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Date Of Disability Onset

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Guest Namvet6567


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  • HadIt.com Elder

.... Thanks a lot for posting this link ....

I stumbled onto this link and this just might save my azz ....

Does this link go to an .... "Official Social Security Rules & Regs Site" .. ????????

Is this link ... the rules that they (Soc Sec.) go by ??

I am entering into a possible "Cat Fight" with them now about .. "Onset Date of PTSD" .. and I am missing (lost them) medical records and therefore missing the Soc. Sec. deadline .... and this just may be the "Silver Bullet" that I need ???

Soc. Sec. sent me a letter and considered me disabled ... and I have the credits ... but ... I waited too long to file and now have to prove PTSD (that I really did have) back a few more years to comply with the .. "working quarters rule in last 10 years" .. BEFORE becoming disabled.

I had some of those medical records and lost them and can NOT even remember which doc I saw to get copies of some of the records ??

Sooo .. getting those records will be almost impossible .. even if I find that doc .. he may not have the records after all these years.

... IF .. this ... "INFO LINK" ... is up to date and the official rules & regs that those SS weisels go by ??? .... Because I see some EXCELLENT points for my case in this link

Maybe ... I am crazy .. but I really think that a few in the SSA want to grant my disability ... but they need more info that goes back a few more years ... and they know that I was NOT working during that time too .. ???

Any help on this would be appreciated ....

... Magoo ... aka ... Bill ... B)

PS .. My case is somewhat complicated ... does anyone know a good Soc. Sec. attorney in Atlanta ????

Edited by Magoo_Mr.

<b>... Magoo ... </b>

<b>... At this very moment ... many in the U.S. Military are in ... "HARM'S WAY" ... please, let us NOT forget them ...</b>

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  • HadIt.com Elder

... NANVET6567 ...

... Are you who I think you are ??? ... I have been in my bunker and off this board for a while and get the newer names mixed up a bit. .... lol ...

.... Magoo .. aka .. Bill ... B)

<b>... Magoo ... </b>

<b>... At this very moment ... many in the U.S. Military are in ... "HARM'S WAY" ... please, let us NOT forget them ...</b>

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Guest Namvet6567

Hey Bill - here's the link to SS - it has the link to the SS Regs and the Acquenscence(sp) and Rulings, the important part. And it's Namvet not Nanvet! ;-)


Here's the link to NOSSCR: www.nosscr.org

... NANVET6567 ...

... Are you who I think you are ??? ... I have been in my bunker and off this board for a while and get the newer names mixed up a bit. .... lol ...

.... Magoo .. aka .. Bill ... B)

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Hello Jim S.

Good to see you again ....

Thanks for the suggestion on the C-File ... but the VAMC & VARO & civilian records will almost get me there ... but, I need to find an very old civilian doc record and I can't remember the doc or find it.


Hey Flip:

Later .. I was pretty sure that was you ... and thanks for ALL of your help on & off here.

As far as your statement ---> "Hey Bill - here's the link to SS - And it's Namvet not Nanvet! ;-) <---

Gezzzzeeee... that was a typo (N is beside M on keyboard) and didn't mean to call you a ... "NannyVet" .... lol ... B)

I will try to be much more precise on the ... "Target Acquisition on my Keyboard Keys" ... lol ... :)

I do find it very funny .. when we are trying to remember something .. (ie .. links, sites and etc.) .. and we both keep forgetting and then the other remembers it for a nano-second and then forgets ... and visa versa ... and the whole cycle starts ... over and over again ... until we either remember or our brains explode.

Thanks again for all your help ... and I will keep in touch on my Soc. Sec. progress or lack there of .....

... Magoo .. aka .. Bill ... :P

PS ... I stumbled onto your posted Soc. Sec. link and, at first, had no idea that it was even you... with your newer name.

... Great to see you posting some good stuff on here again ... as it always helps someone.

Edited by Magoo_Mr.

<b>... Magoo ... </b>

<b>... At this very moment ... many in the U.S. Military are in ... "HARM'S WAY" ... please, let us NOT forget them ...</b>

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