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Voc Rehab And Dro Hearing Question.

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I sent an Iris today asking this and I'm wondering if anyone has input.

I had a DRO hearing in Buffalo almost 3 months ago (Dec.17th 2008) and have heard nothing at all other than "we are waiting for the transcript of the hearing" which I got via Iris 2-3 weeks ago).

About Feb 23rd I filed online for Voc. Rehab. I got an email informing me that my application was received and to "stand by" for more when VA Buffalo contacts me.

I sent an Iris today asking if:

1) There was any progress on my DRO appeal as I had received nothing from VA about it. (I didn't mention the previous Iris about the transcript).

2) Will the appeal (DRO) and the Voc Rehab application be able to go on at the same time or will one have to be completed before anything moves forward?

I am 70% and have tried learning about Voc Rehab but to be honest most of what I've found is people saying not to do it (Voc Rehab) cause they want TDIU or something. I have read some posts that had people saying "I never would've considered XYZ if I hadn't gone through the Voc Rehab testing". I'm in the 2nd group (I think). I just turned 39 and although I am ready to flip out on everyone I work with, if there genuinely is something I could do and have VA train or educate me for it I'd rather do that then spend the next however many years sitting in my house angry at the world.

Has anyone been in the same situation with an appeal and an application to Voc Rehab?

Any other input anyone can add is welcome to please.


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  • HadIt.com Elder


Voc Rehab is usually much quicker than the VARO.

It basically offers a Vet that they consider trainable for some other kind of work fully paid tuition for schools and a stipend includes books or other necessary equipemt. For Veterans that they don't think can be trained they offer a number of things including computers and hobby materials or training for a hobby.

If you are in your position with 70% rating and not abel to work if that is the case if they turn you down for rehab means you have more evidence to get TDIU

Good Luck

Veterans deserve real choice for their health care.

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  • HadIt.com Elder


I went to the voc-rehab interview last July and just yesterday they called me. They wanted to know what was going on, I said you tell me. Since, that interview, I went on SSDI and am no longer working and more that likley will not pursue work. So they are trying to get me into the independent living program. If, I meet the criteria for it, that will be an extra 540.00 a month for me. Plus other things to help your quality of life. It would be to your benefit to go for an interview, at least to see what they provide. Talk to a lot of vets who say voc-rehab, has been a real help to them, in many ways. Hope this helps a vet.


I also would like to add, if you get independent living re-hab, I dont believe it would reflect badly on getting tdiu, for that matter I would think it would help as indepedent living rehab is for peaople who can't work.

Edited by tagandbag

" In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm and three or more is a Congress"

- John Adams

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  • HadIt.com Elder


I was not aware that Independent Living paid a Veteran 540 a month. Can you explain where you got this info? If you are right many Veterans could qualify just for the asking.

Veterans deserve real choice for their health care.

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Thanks for the replies guys.

I kinda assumed that whomever is in the VocRehab would pull up my file, see my % and dates given them and say "OK< he qualifies" and contact me or at least send a letter. 5 minutes....... but then it is the VA.

T&B, the assessment is the main thing I want to do. Like I said, I genuinely would like to see if there is something I unknowingly have an interest in or am good at.

Pete, I agree that if I do go through whatever VocRehab sets up and can't/don't/won't do it successfully that it will be another nail in the TDIU coffin for the VA.

Again, thanks for the replies!

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And of course I open the mail today and there is the VocRehab paperwork. I have to go to Bufalo on the 19th for the orientation.

No reply from Iris yet.

The forms do include a pretty in depth questionaire. I guess I will see what happens in a few weeks.

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