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Renal Cell Carcinoma (Kidney Cancer) Moderates Thoughts

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I need advice and help. While in the military I had Kidney stones and was admitted to a hospital. Fast forward to 2012 and developed Renal Cell Carcinoma (Kidney Cancer) and had to have the same kidney removed.

Do you think this is/could be service connected ? Should I file a claim ?

One of the MOS's I had in the military was as an X-Ray Technician.

Is there any former X-Ray technicans out there that have developed Renal Cell Carcinoma (Kidney Cancer ) ?


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There are many abstractys and studies on the internet showing a possioble link between kidney stones and renal cancer.



Then again there are some studies that do not suggest a link.

It is possible if you claim the renal cancer as due to the inservice kidney stones, VA will use any negative medical evidence they can to deny you, bnut if you get an IMO doctor, who can use strong abstracts and make a full medical rationale , then their opinion would have weight with the VA specifically if they are a urologist.

That first link above does have some info regarding ionizing X ray exposures.

Also you might want to search the BVA wev site to see how other similar claims like yours were handled.

This is an unusual one.
Unusual because renal disease is the only cause for HBP that VA usually recognises without problems for the vet trying to prove SC HBP.

"The Board finds that the requirements for a grant of secondary service connection have been met with respect to his right renal cell carcinoma claim. As to Wallin element (1), the medical evidence of record demonstrates that the Veteran is currently diagnosed with right renal cell carcinoma, and underwent a laparoscopic hand-assisted right radical nephrectomy in May 2006. With respect to Wallin element (2), it is undisputed that the Veteran is currently service-connected for hypertension. There is also evidence that the Veteran's hypertension preexisted his renal cell carcinoma by over a decade. In this regard, and turning to crucial Wallin element (3), the most recent July 2012 VHA examiner, the Chief of Hematology and Oncology at the Durham VA Medical Center, reflected that it was at least as likely as not that the Veteran's service-connected hypertension contributed to the development of his renal cell carcinoma. While the Board recognizes that rationale for this opinion was not provided, there are no contradictory opinions of record.

The Board finds that the July 2012 VHA examiner's opinion, persuasively reflects that the Veteran's right renal cell carcinoma is proximately due to or the result of his service-connected hypertension. Resolving reasonable doubt in the Veteran's favor, the Board finds that the criteria for secondary service connection for right renal cell carcinoma are met. 38 U.S.C.A. § 5107(b).


Service connection for right renal cell carcinoma, status-post laparoscopic hand-assisted right radical nephrectomy is granted."


What is the 20% SC for?

What other Mos's did you have?

Edited by Berta

GRADUATE ! Nov 2nd 2007 American Military University !

When thousands of Americans faced annihilation in the 1800s Chief

Osceola's response to his people, the Seminoles, was

simply "They(the US Army)have guns, but so do we."

Sameo to us -They (VA) have 38 CFR ,38 USC, and M21-1- but so do we.

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Dear Berta,

Thank you for your quick response and information.

The 20% is for a fall that resulted in two compression fractures in my lower spine. I fell 15 - 18 feet and landed on my tailbone with pack and helmet on and carry a rifle. The impact caused me to blackout for a split second. Over the years, I have developed arthritis and have chronic constant pain in my left lower back and hip, so much I cannot sleep on my left side or stand or sit for longer than 15 - 20 minutes. The area of the compression fractures have developed into bulging and herniated disks. A civilian doctor who read the lastest MRI also stated signs of Radiography (spelling).

I had my C & P exam preformed by a P.A. who did not have my records and failed to even read my civilian doctors reports.

I would like to appeal but I am not for sure of how and what to do.

Thanks Berta, could you e-mail me at my personal e-mail at gthompsonjr1962@gmail.com ?

Thank you,


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HI KySoldier

I was exposed to 21 years of hazardous chemicals on aircraft and even Hydrazine H-70 which is a known bad carcinagen. Even our technical guidence had lots of cautions and warnings about it being a cancer causing agent. We even had to rope off the area if there was a spill from an aircraft that the sign even had the cancer warning on it. I was doused several times all of this was in my records the VA still denied my SC for Renal Clear Cell Carcinoma (RCC). Even the surgeons when they fille dout thier IMO's said I had the RCC while in service. The VA found my RCC 1 month after I retired. Duh and they still denied it, the darn RCC was there for many months. I have a NOD/DRO review in for it now going on 1 1/2 years and don't expect an answer for a few more years since they are so backed up. I'd still get it in so you get the clock started. Get good IMO's if you have an outside the VA system urologist and have them also due the DBQ for Renal issues. Ifd you have any private DR records get copies don't let the VA request them or it will hold up your claim for a while while they request them under thier duty to assist BS. If you have all your ducks in a row do a FDC with all your required paperwork and objective evidence and submit. Have a strong case and if they deny get your NOD in quick so you can get in line for the long wait. Doing a FDC is the way to go I did two and both were done in less than 110 days from start to finsh here at the Phoenix VARO with 80% awarded.

Edited by manning01
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"I had my C & P exam preformed by a P.A. who did not have my records and failed to even read my civilian doctors reports."

That is a good argument for the appeal

I would like to appeal but I am not for sure of how and what to do.

I assume you mean you are appealing the 20% rating as well as filing the new claim.

If you can scan (cover name, address, C file number) and attach the reasons and bases part of the decision and the Evidence list, we can help more.

"A civilian doctor who read the lastest MRI also stated signs of Radiography (spelling). "

Does VA have these private records?

Would this doctor be willing to prepare an IMO for you? The IMO crirteria is in our IMO forum here.

I am sorry but I don't do emails on claims.

The wonderful benefit of a public web site is that even one question and one or two replies can often help MANY vets out there who might not be members and read as guests.

It amazes me how many times lurkers (guest readers) here formally join hadit to thank us for the advise we gave them,when they finally succeed..

What is the date of the decision that denied? I hope you have time left to file the NOD.

Lots of NOD info here and if we can read the VA's Reasons and Bases we can help more.

GRADUATE ! Nov 2nd 2007 American Military University !

When thousands of Americans faced annihilation in the 1800s Chief

Osceola's response to his people, the Seminoles, was

simply "They(the US Army)have guns, but so do we."

Sameo to us -They (VA) have 38 CFR ,38 USC, and M21-1- but so do we.

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