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C-File Not Complete

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I requested a copy of my c-file several months after rating for kidney removal due to kidney cancer . there was nothing in my c-file at all abt my kidney surgery. why would this be ? the files were in my med recs at the local vamc, which I have copies of.

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free at this point I dont know what to do and my head is spinning. I have claims on reopen that I was wrongfully denied, that have disappeared off of ebennies, I have a cp appt for another one, I just found out abt this medical discovery in 2003, I have other contentions that need to be filed once my back condition is approved, (if it is approved), like ED , sleep apnea. and other issues/

Learning on this site, how corrupt they are, it has me dumbfounded as to what to do.

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question is what did they see on the ultrasound that got them hopping,different than something seen on the ct scan that never got them hopping in 2003. with the radiological findings. why was no ultrasound even done in 2003. why was no consult done, with me, say, sir we found a cyst on your kidney its something that may not be anything or it cound turn cancerous. Its something that should be monitored thru the years.

Im sorry im just not buying, that they find a growth on a vital organ, and thats the end of that, unless other issues such as viral load counts climb, ect. furthermore, how would they even be able to distinguish, if the viral load was from the hepc residuals or the kidney?

I would think there would be other things they would monitor like SIZE. had they monitored it more closely, possibly chemo, could have killed the tumor, surgery could have removed part of my kidney and I would still have one and a half, my adrenal gland could have possibly been saved, ect, ect. Ive always beilieved based on many commercials abt cancer, that the SOONER you find it, the better chance of survival. Thats why they are so quick to check the colon for pile ups, because if they catch it early they can avoid the cancer.

Free I appreciate you raising these questions, because surely they will try to discount the findings. \Put yourself in my shoes for a moment though. I think even if a veternarian found a cyst on a dog, they would at least inform the owner. I had NO knwledge of this until a few nights ago. Had I not requested my medical records from the va, I would have likely never known.

How can that be ok? in any scenario. . Consequnntly I would wonder what the policy is at VAMC as far as duty to disclose findings to the patient. did they have a duty to inform me? is that ' accepted protocol in the medical field" ?

If a doctor had found a cycst on his wifes kidney, do you think he would just put the finding in the trash, and hope for the best, ?

well some might, if they dont care. I think most would closely monitor them. They were supposed to be checking my liver, how hard would it have been to check the kidney while they were at it. how did this just all of a sudden, become its cancer, its spreading, its big, and we must operate asap. via the ultrasound girl, whom I believe was guided by a higher power, either angels of God, Or Jesus Christ himself. Im not joking here. im serious.

Edited by 63SIERRA
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woman are encouraged to self examine thier breasts very often, like everytime they shower/. I bet if a cyst was found, the radioligist would exray it, and track it like a blue tick coonhound on a fullmoon night. They would tell the patient the risks, the statistics, the options, the costs, the whole nine yards. They wouldnt ignore it, and say well its a cyst, forget abt it. if it turns cancerous, maybe u will be lucky and an ultrasound tech might find it, if angels are protecting you. or the good Lord choses to intervene.

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Free I appreciate you raising these questions, because surely they will try to discount the findings. \Put yourself in my shoes for a moment though. I think even if a veternarian found a cyst on a dog, they would at least inform the owner.

I specifically said, "I agree they should have told you about the cyst though, regardless." "Granted, I think they should have followed up on it during your medical care."

However, until you know specifically what they found in 2003, what the "standard of care" is for that, whether what they found in 2003 was connected to what they found in 2011, and if their actions / lack of actions actually caused you greater harm than if they would have done something differently, it is hard to build a negligence claim.

I tried to be helpful. Apparently I wasn't. I wish you the very best of luck with your claims.

Think Outside the Box!
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you were very helpful because you are raising questions that surely the va will raise. and I thank you for that and appreciate you.

The point im trying to make, is that regardless of what they say, I was under thier frequent care, They found something, didnt inform me, did nothing abt it, and I lost a kidney , adrenal gland, and more because of it, thats the meat and potatoes of the whole thing.

It doesnt sit well with me, and im going to follow up on it thouroughly. If they neglected to take the correct actions, they will pay.

As ive grown older ive learned to trust my instincts and gut feelings., and I just feel like ive been wronged.

Edited by 63SIERRA
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