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Smc Details

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I was wondering if I might get some guidance from you guys out there?

I was awarded 100% DOD/100% VA P&T last year, but I was just reading another post on the SMC Topic, and it made me wonder.

Where exactly will I find the information about my SMC award on my decision letter?

On my award letter it states that I am 100% P&T, plus SMC which I assume it's for my left eye, but I'm not completely sure because I have other disabilities that fall under SMC qualifications.

Can anyone please tell me where to look in my Brown Packed to find this information, and the $ amount and % that's being paid to me for SMC?

Thanks in advance.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

One way to determine the SMC level is to look at your VA compensation check amount.

http://www.military.com/benefits/veterans-health-care/va-disability-compensation-rates.html (Shows the basic compensation table amounts)

Then, go to the current 100% rate for your situation. SMC L is the basic, and higher rates can be paid.


Veteran only $2.858.24

Veteran & Spouse $3,017.60

(And so forth)

The SMC payment table amount is a combination of the 100% amount plus the SMC payment.

Your payment may also include SMC amounts for things otherwise rated at 0% (SMC K) (Up to three of these as I remember.)


SMC K $101.50 Usually added to other rate or paid as the rate when percentage is zero.


Veteran Alone $3,556.56

Veteran with Spouse $3,715.92


- $3,017.60

= $698.32 SMC L veteran & spouse

No one ever said that the VA knows how to make things simple, or that they have any desire to do so!

Edited by Chuck75
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Thanks for the info, Chuck75.

I strongly agree with you on how difficult the VA make things seem sometimes!

In my case, I am 100% P&T, and payment to me as single, because they are still lingering around with my dependency claim is $3061.00.

To my understanding dependency pay for my wife should be about $159.00 when I see it.

So the pay for the veteran alone at 100% is $2,828.24, but there again, I am receiving $3,061.00, with a difference of about $233.00 which should be SMC, but which one? SMC K, L, and so one?

I guess I will try and sit with a VA rep, and see if they can break it down for me once my dependency claim id done.

But, like you said Chuck, I might have a couple of SMC's. I just wish they would have broken down in my Brown Envelope.

Thanks Chuck.


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  • HadIt.com Elder

$3061 by my calculations is 24 cents short of

100% Veteran only + 2 SMC (K) ratings.

so that's likely what you are currently getting paid for.

Lets assume that they award SMC L + the two existing Ks and pick up your wife

$3,715.92 SMC (L) + 2 SMC (K) $3918.92

Edited by Chuck75
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Yea, your right Chuck, it is $3061.24.

Thank you so much for the info, it now makes sense to me.

Couldn't have done it without you.

Thank you so much.


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