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C&p Exam Gerd And Sciatic..... Questions

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Hello ALL,

Recently had a C&P exam and have a few question about the underlined areas. I am service connected 0% for GERD and 10% right side sciatic nerve since 2003. I filed for increase on both and here is a synopsis from actual C&P report. This is directly from the form I retrieved from the VA. I have question related to the underlined portions.

1. My regular Gastro doctor filled out a DBQ, but the Va Doctor did also. I indicated my GERD impacted my work, but the VA doctor did not write it down, but my gastro doctor did document the work related issues on his DBQ. When I have nighttime GERD attacks (throw up), I can't go back to sleep and as a result I am constantly tired at work. Is this possible NOD?

2. The VA doctor is changing my diagnosis code from Sciatic to DDD after x-ray showed reduced disc space between L4 & L5 and L5 & S1. Is this a good thing or bad? Can I get SC for both Sciatic and DDD and award on both?

3. From experience does this look like 30% for GERD and 30% back/DDD/sciatic?

4. What does this mean? "per 2507 DM-PN ordered – no dx of DM evident"

GERD Reflux Questionaire

  • Does the Veteran now have or has he/she ever been diagnosed with an esophageal condition
    • Yes
  • If yes, indicate diagnoses.
    • GERD
      • ICD code 530.81, Date of Diagnosis 1998
  • Describe the history of the Veterans esophagitis conditions:
    • Prior dx and rated HH/GERD complex – complex and often refractory in nature – reflux esophagitis well documented per EGD – will get day and HS symptoms – symptomatic daytime reflux 3-4 x weekly and HS regurgitation 2-3 x weekly – severe episodes of gagging and vomiting 1-2 x monthly- no surgical interventions.
  • Does the Veteran’s treatment plan include taking medications for the diagnosed treatment
    • Yes
  • If yes, list medications
    • Protonix 80 bid, Zantac 150 daily
  • Does the Veteran have any conditions of the following or symptoms due to any esophageal conditions (including GERD)?
    • Yes
  • If yes check all that apply
    • [x] Persistently recurrent epigastric distress
    • [x] Dysphagia
    • [x] Pyrosis (heartburn)
    • [x] Reflux
    • [x] Regurgitation
    • [x] Substernal arm or shoulder pain
    • [x] Sleep disturbances caused by esophageal reflux
      • Recurrent, 4 or more episode per year
    • [x] Nausea
      • Recurrent, 4 or more episode per year
    • [x] Vomiting
      • Recurrent, 4 or more episode per year, duration of episodes (less than1 day)
  • Have diagnostic imaging studies or other diagnostic procedure been performed?
    • Yes, Upper endoscopy
    • Date: 5/11/12
    • Results: reflux esophagitis
  • Functional impact
  • Do any of the veterans esophageal conditions impact on his or her ability to work?
    • [x] No

Thoracolumbar Spine Questionnaire

  • Does the Veteran now have or has he/she ever been diagnosed with a thoracolumbar spine (back condition)
    • [x] Yes
  • If yes, provide only diagnoses that pertains to thoracolumbar spine conditions.
    • Diagnosis #1, ICD code 722.52, date of diagnosis 1998
  • Describe the history of the Veterans thoracolumbar spine condition.
    • Well documented L/S back pain associated with service duties – OP eval confirms DDD with episodic severe sciatic radiculopathy – tx with conservative tx no interventions – the veteran will have episodic symptoms with intervals of symptom relief.
  • Does the Veteran report that flare-ups impact the function of the thoracolumbar spine (back)
    • [x] Yes
  • If yes, document the Veterans description
    • 3-4 flairs per year described – no inciting incidents – currently symptomatic – this can be considered “flair” findings.
  • ROM readings
    • Forward flexion ends [35]
      • Objective evidence of painful motion begins [35]
      • Select where extension ends [15]
    • Right lateral flexion ends [30]
      • Select where objective evidence of painful motion begins [30]
    • Left lateral flexion ends [20]
      • Select where objective evidence of painful motion begins [20]
    • right lateral rotation ends [30]
      • No objective evidence of pain
    • left lateral rotation ends [25]
      • No objective evidence of pain
  • ROM measurements after repetitive use testing
  • Select where post-test forward flexion ends [35]
  • Select where post-test extension ends [20]
  • Select where post-test right lateral flexion ends [30]
  • Select where post-test left lateral flexion ends [20]
  • Select where post-test right rotational ends [30]
  • Select where post-test left rotational ends [30]
  • Does the veteran have any functional loss and/or functional impairment of the thoracolumbar spine
    • [Yes]
      • [x] less movement than normal
      • [x] pain on movement
  • Does the veteran have localized tenderness or pain to palpation for joints and/or soft tissue of the thoracolumbar spine?
    • [Yes] , pain to L/S palpation L3-L5 bilaterally
  • Does the veteran have guarding or muscle spasm of the thoracolumbar spine?
    • [Yes], abnormal spinal contour, such as scoliosis, reversed lordosis or abnormal kyphosis.
  • Rate deep tendon reflexes (DTR’s)
    • Knee, Right 1+, Left 1+
    • Ankle, Right 1+, Left 1+
  • Provide straight leg raising test result
    • Right, positive
    • Left, negative
  • Does the Veteran have radicular pain or any other signs or symptoms due to radiculopathy?
    • [YES]
  • Symptoms
    • Intermittent pain (usually dull)
      • Right lower extremity- [x] Severe
    • Numbness
      • Right lower extremity- [x] Moderate
  • Indicate nerve roots involved:
    • Involvement of L4/L5/S1/S2/S3 nerve roots (sciatic nerve)
    • [X] Right
  • Indicate severity of radiculopathy and side affected
    • Right [x] Severe
  • Does the veteran have IVDS of the thoracolumbar spine?
    • [x] Yes
  • If yes, has the veteran had any incapacity episodes over the past 12 months due to IVDS?
    • [x] Yes
  • If yes, provide the total duration of all incapacitating episodes over the past 12 months
    • [x] At least 4 weeks but less than 6 weeks
  • Does the veteran use any assistance devices
    • [x] Yes
    • If yes, identify [x] cane [x] occasional
  • If veteran uses any assistance devices, specify
    • With L/S and sciatic flairs- cane used
  • Have imaging studies of the thoracolumbar spine been performed and are the results available?
    • [x] Yes
    • If yes, is arthritis documented?
    • [x] Yes
    • Are there any other significant diagnostic test findings and or results?
    • [x] Yes
    • Verified via report xxxxxxxx
    • Study shows mild posterior subluxation of L4 on L5. Remaining vertebrae are normally aligned. Disc spaces are reduced at L4-L5 and L5-S1 levels consistent with degenerative changes.
  • Impression
    • Degenerative discs L4-L5 and L5-S1. Mild posterior subluxation of L4 on L5. Spondylosis multiple lumbar vertebral bodies.
  • Functional Impact
    • Does the veteran’s thoracolumbar spine condition impact on his or her ability to work?
    • [X] Yes
    • If yes, describe the impact of each of the veterans thoracolumbar spine conditions
      • - on average of 4 weeks of bed rest yearly due to IVDS
  • Remarks
    • The veteran is service connected for PN-Sciatic – in actuality this is DDD with sciatic radiculopathy – confirmed in private records and confirmed in STR review – I did discuss this with the veteran and completed Spine DBQ which more accurately defines pathology – call placed to rater to discuss – per 2507 DM-PN ordered – no dx of DM evident
      • Doctor name
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Just to give you an idea on the GERD, I have a 30% for Crohn's Disease which is so severe the Navy retired me in Feb after 9 years active duty. My GERD is also so bad that I have been tested twice and will be on Tuesday next week to make sure that I don't have throat Cancer, due to tearing and holes in my Esophagus. I wish you the best, but I will be surprised if you get 10% for GERD.

100% PTSD

100% Back

60% Bladder Issues

50% Migraines 
30% Crohn's Disease

30% R Shoulder

20% Radiculopathy, Left lower    10% Radiculopathy, Right lower 
10% L Knee  10% R Knee Surgery 2005&2007
10% Asthma
10% Tinnitus
10% Damage of Cranial Nerve II

10% Scars



OEF/OIF VET     100% VA P&T, Post 911 Caregiver, SSDI



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