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Posts posted by retiredat44

  1. Once I win al my claim stuff I wil glady tell everyone how I won, and what I found was good, bad, the mistakes I made, any right moves, and more,, but I am unable to say what works until I win, and I know I will win my claims.

    One thing I think, is that it's not good to move your claim around more than 1x, because then you just spend all that time moving around and having to tell your story over, and over, and over..

    I had no choice but to move my claim form one American Legion office to another when my vso was transferred leaving my case flapping in the wind while they reshuffled staff..

    but I kept it within the American Legion,,

    15 years ago my first case I won 50% on the first time around, with 'Purple Hearts disabled vets organization' and no appeal was needed, but I screwed up and never filed an appeal on what issues that were denied, a few more issues.. I settled for 50%, but being so sick I could not handle the fight..

    I am saying moving a case from organization, to organization might or might not be good.. depends on advice form the most experienced and knowledgable people..

    I did try to talk to a lawyer while the American Legion is handling my case, but they refused to talk in person, admy case is too complicated to do it over the phone or by mail.. so it dpends on complexity.... so I kept the American Legion, while they may not cuddle me, they do make time for me, not always, but often they let me walk in, they went through boxes of records with me.. they handled my DRO hearing, I just cannot pass judgement until my case gets through the appeals.. I don't blame them for it have to get this far without being approved and winning,, the main cause of the flux-up was when I had to move it from another office of the American legion when they changed staff and the office came to a halt as they stopped seeing people for several months, this all happened about 1.5 years ago when I was first starting some NOD's and appeals when the first denials started, and the first VSO officer, was highly recommned but, he worded my paperwork wrong,.. I was way too sick to do anything right,, too drugged out and had just got done doing a long stretch in hospital fighting for my life and in great shock..

    I will always be in great shock from unimagniable hell..

    while they saved my life, I will never be cured and I am dying, they told me that because of the condition of the pancreas, they are uanble to fix it, move it, transplant, and that I wil just continue to get sicker, they just don't know when I will have to come back..

    I relay on others to tell me when I am screwing up because my mind was very damaged from al the bad health problems and being screwed around...

    the VA hopital was always great and was great to me, but all the legal B.S. the VA has pulled, on my trying to get rid of me left me a mess and will never recover even when I finally win....

    I have been told I should right a book about my experiences with my health issues and what happened, I feel the VA would have me shot if what I had to say was put into a book.. I have been told to not speak about some experiences because it might upset some people...

    I hope I can pass on my experiences on what to do after I win all, until then what i have learned will not help much, as people want experience info from winners..

    So, listen to the good people here who have won, and contune to win..

    One more thing, even though the Local VA and DRO has not helped move my claim forward sinc emy DRO hearing, at least i was abler to straighten up the claim and give my story, and I don't think they read the files and records and when I had my hearing it forced the VA office to actually see and hear my case, had it gone to the BVA without the DRO hearing, the BVA would have returned it for it being totally screwed up by the incompetence at the VA regional...

    now it's possible I won at least half before the rest go to the BVA. In MY case having a DRO hearing was the right move,,, I made them do the right thing... I forced them to do the right thing and look at the evidence.... hear it, see it, listen to it, and evaluate it..


  2. I don't have any teeth, they had to be removed, or what was left of pieces of chards of enamel , when my teeth leted and cut my mouth into bloody flesh,, and had to have the remains all removed at one time.. since the va refused emergency surgery (intestinal disease runied my teeth ) a dental school took out all the rest in one horrible operation.. That was about 10 years ago.. if/when I get the full 100% P&T I might consider implants, but I probably am at too great of rish from complications due to severe pancreas disease, and any infection, any operation might kill me,, my false teeth do not fit but maybe they false teeth could be refinished to fit my mouth..

    or, since I am so sick I might just never have teeth ever again..

  3. Yes, the local regional office is holding claims back while they jerk around...

    so they don't make it to the BVA to get docket numbers.

    In my case after my DRO hearing in 2010, they still haven't given a decsion on 3 out of 6 issues..

    it appears, they could have just sent the denied claims on to the BVA ...

    and those that they wanted to probe further or approve keep those local until they are finsished one way or the other, instead, they keep all the claims, in a file cabinet..

    so, they do not even get the chance of getting a docket number, if they refuse to forward them..

    My VSO told me, they still owe me several decisons from the DRO hearing in 2010, but i already knew that..

    (my claims actual dates ( of being sent with a form 9, for appeal were actually in 2009, but I took a chance with a local DRO hearing in 2010, even after the form 9's, were sent in..)

    but, yes, they get stopped at the local VA regional, and justs it in a file cabinet, and there is nothing a vet can do, but wait until they ship it to the BVA...

    If they think they are going to do more local work, but it just sits and collects dust, why don't they let the vet know?

    supposedly, in the coming week, hopefully, I will get the IRIS inquiry info on where everything is in mine...

    in your case, you said (held at the) DAV, which is your VSO ? And your VSO, the DVA has not finished sending them to the Local regional office?

    sounds weird, is the terminology different or wrong? Or did you mean it is being held at the regional VA claims office?

    Ok, I just got off the phone with the DAV. Supposedly they are backlogged.. First I called the BVA, who told me they are working on 2010 cases. They informed me that my appeal is being held up at the DAV. That as soon as the DAV would send it to them(BVA) they would work it and give it a docket number. She, the (BVA) gave me the number to DAV to find out where it was as far getting it to them. I called the number and talked to a lady that told me that they wouldn't get to my appeal and work it until around October 2012. Claim opened 25 june 2008. ...............

  4. the hp Pavillions, just a couple years ago, had big problems with the nvidia chips, and they had a recall, but not al owners wer enotified... there is no fix, the chips were bad,,,,, I know, my daughter ended up with a bad one we had bought her for school, we were left with a pos that is worthless.. and hp left those they didn't contact out in the cold with a worthless computer..

    I would be very careful and have a good warranty...


  5. Oh my freaking %%## I am not sure how your situation is, I would have to read up and see what your claims are,, and how you ar doing, but I would think anyone no matter what would be driven insane by now... and for those that are already close to insane , through no fault of their own,, probably would have to restrain teir instincts to kick somone's ass..

    it's so damned sad there is no accountability at the VA.. I haven't seen any..

    I think you alos may have a case for congress, amybe we can bundel together the evidence they are incompetents, and have aocgressional hearing on the crazy nuts running the system...

    the are either crazy, stupid, evil, or al the above to keep doing these things to people that deserve better, legally, morally, etc...

    I hope you are ina better possition than me and can think clearly, eat, have a coupe dollars and have family support and get whatever medical help you may need..

    What is driving me mad al the time is the constant sickness and pain,,, mailaise, and then being screwed at both ends,,,

    I filed a claim on 07-08-2008. I received an unacceptable decision on 02-19-2009. The VARO claims it received my NOD and request for a "Formal DRO Hearing" on 04-14-2009...

    On May 4th,2011, I was advised by my VSO that a DRO Formal Hearing was scheduled for later that month, however the VARO sent my "Notice to Appear" to the wrong address. So The VA DRO cancelled the hearing and had to reschedule the Hearing due to the VA's "failure to notify". I was told that a new date would be set and I and my Rep would be notified of the new DRO formal hearing. So, I waited and waited...

    Then on Jan 11,2012, I received a big legal size brown envelope, with over 30 pages, including a SOC. There it stated that an "Informal Conference" was held on 05-24-2011 (bogus-never happened) ...So, I never received my "DRO Formal Hearing" , and there was never an "Informal Conference" in May of 2011.... Unbelievable... Well, I filed a VA form 9 & BVA hearing request on Jan 17th, 2012.

    Once again, It looks like I fell through the proverbial cracks at the VARO... I must say it looks pretty dank and dusty down here.LOL.

    Long story, short ... I waisted almost 3+ years waiting for a DRO Hearing that never happened... Next stop is to climb out of the cracks & shredded paper, and move on down the yellow brick road, to the BVA.


    Cmdr. Bob

  6. retired,

    OK - you are currently only SC'd for Headaches and they are evaluated

    at 50 percent.

    What Diagnostic Code (DC) is this rated under ? Is it DC 8100 - Migraines.


    I will look soon... like I said, I am so damned depressed everytime I mess with the papers..

    I just got back from driving 90 miles round trip to the VA office, and also left a copy of the paperwork with my VSO, she took an interest and looked up to see what was going on with my claim, and I of course delivered everyone at the va, the copy of my 'Hardship Request' and they timestamped it at the desk. of course the time going there, being there, is never pleasant,

    it's huge PIA...

    ...story of bad time just trying to park and get through security-(they are really a nasty bunch) is enough to push sane people to go insane...) there was a guy in front of me cussing at the security for being pushed over the edge,, and I don't blame him,... I tell you San Diego, Mission Valley R egional VA security is horrific in people skills.. plus there is no parking after 8 am, there are hundreds more cars than parking spaces.. and the next closest parking is quite a walk...

    of course no one wants to hear me groan and gripe,, so just saying, thank you very much, as I tried getting this done last year and it appears no one else would do it, my VSO didn't after I begged her many times... last year, so I finally got it done.. (she seems nice, knowledgable, but I am left with a lot of doubt about these service organizations, almost going to rant and say we get what we pay for).

    My VSO said she will read my letter later... she has thousands of appeals in cabinet surrounding here, she said the appeals in the cabinets next to her go back to 2005.

    so, while I get pissed for her not doing enough,,, I have to hold back and think, hey, she is probably doing her best...

    my original VSO (near my home) left for some new job in the organization, and left me and probably others with no represenative a couple years ago, so I ended up moving my claim 50 miles South of me, to the American Legion office in San Diego... so going there sucks...

  7. retired,

    What are the conditions you are SC'd for and the percentage for each?

    I don't undertstand,

    I can only tell you I am currently rated at 50% for headaches from chemicals from working with petroleum chemicals and fuels.I was rated in 1997. The other parts of my claim for intestinal disease were denied, but I didn't appeal, because I was stupid and thought they had read all my evidence, and I was very sick, and cannot think when sick, and still can't..

  8. Tomorrow I am had delivering a form:

    VA FORM 21-4138, AUG 2011


    to the regional VA claims office, and a copy to my VSO..

    it says (my words):

    I was unsure when to file for more claims even though I spent all those years, 20 years going to doctors, begging for help, scraping money for insurance, losing employment because of the inability to preform work while too sick and losing jobs. Working in sever agony from leg pain, disc, back disease, neurological disease, tremors, shaking, and intestinal disease weakness, weight loss, severe Diarrhea. I lost the ability to pay for health insurance. Was denied SSDI, Social Security disability, insurance payments.

    The doctors were unable to find the cause of so much illness. The intestinal disease even destroyed my teeth which melted in to chards of sharp enamel, which cut through my flesh and bloody mouth, with pieces of teeth coming out day and night.

    I was unable to function in my family nor care for my daughter or attend any functions, I lay in bed sick. I tried to work until 1995, and cried and screamed and crawled every day until I gave in and lay there with no income curled up either on a bed or on the floor as the years passed. I had lost Kaiser Insurance in the early 1993 shortly after another operation, I had more than one.

    After the five inch cyst was found (with a cat scan) after years of begging for help with a huge object in my body, under my right rib, by my stomach, they had found I was suffering from pancreas disease, Intestinal disease, and more.

    After 2008, was more than 3/4 of the way and much therapy to learn to eat, walk, and go out, I went to get help with my new Veterans disability claim. The Different organizations were all booked up and told me I could not see anyone for many, many month. My case is very complicated, and needed to see them in person.

    To make these matter much much, worse, I have a very hard time thinking clearly as I am and was taking huge amounts of narcotics to keep me a live and kill pain, and I am a real mess.

    I had been sent to see phsycologists over the many years to cope with illness and was sent often. I volunteered a few times myself to cope with the nightmare.

    I found an opening to start a new claim, but with so many issues, and claims that were denied 15years prior, I hoped they could give me the help with my claim I needed badly to get through this nightmare of the claims process. I have so far beaten the odds and lived through times when the doctors for for my life, and I went through hell, no one should ever endure, and still do. Every day of my life I wake up in hell, and wonder if it's the day I go back or die. There is no cure, they cannot help, they said they don't know when I will get sick again. The complications were so bad they were unable to consider transplant.

    I am just laying around waiting to die, and need the claim to go through for my family, before I die. The claim is going nowhere. I just wait, and wait, and wait, and no one helps much at all. No one gives answers. I am applying for a hardship claim to speed up my claim.

    Thank you,

  9. File the hardship, Retired. It is covering all the bases. Call your senator and explain your health. BEAT ON EVERY DOOR....

    I am confused, I am told there is no hardship form, but then I get told to file hardship... my vso just is not communicating... is there a form or not?

    the website (vetsfirst) gave me the response I posted, and they said there is no official hardship policy (or apparently form). Must I just type a letter 'To whom it may concern' ???


    btw, at the DRO hearing I let the DRO guy know I am dying form the disease, and there is no cure.. they know damned well what I have, and the suffering I go through...

    if there is no form, which apparently there isn't.. I need more guidance, as I don't want to go into their office asking for forms that don't exist, and they are bastards as far has helping disabled vets at the counter.. nastier than the dmv, post office and the scumbags who got me sick in the first place. mY frustration is exploding when I open the boxes of records I cannot open them anymore, it's killing me when I go into my records, it unbearable..

    maybe i will go my congressmans office and ask them to help me file hardship? the VSO form the American Legion sure isn't helping..

  10. All issues that have been denied already have a form 9.. they had a form 9 as soon as possibly after denials and nod's...

    I would have to read the exact dates, but any time I had a denial I had forms filled out and sent in or delivered immediately upon notice of denial,

    so: Claim- denial-NOD, denial-Form 9, DRO hearing, continued with re-stements of Form 9's.).

    I have no clue what they are doing with the 3 issues that were not address with an SOC,,

    No SOC (3 issues) given after DRO hearing:

    1)Pancreas-Intestinal disease

    2)Distal Neuropathy-nerve damage

    3)Edema/Eczema (swelling of the limbs and skin issues)


    One denied issued (left knee): which I went to a c&p exam for in January 2012.

    the 3 issues that had the soc given were (says remain denied):

    1)neuro disease (myotonic dystrophy)-Denied

    2)Left Knee-Denied



    The answer you received is absolutely correct.

    I continue to suggest an in person visit to your RO.

    Your DRO Hearing in 2010 resulted in a Jan 2011 SOC.

    The SOC addressed 3 issues and did not address 3 other issues.

    Did you disagree with the 3 issues that were addressed?

    What is the current status of the 3 issues that were not addressed?

    You filed a Form 9 - appeal to the BVA in 2010.

    When did you submit the Form 9 and what issues are under appeal

    on your Form 9?

  11. I left a message on the website vetsfirst , and this is the response I got:


    ## Reply ABOVE THIS LINE to add a note to this request ##

    Request Update View the complete request history

    Mr. xxxxxxx,

    Technically there is no such thing as a terminal illness or hardship claim or any other shortcut for initial and reopened claims at the VA regional office. Despite widespread misinformation, there is little, if anything, that a veteran can do to "speed up" his or her initial or reopened claim at the regional office level. This does not mean that some VA employees will not take such circumstances into consideration if they know the claimant's situation. But because severe financial circumstances, a terminal illness, or other hardships do not qualify a claimant for any special treatment, a claimant cannot demand such treatment. The only exception is for the claims of veterans that are on the verge of becoming homeless. In such cases, the Secretary has directed expedited treatment of claims. Even this action is not a legal requirement, only an internal priority within the VA.

    The Board of Veterans' Appeals does allow for an "advancement on the docket" of appeals from claimants that are "seriously ill" or "under severe financial hardship." The Board will also consider motions from veterans over 75 years of age. Whatever the reason, veterans seeking to advance on the Board's docket need to be very specific about why they should be able to do so and submit supporting evidence (such as a doctor's statement or foreclosure notice) because many veterans are ill or are in financial difficulty and everyone cannot be given priority by the Board.

    Although your regional office is not required to expedite your claim I would suggest your service officer, or you, inform the VA of your current health condition along with medical evidence. There is no guarantee it will work but it is worth a try.

    David L. Houppert, Esq.

    National Service Director

    VetsFirst/United Spinal Association

    1660 L Street, N.W., Suite 504

    Washington,D.C. 20036


  12. I have the IRIS InQUIRY in motion which is supposed to give me answers by next week... on the state of my appeals and locations.. I am going to get workon gon th e Harship paperwok myself, even though I already had asked my vso to do that a long time ago, I will get it going by sometime next week. I think I had better do thinks a little at a time, like let a week go by so I don't stack things on top of each other... it might make things worse if I just make a lot of requests al at the same time,, but as you guys belive so do it, it's time to start moving things along.... Unless you guys think I should just do all of these things immediately... instead of one by one...

    IN other words, should I wait for the IRIS Inquiry answers before the Hardship request, or just do the hardship asap?,, and the writ stuff... is it really time for that of where does that fit in,, also, how do I let the vso know that I tried to get them to do things but they did not get them done so I have to start them on my own...


    Thank you,



  13. well, after I get the information that the Iris inquiry gives (I should have answers inthe next 2 weeks..), my next choices are:

    1) congressman (see if they can bump this along...).

    2) writ (never used this before.. so not sure..)


    I feel that it depends what the Iris Inquiry results are..

    I will then 'try' to ask my VSO (at the American Legion) what she thinks, but I worry she will not be as repsonsive as I fear, I just feel she doesn't see/feel urgency in these matters...

    But, I still need to not go around her..

    I feel I only get one crack at these options, and don't want to make a stupid mistake.. I have made to many already by trusting many people...

    (I mean the people in the process at the VA...).

    Thank you,


  14. I have been looking up answers to see how long for decisions after DRO hearings, and so far for me it's been almost 1.5 years since my DRO and no answer yet for 3 out of 6 issues..

    6 issues total, 3 denied (got an SOC for those 3, one month after hearing), 3 issues no answer..

    so, it appears that it's taking 2x longer since 2009...

    at least in San Diego...

    Gotta keep reading and see how these cases have progressed since they were posted,, kinda hard to do, looking through old posts..

    sorry if I brough old threads back to life.. I know some people hate that...

    The answer to your question how long did it take to get a decision after the DRO hearing?

    8+ mths. One increased and second one denied again...at BVA going on 2 yrs. post decision.

    Seeking info here, try with informing others of your diagnosed condition...VSO use?


    quote name='deyjason' date='Oct 16 2009, 08:39 PM' post='171217']

    Good news, I finally got my DRO Hearing date.........That's exciting.....I believe that I have a clear cut case to have my 0% rating increased...I've gathered new supporting evidence where the Dr diagnosed me and described my symptoms using the same verbiage as the rating schedule.......I don't think there's anyway that can't rule in my favor............Has anyone had experiences with DRO hearings? How long did it take to get a decision after the hearing?..........I know each case is different but I was trying to get a general time frame........Thanks for your feedback

  15. In hindsight, do you think it's better for a claim/appeal having to visit the dro route, or was the right decision to skip it? Or, is it unknown at this point?

    it is certified for BVA. They are doing a Post-Decision Review Process at the VARO before forwarding. I submitted recent additional evidence as part of it that I have now been additionally diagnosed with distal symmetric polyneuropathy in both feet and cranial neuritis by the head of neurology at the regional VAMC.

  16. Thanx, for your help,,

    I guess I should have done this without asking, anyways...

    sent to local office regional (they had choices of where to send it):

    I asked using your words, since they seemed about right:

    "IRIS inquiry to clarify exactly what issues are pending

    and what level of appeal each pending issue is at, like VARO or headed for

    transfer to BVA's jurisdiction ?"

    I just don't think going through my conrgressman's office is at the stage yet, as I can see that others have waited as long as I, though they maynot be dying,,,

    but, I think I have to or should at least wait until I find out they lost my files, or soemthing like that,, I suppose I am ina long line,, but I never did get a response back for the fact I am suffering a fatal disease, they never ereponded with anything,, I would expect they would say, yes we can help speed up claims for people that are dying.. instaed, my VSO was silent when I asked her 2x about sending them a note asking if there is a form for people who request additional help for those that are sick with disease..

    I let the DRO reprentative at the DRO hearing know, in no uncertain terms that I am fighting for my life... with a fatal disease,,

    I don't think they give a rat's ass.. Maybe pancreas disease isn't on the list.. maybe they only do it for heart disease, or cancer.. I don't know..

    In any case, I asked for a U.S. Mail response, it might be slower, but there will be no ambiguity in whether or not I get answers.... where in a phone or e-mail, might end up not getting the answer at all...

    Thank you,

    btw,, I read in another vet disability forum that the Los Angeles regional is backed up about 24-36 months for appeal stuff..

    I am not exactly sure who the DRO appeals are shuffled, whther there is a certain stack for those or it's back to the mass appeals stack...

    all I know is that 3 out of 6 got an SOC, the other 3 did not, they got nothing,,

    SOC means they are still denied and move to BVA,,

    but that leaves 3 with no SOC, meaning they are not being denied...

    and those issues were stated January 2011 in the SOC and SSOC.

    It's like there's a train on the tracks, and the tracks ended, and the train is no longer on the tracks in any direction...

    everything just stopped dead until January 2012, where they asked for a c&p for my left knee (one out of the 3 that had no SOC, after the DRO hearing).

    coming up on 90 days since the c&p exam...

    btw, the left knee claim was in 2009. So, they waited 3 years for a c&p exam for the knee, which made 3 c&p's since 2009.

    So, just maybe they are very close to a decision on those three.. that had no SOC.....

    and the three that did go on to BVA,,, but the IRIS inquiry will say, like the one's I read, that they have no timeline because each office has their own backups..

    they will just say, at which stage they are in... which is better than no info... I suppose...

    Meanwhile I expect results on my Cat scans (pancreas and surround organs had the usual cat scan I have every 6 months..) early next week.. if they don't phone me, it means they are not worried about anything,,, they usually phone me if it's urgent.. so I am freaked out wondering what is happening with everything in my life..

    Thanx for listening,, back to laying here sick... whoopeeee..

    guess it could be worse, could be in the hospital, or out on the street..

  17. how much longer, I really hate this question, as I know all you hate seeing it..

    I know when this question is asked everyone says, whenever it's ready it's ready,, stop asking,, go fishing come back in 10 years,, please stop asking.. etc..etc..

    the usual, and those that know me, already know,, but I have to ask,,

    had claim 2009, denied,,, all the usual appeal stuff

    had DRO hearing December 2010, had SOC January 2011...

    so far,, out of 6 issues, 3 had the SOC (plus SSOC). The remaining 3 issues had no answer, awaiting a decision..

    been a long time...

    Maybe in each region, there are differing times on when they get around to working on claims..

    actually, I had one thing move in my claim, in January 2012, I had another c&p, this on for my left knee...

    other than that no movement.. at least not openly, known to me

    I have a representative, an American Legion VSO,

    my VA Regional Office is San Diego..

    I have no idea if it makes a difference if I am already rated, but I am currently at 50% since 1997...

    the issues I am claiming go back to when I was on active duty, and all were from medical conditions and issues from when I was on active duty 30 years ago..

    I already had a Form 9 in for an appeal to cover any issues that are still denied, so there is nothing left for me to do..

    How close for an answer for my DRO hearing from December 2010, on the remaining 3 issues that I never got an SOC for,,

    I believe the SOC I got for 3 issues means they are still denied, and the remaining 3 issues are not denied, and am awaiting their decisin.

    My Question, how long for an answer, as it has almost been 1.5 years since the DRO hearing...

    Should an answer be coming any day now, or will it be even longer than 1.5 years for the answer on a DRO hearing, from this office? Is it the current normal time for DRO hearing 1.5 years for answer on issues that have not been denied? Did the C&P for an issue mean it's moving forward at the current time? Does anyone have insight on San Diego and if they are slow or fast in this 2012 time frame?

    My big problem (6 issues,, is pancreas disease,,,) I don't want to rehash all issues, but depression, Neuro diseases (tremors, shaking, balance, weakness, limb jerking, muscle twisting, fatigue. The there are more problems like, knee damage, limb swelling, intestinal disease. Degenerative disc disease, eye disease, very long list and more.

    Not all issues are being claimed

    Chronic severe pain and meds for it (20 years)

    I am dying slowly from pancreas disease, the don't know how long I have but it's incurable. I am just wasting away...

    MY main question is, how much longer for a decision for the DRO hearing on the 3 remaining issues, main disease pancreas disease, and hospitalization and surgeries going back since hospitalization in 1980 for intestinal disease on active duty. Chemical exposure (soaked in chemicals causing disease is in my SMR's from active duty.. and that is not in dispute... as the Air Force doctors actually noted the problems with chemicals and illness while on active duty.. for swelling and headaches.., also for tremors, and gastritis...).

    Is the DRO getting closer to the decision? 1.5 years..... and boxes of medical records that the VA has had the whole time...

    I know everyone will say when they are ready, they are ready,,, but someone must know some time frame??

    my family desperately needs closure and help... all these years have destroyed our lives... my daughter has struggled for school money and help... our cars are junk.... my disease has kept me laying around sick for 20 years,, with no ability to work...

    yet this constant wait and denials destroyed our lives... plus I live with constant suffering, and exams so they can watch the cysts on my pancreas continue to grow,,,,, knowing the next surgery could most likely be my death, since the last one was 6 months in a hospital bed to try to remove a 5 inch pancreas cyst.. learned to eat and walk again after 1 year in wheel chair... showing signs of new disease,,, and getting a new disease every couple of years.. just how much longer for a yes or no, and then the BVA hearing can use the tape from my DRO hearing.. for any issues left denied..

    Thanx, for listening to me ramble on again in these forums, I know I have asked many times before... I Just wanted to say thank you, as just being able to ask again in these forums helps...

    Thank all of you for your ears..


  18. You have my permission to post this if I die before I get my case through these VA B.S. artists..

    You may say, in a note, a banner, and/or a thread,,, a discussion or statement:


    'This poor bastard vet suffered greatly while the vet fought him to his death over his benefits (for the benefits for the illnessses and injuries received on active duty), at which point after years of debilitating illness died while waiting for as decision (a decision which should have been immidiately approved, had the VA actually read the medical files...)...' futhermore, the family hopefully will receive any tremaing benefits due..'.

  19. In English: they totally bungled claims in the beginning process of claims, causing great long excruciating backups for vets and their families, Vets who know damned well the VA is screwing them badly..

    so the Vets must continue the fight for justice!

    I left the name calling out,, but we all know there are fools (I Have much more descriptive and accurate words to give the people who bungle our cases and refuse to read evidence, in clear black and white straight from the very doctors who examined and treated us for all the injuries and illnesses that were either caused or related to active duty..)..

    Whatever they do -

    I wish they would also make more effort in training and raise the expectancy

    level of accuracy in adjudicating claims, to higher than 70 percent.

    IMO - much of the backlog is due to inaccuracy during adjudication

    which leads to appeals.

    Does anyone have a number on how many of the 850,000 current claims,

    fall into the APPEALS category ?

  20. the DRO hearing was mostly and basically verbal. ANd the DRO can ask that asdditional records be sent after the DRO hearing, so, if and when your representative and you have the time, you can go through and submit aby additional records after the dro hearing, If any more records need to be submitted after teh DRO hearing, it can be latert eh same day or a couple weeks later.. so, it really isn't the venue to dump more record sont hem, it is the venue to let them know verbally, what ahppened, and when, and if you produce records, summaries with full records to follow.

    The DRO seems to want records witht he main subjects and outline, instead of deep long records. They say if they want in depth, they will ask for more or wil order more. YOu are goingpot the hearing to lay out the case.

    You would think they would have listened when you first filed, but they al buit ignore evidence and you nave to wait a coupl eyears before you repesent your case.

    So, the recors you bring wil be there to back up your 'new evidence' for your DRO hearing, I think the DRO hearing is predicated an based on the fact you have new probative edivdence that hasd not been given, to the VA up until the hearing, and bring new facts to bolster and firm your calim.

    YOu may not even need it, a verbal night work, but if you have anything new to add bring it, and not sure if you have a representative to help you put things in proper order for filing and presenting..

    I personaly think it feel s like a trial, like you did soemthing and you are trying ot prove you are innocent,, I know that is wrong, but it dure feels that way. they try to make youi comforatable and at ease, but you feel as is they wil use anything against you, and myself, I am unable to think clearly being very sick, plug heavy meds, so it helps to have a thrird party let you know if you are doing good or not as ypou go through the hearing.. even with boxes of evidece I only needed an hour... My main problem was theynever read al my evidence.. or else there would b eno need for a dro hearing,,,

    MY DRO hearing was in 2010, and i am still awaiting my decisions, plus my Form 9 was fillied out even beofre the dro hearing to make sure all rejected claims proceed to the BVA..

    It feel ike a trial, but you may find it better or worse.. I find it hell being very sick it's very hard for me..

    I feel the people have to no clue it's like to be sick for 30 years and dying...

    some perople just go for problems they can live with,, my health problems are killing me, so t he longer they dick with me the lcoser I get to dying before they finsish,,, yet they just take forever..

    I had to show them I was treated for the health issues on active duty and they were clearly in my medical records and the doctors clearly stated that I was never to work in certian ocnfditions, eyt my command contued to force me to work int he condtions I was mediclaly removed from, yet the VA claims peopl completely ifgnored my service medical records, all VA hospital records, all civilian medical records, my Indepopendaent medical opinion, and more, and I had to tell them they ignored it all... my wife appearded and so did my veterans service officer...

    one month after the dro hearing I reciceived an 'SOC',,, statement of case. on adio tape and printouts.. the audio makes people sound stupid with parts says uninstelligable.. my diseases left me with no teeth so at time maybe they could not clearly understand..

    so, now the years tick by as I die... waiting for closure..

    I hope your dro goes well...

    I have no idea what your issues are,, but make lists and get infor form others on what might help and it's better to have to much info for your case, than to little info..


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