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About Woody7810

  • Birthday 10/19/1959

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  • Interests
    Family, Fellow Vets,

Previous Fields

  • Service Connected Disability
  • Branch of Service
  • Hobby

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  1. Congrats on your P & T . I am in the middle of doing the same things as you being recently awarded. One thing that did help was to go to the VARO and be issured a new rating letter with the raised seal on it. Thats what the military installation wanted for my ID card. Good Luck!
  2. Thank you for saying that. cooter. I have been starting to look over my claims and C-File to try and make a decision. My DAV rep. is at the Conventation In New Jersey and won`t be back in the office till next week, ( I won`t talk to the new guys ) they try to help because they are still learning as am I , this is a decision I need experience and a complete bias view. "Just for Today" we grab the moment. Woody
  3. I don`t want to take the chance of having the champva being removed. My family needs the coverage. My wife has end stage renel failure and I have been paying for medical coverage for her out of pocket through private insurance. She is on a transplant list and I know they honor champva insurance. I have to think about more than just me while doing this, no matter how wrong I believe the decision may be. Woody
  4. I was found P & T through unemployability since Voch rehab stated that my SC disabilitys would prevent working in my profession and unable to train in a new profession. The issues that are being appealed I was trying to get service connected for ( secondary ).
  5. In my award letter I received today I was made P & T 100%. I still have a appeal pending certification to go before The BVA. The letter they sent me ask me if I am satisied with their decision I can either move forward with the appeal or withdraw it. I had read somewhere that once a decision is made favorable on a claim it is best not to let the VA reopen your claim because they might want to knock your rating down. I am happy with what I have but before I talk with my DAV rep I wanted to ask the question where I know honest answers would come. Thanks Woody!!!
  6. I wanted to say thanks to everyone posting becaused you all help me get the help I needed.
  7. I woke up this morning and checked my bank account, a nice deposit was there from va and to be honest it scared me. This afternoon my mail came and in the white envelope and it states; Entitlement to Individual unemployability is granted effected December 17, 2008, the date your claim was received. NO EXAMINATION WILL BE SCHEDULED IN THE FUTURE. Hard to move around but me a my wife has been doing the HAPPY DANCE all day.
  8. Thank you for your suggestions. I know the letter is in my claim folder becaused last month I went and viewed and received my complete C-File. ( Past few weeks I have been trying to organize this monster package the va sent me which had my folder in it . ) Last month after talking with the service manger my claim got moving. The VA sent a letter which stated what they had done, requested my SSDI records and if I had any info to submit to them. That is when I re submitted. Forms......... VCAA, VAF 21-4142, VAF 21-4138, VAF 21-8940, SSA award letter,and, Chapter 31 award letter, To my DAV office to ensure the VA received what they asked for. I am still puzzled why e Benefits states a decision has been made, and My DAV office is telling me it is in the Judicial Branch I quess under review? I quess the VA do what they do because they can do what they do. BUT MEDICAL EVIDENCE SPEAKS FOR ITSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. I checked e benefits and I see a decision was made on this claim. Tried calling VA but no answer. I finally got a hold of my DAV rep. and was told no decision was made, it is now with the Judicial Branch. I did some research on this and it looks to me as they only follow the guideline that the legal interturaption of the law is applied. Is this a normal process in the appeal producure or like SSDI quailty review board once a decision is made random claims are picked to ensure accuracy in the decision of the claim? The appeal decision on e benefits was moved from Current appeals to Historic Appeals. Thanks
  10. Thank you all, you folks do a great job. What I am learning from this site I am trying to apply and then pass on to others with your help.
  11. I finally applied for my SSDI in Feb 2011, and was told a decision was made on March 28th. But it was picked for a random review. Today I checked my bank account and a deposit was placed in my account for 7 months of payments. : ) I hope this works for my TDUI because all of info supplied to SS was My medical records from VA past 2 years and 1 year of info from regional office c-file. Waiting for the offical notification in mail but the money is their. : ) Thanks Had - it
  12. Thanks I will give it a try with Ombudsman. My VSO was the american legion at the time, but, I took it upon myself to go to D.C. , When they saw my name the judges spoke with me. Thats when I was told I couldn`t appeal decision. I was granted partial SC on feet but denied on ankle. It may be a CUE. On my appeal waiting to be certified, ( left ankle arthritis), The SOC I received it mentions the examiner read my transcript to the hearing, it mention my left ankle on the claim but either I misspoke or was misunderstood and it states my right ankle in my SMR and before the judges. I don`t remember and soon after seeing the judges I had two surgerys. Those transcript are no longer in my C-file and may be why the RO is dragging their feet? W.
  13. In 1983-1984, I was awarded SC on one of my Disability by the BVA. But Denied on another, and was told I could not appeal their decision. I do not have their Docket # and did not have a rep. when I appeared before the BVA. How can I get a copy of that hearing? It is not in my C-File? Thanks
  14. Well, had my new C & P exam by a different Dr. at same location and according to him I am in excellent Health!!!!!!!!!! On the 10th of this month was the exam and he made the statement , The patient has had no surgical procedures since surgery in 2007. He has not complained about condition untill 2009. I had same day surgery on the 4th of this month ( epidual ) , and this C & P was a remand from the RO so this appeal can be certified to go to the BVA. The claim dates back to early 2007. So much for him looking at my C-file, even though he said he did. Looking for a good Dr. for an IMO. Hopefully they will approve my TDUI now which has been on hold since March 2010 on a NOD.
  15. Just to update everyone on what is going on with my claim. Since this last C & P exam when I had the bad run in with their VA doctor, I had contacted the Patient Rep. at the VA hospital and I voiced my concerns.The Rep. put me in touch with the supervisor of the dept. which unfortunally did little good. I was told that this was the Dr.s exam and the dept. was supporting the Dr.s statement. I was told if I had any more complaints feel free to contact them. ( This was nothing but a snow Job ) Following the advice I have read on this board, I wrote a formal letter ( with my wife`s help ) to the regional office. In this letter I stated the Bias nature of the Dr., I gave the different dates of C & P exams I have had with this Dr., Which was a total of 5 different exams and the outcome from each and every exam. And then with help I was able to point out every muscle and nerve that has been affected in these Joints. I then requested a new exam with a different Dr. I sent this letter to my DAV rep along with a copy of a letter from Voch. Rehab. stating that because of my service connection disabilitys it is not fesiable for an employment outcome, I am on an ILP which they are working on making modifications around my home. The hospital called me on the 19th to set up a new exam with a different Dr. Thanks Had it, Next, I am going to view My C-file and request a copy if it is correct before it goes to the BVA on my appeal
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