new and material evidence has been submitted to reopen a claim for service connection for a left ankle, bilateral knee and neck condition to include pain.

    You can get a Dr to state that it is highly likely that your left ankle injury incurred on active duty. The Dr must state that you provided him with the history of the event. If you do not have copies of your military medical records, I would suggest that you contact your nearest VARO and submit a letter to the Freedom of Information Act person at the VA and request copies of your medical records. Take the records to a private dr for review and this should help him link the problems that you are having now to what transpired on active duty.

    A reopen claim is 2 parts; you must submit evidence to reopen and the new evidence must be sufficient to reopen the claim; something that is not already in the records. During this time, the VA cannot review records that are already in your claims folder concerning your ankle, bilateral knees and neck disabilities.

    If the VA considers the new evidence as sufficient, your claim will be reopen and at that time, all the records in your file and be reviewed.

    Also, submitting letters from people who you told of this incident can help. Make sure that they just talk about the symptoms; stay away from diagnosing the condition.

    If the VA continues to deny your claim, request a formal at the BVA and provide testimony to a Board Member regarding the incident on active duty.

    Oh, I can't understand why you were not given an exam when you filed your claim.

    yes new eveidences. i have one rating that was denied out of about 12 and the va says nothign foudn in my record. i have copy of record and reports on this for two years is in my c-file and military records. i never appealed any ratings because they lied to me, as they say now, and said i am not only 100% but also p7t, but they nwo say not p&t just 100%. same condition was documented even by c7p eaxminer and to this day.

    seems to me if they say it was not foudn in your recodr before then it is new and materials also. but if they says that then anyhting you give them would eb new and material.

  8. Well as some here know I a awaiting a decision on my claim and a member I keep in contact with suggested I check on it and have my VSO check in on my claim and see where there at with it...Well I called my SO a week ago and he said he'd get back with me so I called yesterday to see what was going on and this is what he dropped on me... "well since you missed your C&P's there going a head and rate your claim as is, I did know you missed them?.."

    This is where I freaked out on this guy (not his fault) I went to BOTH C&P'S!!!!! they are full of SH*T they are trying to skip my C&P's because they are both fully in my favor like you would not believe this is nothing more than a trick to drag my claim out another 2 years this is plan BS period. They VARO tried to screw me and got screwed and this is there way of "accidentally screwing up my claim." Then in 2 years I'll need more C&P's because mine are out dated. I faxed him (MY VSO) my C&P's to give to them that they suggested I missed and did not show up for..

    This is a fine example yall, if you do not keep up with your claim "YOUR SELF" you can be screwed as easy as that! I was able to obtain a copy of my PHSYC PTSD exam and the only way you can get it is by request only! I requested it over 2 weeks ago and still did not receive it. How ever I was able to obtain a copy 2 weeks ago and now they know I have it after yesterday and I am not suppose to so they tried to pass it off as I did not attend the exam, brother you can not relax you have to ride this sucker to the end and watch the VARO all the way to the end as well. my VSO called me back and the VARO wanted to thank me for the copies of the exams and they are going to rate part of my claim and send the rest back to the DRO officer, what a great bunch and very helpful that Indy VARO..Brother you go to sleep on them you are screwed for sure.. Yog

    We should nto even have DRO's. There si no reason the doctor cannot give the percentage evaluation when they are doen with us. They can have the same paper to use that DRO's are supposed to used for rating percentages and doctors are better, a lot better, qualified to do this.

    We have a lot fo problems wihtt eh service organizatiosn actually doing nothing for us. They get brownine points for helping us, but they don't always help us the way they should. And they certainly have not helped in getting our appeal process easier or having another independent board which we cna have look into discrepancies at the VA's.

    Where do you appeal when the regionla office ignores your NOD even after writing the VAOIG about it and the head of the regional office iginores it also? And the VAOIG turns the investigation over tot he regional office and never even akss for proof. And leaves the investigatino wiht the regional office which still does nothing.

    The service organizations in all these years have not made it any easier for veterans to get their rights under law. And they have not done anything to make it easier to complain about a RO and get results. All vetrans should be abel to have their case heard in court like anyone else can without having to file a NOD which is ignored and then have the RO just ignore the appeal form 9 for nto addressing the NOD and not forward it to the board.

    I field a nod over 3 years go and it was ignored. actually filed 4. 3.5 years later the VAOIG said the RO would appoint someone at the RO to look inot my caes. still nothign doen but they finally admitted they found one of my nods filed 3 years before. never got soc and when sent form 9 never got to board and was just ignored again.

    called dav numerous times and always had to leave a message. dav never returend any messages. sent for copy of vaoig results and it took almost tow months ot get a copy and foudn out a person at dav had told va he would get info form me and pass to vaoig, but he never did anything.

    tried to contact perosn at dav after i foudn this out and no one returned my calls. i record phone calls since it is legal here. i would record them anyway for my records. and it is not illegal anywhere that i know of to record a message you leave on a phone for someone to return a call.

    unless we get togtehrr and protes t the va and get on the news about what is really going on nothign will be doen. mayeb now that so many are beig minstreated by the va it will be easier to get peopel together to protest.

    that is what it will take. single complaints on here or wiht the va do no good. service organizatiosn are not doing any good. i guess they owrry the va will ignore their people also if they say something.

  9. Hello I am SC for a back Injury that has resulted in my present condition of DDD. Here is the lick My back is shot. L5S1 has had the surgery 2-3 years ago now the disc is trash (per MRI ordered by VA) Now I need to know since the VA glossed over the fact when I put in for IU that even though I put the most recent MRI and the One two years ago showing the progression of the disease. How can I find out if my condition should have been rated under another DIagnostic code by the C/P Examiner failed to do once again? Not being a Doctor or a lawyer I tend to ask people I trust. I think in my mind I was low balled but hey it is just my opinon. I do know I hurt all the time have back spasms and sleep is usally during the day after all night up and down. What sucks is the fact I have no quality of life right now to the point that I am considering surgery again for the second time. Any thoughts holler at me off line if you will with your thoughts on back surgery. I can barley bend over at the waist as it starts to hurt like hell and I have to have help to even get dressed. If I do not get someone to put my clothes on before they leave it is flip flops for the day. I am kind of going through some major depresson right now my kids are little and come up to me asking questions like " Why cant you play with me like other parents do" That hurts more than the actual pain but again they expect me to be Dad so it goes with the teritory. Have a good day

    i knows hwo that is. i di dnot get marriede unitl afte ri retired. my daughter is now 11. she undersatnd a lot more now, but for yearrs it hurt a lot. i stil cry whenn thinking of it. i have nnot bene able to even lift my daughter fors years. i can understansd your depressions. va cares abouts nothing about vets. maybe why governments worried about vets nwo. i saw on news. somethingsg abouts vtes being on terrorsits list.

  10. I concur with Berta adding that a decision becomes final after one year. After one year, The Veteran can not appeal it without meeting the required "CUE" standard that the VA should also have to meet.

    If the VA is proposing a rating reduction, then they have to give you due process to protest this rating reduction.

    If I understand what you are saying, the VA has reduced your rating from P&T to NOT P&T without this "due process", that is, they have failed to give you the required sixty days notice. The VA is alleging that your previous P&T is "in error", however, they have to prove Clear Unmistakable Error..just like Veterans do, in the event the Veteran fails to file a NOD of any decision within the applicable one year period.

    In my humble opinion, you should file a NOD and should allege that your rating was improperly reduced

    without the required sixty day notice and due process required for rating reduction.

    IMHO, also, the VA has the burden of proving CUE, that is, that your P&T was "in error". If they can NOT meet the strict "CUE" standard, then my guess is that they will be forced, upon appeal, to restore your rating to P&T.

    I have also had my psyhc and pani meds incrased over the years and recently in april. my va doc todl me this mont hee may increasee them again. wanteds to see hwo i do wiht the increases. psyhc wants to se eme again in june.

    lol hard for va to proves that. got ss about 6 months after va 100%. ss still has me totally disabbled to this day. also va doc wrote letter stating i will never get anny betters. they ignoredd that. va doc did get me a new walker lsat month for my physiacal probs.

    wife got me lawyer and nwo lawyer is doign everything.

    evryoen has been so nice with help..thanks

  11. This is from a post made on another forum. I have an attorney and it seems that my claim with him is following this pattern.

    "To get back to the original question as to whether getting an attorney will speed up the claims process, I will say that in most cases, yes it does. Let me explain.

    Current laws and regulations prohibit an attorney from charging more than a very nominal fee unless the claim for benefits is in appellate status. What this means is that if your claim is granted on the first go round your lawyer has essentially represented you for free. Let's just say that lawyers don't like to represent you for free.

    So what many, if not most, lawyers do is to try to get the matter under appeal. They want the Regional Office to render a decision as quickly as possible so they do everything they can to encourage a quick decision even if all of the evidence is not of record. They don't want your claim granted at this point, they want it denied so they will have something to disagree with which let's them go "on the clock" as they say. Now they can start running a tab on you. That's why many lawyers start trying to waive all of your rights from the beginning in an effort to coax a quick decision out of VA. This is what I meant when I said that a lawyer will often speed up the claims process, but it isn't a speeding up that is to your advantage.

    It's after the lawyer get's a Notice of Disagreement filed that they start dragging out the process. At this point they are essentially running up their bill. They tend to do very little actual work but they do send a litany of form letters to VA appearing to be claiming just about every benefit VA has to offer in all manner of legalese language. Not because they actually think you are entitled to any of this (heck, most don't have any idea one way or the other), but they hope to so bamboozle the non-legal claims processors at VA to the point that somewhere along the way they won't dot an i or cross a t or otherwise commit some due process error. At this point they will more often than not again waive your rights and demand that your claim be sent to BVA without any further action at the Regional Office.

    So why do they do this? Two reasons.

    First, should BVA actually grant your appeal they will get a cut out of your backpay. By this time there is usually a nice little bit of retroactive pay built up. Unfortunately in more cases than not your claim would have been granted anyway even without the lawyer, but this way the lawyer gets to share in your good fortune.

    Second, even if your claim is not granted, if the lawyer has managed to accomplish his earlier goal of getting the Regional Office to miss something or otherwise make some mistake that results in BVA remanding the appeal to correct this mistake, the lawyer can collect a fee directly from the government under the Equal Access to Justice Act. This means that he collects whether you ever do or not. Unfortunately many of these remands by BVA are for shortcomings that were manipulated into happening by the actions of the lawyer.

    In conclusion, until you have exhausted the claims process within VA itself and are ready to appeal a BVA decision to the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claim, you should stay away from lawyers. A much better bet is to find a good VSO who knows the VA claims process and who isn't trying to earn a fee off of you, and let that person help you "

    Any comments?


    I disageees. my lawyer chargede a one time upfrontt fee. i think some peoplee do nto wantts veterans to use lawyers. i thinks the va does nto wnats them. lawyers wont not stand for how vetes are terated if you get a good lawery. lawyerss can only gte involvevd at a certian point in the procesess. talk to one and see what theys say. do not wait tooo longs.

  12. thanks Pete I never noticed it lol

    We, the veteran's, family member's, relative's and any others that want to protest on our behalf need to arrange protests at all VA regional office's or as many as we can get. We all need to protest the Veteran's Benefit's Administration who do everything they can to keep veteran's from getting what they should get including adequate medical care. Yes they also oversee what we get in medical care.

    Veteran organization's are getting nowhere with giving speeches at senate or house hearings.

    We need a lot more action instead of speeches. A million veteran march on the VA's headquarters in D.C. would be great. Then continuous protests at VA regional offices.

    24.5 million veteran's or more are affected. We should be able to get at least one million. Have too many veteran's become cowards under the VA? Too afraid to speak out, yet were willing to die for that right?

    The U.S. Census Bureau offers the following facts about U.S. veterans in 2005:

    24.5 million The number of military veterans in the United States. 1.7 million The number of veterans who are women.

    Why are veteran's afraid of the government that sent them in harms way, why are they afraid of the VA, why are they afraid to stand up for their rights now? Fight for the person that died beside you or lost a limb or just served with you. Fight for yourself. Protest for what is right.

    Tell the veteran organizations you want organized marches. If they do not want this then do not belong to that organization. They all make millions off of veteran's while the vet suffers. These organization's are playing their own political game with veteran's lives and their families lives.

    It is time for veteran's to take their own stand. Had to have my wife type this for me.

  13. I feel you definitly a vet rep with an office in or near the VARO to fight this-

    maybe I am getting this wrong- the VA awarded you 100% P & T- and then they said they made an error on the P & T?

    And they told you by Fax?

    "The VA gave no reason for doing what they did or said anything about how I can appeal. No other notice given and only after I sent them a copy of the P&T paperwork they stated that it was an error. It seems they also did not think I still had mine."

    If I were you I would formally NOD whatever they sent to you and then try to get a lawyer- unless you can get a rep who will fight this one to one with them.

    In the NOD tell them exactly why they are wrong.

    yes berta. in a fax said error in p&T. nohting else. did sya because i am not now p&T i will have review in june. no daet or antyhing. i used to be 100% P&T unitl now they say. so i hope laywer is good.

  14. What kind of discharge did you receive? Did your receive treatment after you sucide attempt? You need to get a copy of your medical records as well as your 201 file. With PTSD you must have a verifiable stressor. Have your doctor review your record as you may need a dual diagnosis.

    i do nto think i woudl eb here if that happened to my wife. my syshcs knwo i would get rid of anynone that messed with my wife or daugther eveen before i married. i takl bettter than i type. sorry.

    i do not worryy about my life just theiers. ifigure i haev four may be 5 or 6 left in years. i took out a lot of insuracen for them over thee years and keotp mililitary insurance also. what is it vgli.

    sorrry you had that happened. i woo dhave bene on your side. i think was a west point moviee on that kinds of stuff. wish my wife wsa heree to type for me.

    too bad mil does nto shoot peolpe anymore.

  15. And for anyone who's following along......my rep called me back and said "it's probably just a mistake, don't worry about it".

    Just about what I expected from him...........

    ye sure. dav got me 100% p&t yersa ago and have nto returnde calls sinec last summer. they got there brownie nose points and thne lfet.

    worrrry. one lien the va told me in a 3 paged reporte si in error so p&t they nwo say is in error.

    seeemmse repes are too close to the va. people..may be drinking buddise

  16. I had a neuropsychology exam/test June of 2008, the person giving the test is a Psychologist with a Phd. She opinioned that, rather than a regular personality disoder I was saddled with by a C&P examiner in 1973, that I had a post organic personality disordered as a result of the head injury while I was in the service, just shortly before my medical discharge.

    Now she didn't say it was a diagnosis but when I went to see a neurologist for a TBI screening test, he took her opinion to mean that I was diagnosed by her as having a post traumatic organic personality disorder due to my remote head injury. He also listed the headaches I have been having as post traumatic headaches, mixed myogenic-vascular

    My AMVET SO likes what she sees in these reports, but I feel I should try and get the psychologist to clarify her opinion or whether her opinion as a psychologist Phd. is the same as a diagnosis for a medical Dr.????

    I want to make sure I cross every T and dot every I before I file this claim for a TBI that caused my so called personality and that the C&P Dr got it wrong to begin with.

    I have other evidence that shows my medical and personal history prior to my head injuey, some of it, the most important aspect, I feel would have made a difference back then, were not considered back then and my Dr's agree, I had no signs or symptoms of a personality disorder prior to my head injury, and that the personality disorder only became noticeable afterwards.

    Any thoughts and or opinions or sudjestions is greatly appreciated.

    Rockhound Rider :) :)

    maybe they thoguht you weer trying for ptsd. they seeme to want to give out any diags otehr than ptsd.

  17. I think you received a letter that is gping to involve a "review" of your 100% P & T status? a C & P is set for June?

    Having been declared incompetent as I understand this and with all the other info you posted here- the VA (unless you can nip this in the bud right away) will review your disability but they would need very strong proof of substantial improvement in your condition or a finding of fraud to ever actually reduce your compensation.Obviously you present a P & T status -

    You would think they would have better things to do then pull this crap but the VA can order a review of a disability any time they want.

    There is plenty of information here to combat this review-the part about the increased meds for example-if your lawyer gets on this right away-or even by writing to them yourself (and having the wife write a statement too)- you might get them to drop the idea of the review.

    You are 100% SC for something-dont recall what your disablity is-

    If I were you when you write to them (and make sure you do get to that C & P unless they resolve this by June)

    Ask them for more money too!!!!!-

    It seems to me that you should be getting Housebound or A & A award- not sure-

    but if you read the regs for these awards (SMC "S" 38 USC 1114) your evidence and even your docs might agree that they should grant you the S award.

    When the VA f---s with us it can sometimes give us the opportunity to ,via their "review" idea , get an even higher award. ;)

    i don know anymore berta. i have not received any lettre abotu the review. just the one fax statin they say one line is in erro rof a 3 page reprot on P&T. in that fax nto even signed they say i will have a review in junebut not when or anything. not date.

    even todya they do not say when. my va doctor has increased my meds and my va psych also. also got a smaller wlaker from va doc. va nurses wante me to get smaller walker for a logn time. one they gave me before i hda to have my wife help me get it out. it was for someon weithing up to 400 pounds.

    i also have high blood pressure and it is always higher when i have to move aroudn. proven by va doc. seems to increase with pain. gets near normla when i can sit or and notmal when lie down a while.

    my c-fiel i have is about 8 inches thick. maybe va lost it but i have a copy and requested another copy. lot of stuff form military. 4 years in a pain clinic, pain mananagement, opain support group etc. even sent to a back shcool to learn to lift withotu pain.

    spinal shots, tens, upperand lower back shots, lung punctured with a shot and deflated lung at time. pain and depressant meds at time while in service. pulled frmo duty because of it for 4 years.

    given choice or retiring or put out on medical so i retired. pain and depression since military and no ne caught it except ss and local sychs.

    all i want is the p&t back for my wife an daughter. you know the c&P docs stated i had major depression (clinical). rater gave me 20 % for depression. two c7p docs said major depression with gaf of 51 and 47. i never appealed because i got p&t. i never appealed the numerous 0 percent ratings (5 or 6) dnot sure,, because of p&t. mayeb rated depression lwo because i ahd a lot of physicla problems.

    sinec va says they mad eerror maybe i cna appeal all of it they continue with the c&p. then get more than 190% if i get somethign for the 0 percents. 90 percent was for physicla problems.

    i would liekt to go on tv or soemthign but i do nto think i woudl be good on it because of my conditions. but maybe one day i can get peopel to help protest the va benefits section of my ro.. and protest at the administrators house and all their houses so peoepl living near then knwo and their children know hwo they really are. yea kid your dad did this to me and others so they knwo how our children feel. so when their kids go to shcool other kids siwll aks why does your daaddy treat vetrrans liek this.

    my wife worries baout me. i now have four or 5 life insurance policies including the one form service. i made a will otu recently also. i have gotten os mad over this. it is not agame to me. i hold them all accoutnabel at the va ro, but mainly the top bosses liek with aig or gm.

    i think if they play their games vets can also. i feel i have nothing to lose after my wife and daughter lost their benefits. they took my daughters college form her because they got mad form being corrected and because they are educated idiots that follow what a memo tells them instead of what is right and leagl.

    cowards that go home every nght and their family think they di a good job, but they actually were too scared to do what is right whne they knew it was right.

    cowards too afriad to face the veteran outside the va. face to face.

    time vets knocked on their dorrs and faced them like men. lete the family knwo and the neighborhood.

  18. Well, the RO pulled another trick AAAAGAIN. I have know idea what its for but the RO has requested another C&P and I can only speculate at this time but I guess that my current diagnosis from 4 doc's of PTSD is not enough if this is what its for. I have my VA treating VA doc that provides my med says its PTSD and I did not know this till my SSD Hearing and I heard his gaf scores and I was shocked that they were down the line of 41, 42, 38, 40, 39 and I have other diagnosis from a VA appointed Psychologist/Counselor gaf of 41 and severe PTSD and the SSD examining Forensic Psychologist different then the GAF but PTSD and the severity was disabling. At the time of my hearing all my evidence was current and it has taken the Indy VARO 4 months to recommend me to a C&P this Wednesday! I say its for a C&P for PTSD because we had a pretty good heated discussion when he wanted to send me to one with all the current medical VA and Private but I said I would do it..

    So as it goes now I was denied on a flimsy denial he apologized at the hearing for there mix up (screw up) because they had missed critical evidence and had gotten confused (they didn't read it was the problem and flat out denied every claim) and partly edited out parts of the hearing. I have not received any date of the C&P as of yet and I know there are worse out there but I now have 1 1/2 tied up in my initial claim and another 1 1/2 since my NOD and since my hearing I have wait for months just to be set up for a C&P so now its about a month for the C&P and another month minimum if I'm lucky for a decision. So if I'm lucky I am looking at another 3 months re-god-damn disgusted I can not even began to tell you all how pissed off this makes me they have no reason to do this they are only doing this because they can. Yog

    the may have bene on drugs or alcolhol at the time.

    i the way i look at it i have nothing to lose now. wow no missstakes in thta. i hnow have 4 insurance policies for my wife and daughter. ketp th eoen from service also. made a will otu to my wife. i do nto woryr about those idiots that want to play games anymore. i figure i have 3-4 years left. should people like me worry abotu tit or shoudl they worry about it?

  19. Yeah I know but my god what I have been through, from right out fraud, to trying to ignore medical evidence to pin a personality disorder on me, that’s if it hadn't been for the folks to who saw the fraud they call errors I'd have no claim at all. I'd be the guy with the tools we have today saying I been fighting this thing for 20 years if they hadn't had screwed my Mental health C&P (non -PTSD-EXAM) to discount PTSD and mention I had a Borderline Personality Disorder about 25 times and I had dreams of combat it looks like PTSD but I had no re-experiencing and went on to say but it’s a "Borderline Personality Disorder" and the folks here caught the C&P examiner lying not just a little the whole thing was screw job and they picked it a part. Stretch there was nothing left it was soooooo bad. When I go to the DRO hearing I was scared to death about what they tried to do and RO Officer didn't even want to talk about it and I brought it up any way “hard” and made him listen to it. I prepare hard he was going to listen and he just said your stressor good man just stop, please stop I'm granting your stressor..But I wanted it on tape and for him to see that I see what you tried and it was low down dirty, I get the transcripts and it was a chop job it was edited out as inaudible.

    Stretch what I have over come in the last 3 years has killed thousands of claims, you wouldn’t believe the stuff the Indy office has pulled on me and there those here that can attest to it. I saw my c-file marriage certificate in if c-file with my own eyes from where I sent it in 2001 date stamped and all, the VARO said they didn’t have it. I was going over my c-file with a VASO about my other claims and I saw it and when I saw it I said hey man what the F**K you guy just sent me a bill for $5,000+ for not being married for the last few years and there it is and this guy takes off in a panic Ooh, oH , man I have to get this back over there because I’m not allowed to have this I need to get this back across the Hall. 6 months later I get my c-file and it’s gone. JBasser got me out of the thousands they said I owed them but buddy they are insane and was going to make me pay every penny fixing to cut off my 40% that the 4 of us were living on at the time, Indy RO are not afraid to try anything or any RO for that matter they have just gotten more creative at it, if they are not out right shredding evidence we had found VA correspondences where they didn't even look for a stressor they just wanted that BPD and the whole claim would have been crap. Hell they didn't even have my c-file and had the 1st denial already written up.....Yog

    record it. i have every conversation i have had on the phone wiht the va recorede. i record it onto a tape form the phone.

    record your cdocs. record record. you cna get some very smal recorderes.

  20. Found out today like to went crazy over the weekend wondering ,my SO called today I don't have 1 C&P but 2. One for the PTSD and the other is for the legs they haven't been scheduled yet but he want then having new medical evidence doesn't matter. Shane I think you were right on he/they just want them for rating purposes. I figure it will be August or September and I have accepted the fact that the wheels turn very slow along with the bull they pull, but they turn. He could have rated what he had left but he (HE RO) saqy fit to get another leg exam so he decided to hold off on all of it till he got it all back..Yog

    Have to watch the VA. They pass memo's aroudn liek the one in San Antonio that made all the news telling docs nto to rate peopel for PTSD.

    This Jim Stictland guy just had soemthign on his web page about veterans that go to an local clinnic in stead of the VA. they all have the right to see othe rsychs. he does not mention how the va can manipulate docs and sychs with memos.


    Go to any othe sychs you cna afford to see. too many va sychs are in the "system" now and even go by waht the rater said and nto what the c&p sychs put down. I had to show my VA sych the c&p reports before they woudl change the way they treated me. they went with a raters opinion at first for years. after reading the c&p sych reports they wondered hwo anyone coudl be so studpi rating a veteran. jutst lucky they nwo make their own decissions on my meds. they could care less what the people at the va benefits part say. but they only see me 2 and sometimes 3 times a year. local syshcs see em every month or more.

    doctors should eb doign the ratings.

    now after years of seeing local psychs including ss sychs the VA rater i had is even shown as being even dumber or a kiss a**. va sychs at c&p made wrong diagnosis also. i am worse than what they said accroding to many other sychs.

    two c&p syshcs clearly stated major depression with gaf's of 51 and 47 during the second eval. yep told them abotu my suicidal thoguhts and more. told them i woudl probably take someoen out that pised em off before i committed suicide. rater gave me 20%...did nto agrue because dav got me 100% p&t. had i know they woudl later say they made an error in one line of 3 page p&T i would have appealed it all then. but accordign to ss i should nto be handling my own affiars anyway. c&p sychs did nto see this problem and the rater did nto see anything. meyabe rater was hung over or coming down from drugs at the time.

    that si why i think they shoud all be randomly tested for drugs and alcohol. otheriwse hwo do you knwo the mental condition fo the rater when the person rtaes you? if someone is rating us we should knwo the person is not doign drugs or alcohol and they are not being influneced by others at the va.

    my va doc and va sych have both increased my meds over the years. i figure i shousld get 100% for sych now and with the rest added at least 190%. but since some of the reat (pshyical) got worse may even more. even got a new smaller walker sicne i could nto use the big one they had gotten me years ago. it was made for someone weighing 400 pounds. my swife ahd to take it out for me to use it. even my va nurses thought it was stupid for thme to get me a big walker liek that wiht my pyhsical problems.

    and sinc ethe va says they mad ean error in one line of my p&T i shoudl be abel to appeal what they did not give me before and only rated at 0 percent.

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