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Based On What They Said They Didnt Have

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if u read the reasons they denied my claims at the bottom, it looks like they didnt even look in my medical records for the records that were all surely there.

many times on ebennifits they said evidence requested is past due. I would ask my DAV service rep abt it and he would always say, dont worry abt it, they got it. well he never told me that if we never gave them a specific date range to look in, they could just blow my claim off. Copy the medical records and send them in with your claims. Dont trust that they will look thru your records to find what they need to approve your claim. It is EXHAUSTING looking thru, and reading everypage in a medical file that id 450 pages. I wish I could go back in time, and start over again. I would have done things so different. now im playing catch up, in a system that doesnt care how long it takes.

see attached file


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hopefully other vets dont see it and go claim SYREEN gas !! LOL

this is how I got service connected for kidney cancer and it was all my own research, and submissions


Edited by 63SIERRA
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so should I go file a seperate claim for residuals of endocrine malfunction, or should that be addressed in the CUE, with duty to assist., If they knew most of my adrenal gland was removed along with the kidney, shouldnt that have aautomatically propmted a claim?

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I wished we were closer, I'd love to help you with this claim! However, I also believe that it is time for you to seek legal advice. Often, when you have a claim that is being appealed, the VA will not let you drop your veteran service organization. I just cannot believe that the DAV is that inept in Texas.

I would suggest that you google NVLSP, national veteran legal services program. they are out of Washington DC. I have only referred two veterans to this organization, but they helped both veterans with positive results.

As I stated before, you have too many issues going on at the same time which definitely makes your claim on the perplexed side. It seems that the more you dig, the more you find out about additional disabilities.

Again, I wouldn't submit anything else until you seek out the lawyers at NVLSP. They are an organization that has the highest % of claims overturned in the veterans favor. You don't want to miss any cut off dates, that would be extremely detrimental to your whole claim.

I wish you the best of luck, but please keep us posted in your plight!


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thanks MEGHP. I just found out today that they do not have me listed as having served in a combat zone on ebennies, I dont know if that affected my claims or not, but im going to call ebennies tommorow. I served almost 6 months in iraq. in combat operations, and some close combat.

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also I just found out, that ED is a side effect of adrenal gland dysfunction, because the adrenal gland makes sex hormones. Being they removed most of my adrenal gland, I got ED progressively worse, after surgery. also I ,may be eligible for resides of endocrine dysfunction, all related to hepc, because it cause the kidney cancer, and that spread to my adrenal gland.

things are getting complicated !!

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