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Bva And Remand Final Prelimanay Matter And The Amc/ro?

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The BVA sent my remand to the AMC so they can do there job,

1. The AMC they sent me a letter letting me know that they have collected all the evidence in the VA hospitals, as well as a 2007 CNP they did not use as evidence in my case as stated by the Remand, then asked me to fill out a form so thye could collect outside evidence and if after thirty days I do not submit evdence then they may decide my case.

2 I mailed them a letter stating that I have no more evidence to proceed with the case and the descision.

3. In the remand sent by the BVA to the AMC they stated as a final prelimanay matter before the remand issues "the evidence can be collected etc and so on" could thye look inot the Earl Effective date matter that i disagrred with and make a descion and if its not favorable to me then send it back to the BVA'

Quiestion, Is this just a generic letter one or will thismake descion quickly,?

Quiestion, is the Final prelimanary matter they spoke about concerning the EED going to be dealt with first and foremots as upposed to them sweeping it unde rthe rug this case has been going on since 2004, so the EED should be the priority right?

Quiestion should I be expecting somtheing in the mail shortky?

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I know this is not what you want to hear, but If there is a way to get your claim out of AMC, then do so. We Vets consider AMC "a black hole"...you know, a "Roach Motel", where your claim goes in and never checks out. When you asked if you should expect something in the mail "Shortly".....to the AMC anything under 3 years is lightning fast.

AMC is a classic "government program" that is meant to get votes that does not work. AMC was designed to speed up the process but instead does precisely the opposite.


I mean, gee whiz...The AMC is still "gathering evidence" from a 2007 claim?? When did it take more than 5 years for someone locate records and send them back.

I hate to be the one who tells you this, but you need to do anything you can to get this out of the AMC.

The AMC is on a mission. Their motto? "Always Make Crazy"...that is their calling card. They want to drive you nuts by making you wait forever for what is yours. Consider a Writ of Mandamus if it does not come out of AMC in a year.

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I equate the AMC to the Bermuda Triangle, for VBA claims.

Unfortunately any reply as to answers on claims status, if the EED will be

addressed and decided on, etc . .

will be little more than speculation.

At this point about all you can do is submit evidence if requested

and wait.

You more likely than not, will not have any resolve shortly or any time soon.

My crystal ball shows some action will be taken and some decision might be

of hand anywhere from 6 - 18 months . . .

but don't hold me to it as it may take longer.

Find something to do to stay busy and try not to live to check

ebenefits, send iris requests, or calling the 800 number as this just helps

induce periods of insanity : - )


Carlie passed away in November 2015 she is missed.

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Thanks all

Thanks for the input

1. I recieved an intial SCD non compehensable raing in 2004 I appealed within a year of theis rating and then also file a NOD all withing the time period

2. I recieved an intial CNP in 2007 was denied and recieved no SOC from the AMC/RO It was remanded back by BVA to AMC in 2012 I then recieved a CNP in 2012 of April where I was denied one part but granted another part at ten percent of this intial non compehensabel rating 2004 Denial bu to only backdated to 2012 of APril not from when the appeal was first opened in 2004

Quiestion I Should get EED bases on me filing apeal within a year and any evidence should be included due to BVA nvere making ruling COrrect?

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