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George Bush

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----- Original Message -----

From: "tetvet2" <tetvet@mhcable.com>


I received this from another vets grop, how much is true, I do not know, but make up your own mind.

New Message on VETS 4 VETS USA


From: tetvet2

Message 1 in Discussion

I am sure this will get the Republicans

panties in a bunch, but that is not why I am posting it. I am also sure it will

have people running to snopes to make sure it is not a commie plot. My belief is

that we need to stop ranting about the left, the right, the conservatives, and

the liberals and start looking at the people in charge. Regardless of their

particular affiliation they are the ones whose policies and hidden agendas

dictate how much we pay for a loaf of bread, a gallon of milk, and a gallon of

gas. They are also the ones who make Vets an expendable item. We need to start

voting with our minds, our wallets, and our brains, not our gut, our emotions,

or the beliefs of our fathers.

Reinventing George W. Bush: From Cheerleader to Cowboy

Did you know that GW's only real claim to fame, is that he was head

cheerleader at his all male private high school?

Editorial by Shane Cory September 15, 2004


Americans are comfortable with the managed, false persona they have of the

current President of the United States. They view George W. Bush as a

rough-riding Texan who, when not attending to the affairs of the most powerful

nation in the world, is busy clearing brush on his West Texas ranch. In truth,

George Bush is far from being a "common" man as he does not understand the

trials of American life. He may not even be considered a true Texan.

President Bush was born in New Haven, Connecticut. As his father made

his first million in the oil industry, the Bush family spent George and Jeb's

childhood in between Midland, Texas, Kennebunkport, Maine and Jupiter Island,

Florida. As part of the Bush-Walker clan, the family had access to luxurious

homes and compounds around the nation.

As a child, George pursued his

interest in baseball but was known for inability to hit a ball. This probably

didn't matter much to the young George Bush as he was probably the richest kid

on his team, owning over a million shares of his father's company at the time.

Bush's high school of choice was the elite boarding school, Phillips

Academy in Andover, Massachusetts. While in high school, Bush gave baseball

another shot but found his calling in being the head cheerleader for the all-boy

school (he should be thankful that he did not attend a Texas high school).

After graduating from the same high school that his privileged father

attended, George Bush headed off to Yale University as yet another legacy

admission (Bush now opposes legacy admissions despite his own reliance on them

along with one of his daughters). Bush's first year at Yale concluded with his

grades swirling to the bottom 20% of the student body just as kegs of beer

swirled into emptiness. At the conclusion of his Yale experience, Bush left his

mark on the prestigious school with a "C" average and no academic or athletic


Upon his graduation from Yale in 1968, George Bush, in

order to avoid being drafted and sent to Vietnam, enlisted into the Texas Air

National Guard with the supposed help of the then Texas Speaker of the House,

Ben Barnes. After jumping the waiting list and joining the Guard, Bush applied

for pilot training stating that "flying is a lifetime goal." Shortly after the

announcement of drug testing in the military, Bush failed to show up for his

annual physical examination and lost his flight status. Bush's stated lifetime

goal of flying crashed and burned.

On month after the loss of his flight

status, Bush requested a transfer to Alabama in order to work on the senate

campaign of Winton Blount After a bit of back and forth, Bush eventually

received orders to report to a unit within the Alabama Air National Guard where

no one could recall his presence on the base. Subsequently, Winton Blount lost

his bid for a senate seat with the help of the young Bush.

One year

after being grounded from flight, George Bush requested a discharge from the

Texas Air National Guard in order to return to Massachusetts and attend Harvard

Business School (Bush should be able to relate to a "Senator from Massachusetts"

as he spent many years there himself). The request was approved the next day by

his commanding officer and Bush was released from the National Guard, six months

shy of his obligation not including any time allegedly missed in Alabama.

While at Harvard, Bush frequently walked with pride, wearing an old

flight jacket from the Air National Guard which showcased his former pilot

status. To his credit, Bush survived the rigorous MBA program. Upon graduation,

Bush loaded up his Oldsmobile with clothes and $20,000 in "trip money" and

headed to Midland, Texas to settle in. Bush finally made it to West Texas in

order to make his mark on the oil industry just as his father had done.

Over the years in Midland, Bush managed to run several oil companies

into the ground. While on the verge of collapse, his final company, Spectrum 7,

was purchased by Harken Energy leaving Bush with several hundred thousand

dollars and a seat on the board of directors. At the time, Harken was largely

owned by billionaire George Soros and wealthy Saudis.

In between

infrequent board meetings Bush stayed busy by pretending to play baseball as an

owner of the Dallas Rangers. While only owning 2% of the organization (using

money from a shady sell of Harken stock), Bush took the lead as the front man

for the Texas baseball team. As his father was waging the first war in Iraq,

Bush sat in the Ranger's dugout requesting sunflower seeds from bat boys.

Bush served on the board of Harken until 1992 and resigned after

producing a SEC investigation that attracted unwanted attention onto Bush Sr.

and his floundering reelection campaign.

After his father's defeat in

1992, George Bush decided to run for governor of Texas and in 1995 was sworn in

after garnering just 53% of the vote. As governor of Texas, Bush managed to

increase the high school drop out rate from 21% to 43% while changing the

methodology so that the public thought that the number was actually 2%. Bush

also managed to grasp the national record for executing more people than any

other governor in history.

In 1999, Bush began his campaign for the

presidency and the rest is, of course, history.

Clearly, the cowboy

image that Bush's handlers convey to the public was created to distract from his

life of privilege and under-achievement. Having been born into wealth and

influence just as his father, George W. Bush rode his father's coattails into

the halls of the White House.

George Bush never had to worry about not

making an insurance payment, car payment or mortgage payment. Our "wartime"

president has never lived the mundane life of waking up each weekday, commuting

to work and putting in a set number of hours only to return home and do it all

over again, day after day after day. Bush has never experienced the redundant

yet challenging life required of many responsible Americans. Given the extreme

amount of time Bush spends on holiday, he could never fathom only having two

weeks of vacation per year.

America should be aware that despite the

façade created by his public relations team, George W. Bush is yet another

privileged child who has never truly experienced American life, American

struggle, or sadly, even the satisfaction of overcoming extremely difficult

times through hard work and self reliance. While George W. Bush seems to have

done many things in his lifetime, where are the actual accomplishments that make

him a fit and qualified leader of this great nation?


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  • HadIt.com Elder

It is basically all true, except for the bit about ANG service in Alabama. There is now fairly reliable evidence, that he was in an expensive Drug Rehabilitation program in San Diego, during the time that he was supposedly in Alabama.

But I think that most Right Wing members will call this political, although I think that discussing the ?character? of our President, supercedes politics, and bears widespread dissemination. The same would be true if we had a Democratic idiot for Chief!

Fight the VA as if they are the enemy; for they are!

Erin go Bragh

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  • HadIt.com Elder

“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face. It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”

-- President George W. Bush

USAF 1980-1986, 70% SC PTSD, 100% TDIU (P&T)

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I believe the ground breaking statement by Rush....

Still Voting Democrat, Then You're Stuck On Stupid.

I respect your right to speak and will fight to my death for your ability to do so even though I don't agree with you.

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