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Thyroid Cancer

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I found out last week that i have thyroid cancer, got my medical clarence yesterday, so i will be going into the hospital end of of the month for the operation, has anyone had this operation, and how did it effect you after the operation. is thyroid cancer in anyway connected to AO. would apprecieate any input from people who have already has this operation. when i was at my BVA hearing i talk to one of the people working there, i told him i was having the operation, he told me to put in a claim under AO as long as your doctor states it is more likely that not cause by exposer to AO.


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Hi To All

Iwant to say thanks to everyone who answered my e-mail, i feel a little better, i had two ultrsound test done, one showed hypoechoic solid left lobe and some colloid cyst on the right lobe i also had THS and free t-4 testing, they always seem to be high, had a second ultra sound. this one showed cyst on both sides of the thyroid and tumors,

I. Thyroid Ultrasound[feb 3,2006]

simple cyst, imferior pole, right thyroid lobe

2.thyroid ultrasound[Aug4, 2006]

follicular adenoma or adenomatous colloid; hypoechoic nodule, left throid nodule, r/o papillary Carcinoma

3. Tyuroid Scan[sept 25,2006}

Hypofunctioning nodule, left throid lobe, r/o papillary Carcinoma.

In consideration of the above findings, Mr. O'Donovan has been advised Near-total Thyroidectomy for histopathological analysis to determine the need for radioactive Iodine Ablation, If nodule turn out to be malignant My doctor to;d me that on most occations when the you have a hypofuntctioning nodule[COLD NODULE] it is most always maliginant[70%], I hope i am in the[30%].


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Guest jangrin


I'm sorry to hear about your thyroid cancer. I wish you all the best this next week. I don't know about the AO connection but I'm sure over the next 24 hours there will be many Hadit members that can inform you on the AO and about the operation. My family will keep you in our prayers.


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To all

I found out last week that i have thyroid cancer, got my medical clarence yesterday, so i will be going into the hospital end of of the month for the operation, has anyone had this operation, and how did it effect you after the operation. is thyroid cancer in anyway connected to AO. would apprecieate any input from people who have already has this operation. when i was at my BVA hearing i talk to one of the people working there, i told him i was having the operation, he told me to put in a claim under AO as long as your doctor states it is more likely that not cause by exposer to AO.



Number one do not be concerned about the agent orange right now. Put all your effort into surviving the cancer. Thyroid cancer is not on their list for AO caused cancers. The only chance you have is if your doctor will write them a letter why he scientifically believes the dioxins caused your cancer. It very likely is the cause if you were sprayed, but not on the list. What hospital are you going to? That is very important.

When did you serve in Vietnam? What branch and what MOS? Any PH`s or Combat Badge? You may be elgible for PTSD.

I was diagnosed last September 05 with last stage tonsil cancer. My doctor wrote a letter saying he strongly thinks it was caused by AO. I had a combat MOS with hearts and cib. I was just denied because it isn`t on the list of 10 items they relate to AO. More importantly, I am still alive after having both tonsils and as much of the tumor cut out as possible, chemo for 7 weeks, 30 minutes a day of intense radiation for 7 weeks with alot of damage including no taste or saliva ever again. BUT I`M ALIVE! My point is you can and will survive this. That I`m sure of.

I`m here for you anytime you have a question or need to chat. Just remember when your going thru that treatment that many more have gone thru it and survived for many years.


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If this falls into the Soft Tissue Sarcoma regulation, it could possibly be found as service connected-and I believe that your unit in Korea was exposed to AO and is on the Korean AO exposure list.

Patrick- this is a lot to deal with but I just read two BVA decisions regarding Thyroid cancer.

The thyroid cancer fell into adenocarcinoma type (a soft tissue carcinoma ) and the veteran was exposed to Agent Orange. And this claim was granted.

In the other claim a medical opinion the veteran had obtained supported that the veteran's exposure to Agent Orange caused the thyroid cancer.

If you can pinpoint your exposure as being with the area on the Korea DMZ where AO was found to have been sprayed , you could support this well- if it is adenosarcoma or any type of Soft Tissue Cancer (there are many medical names for these types of cancers- I posted a list of about 34 here some time ago.)

Korean veterans exposed to Agent Orange:

most recent list from NVLSP


GRADUATE ! Nov 2nd 2007 American Military University !

When thousands of Americans faced annihilation in the 1800s Chief

Osceola's response to his people, the Seminoles, was

simply "They(the US Army)have guns, but so do we."

Sameo to us -They (VA) have 38 CFR ,38 USC, and M21-1- but so do we.

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To all

I found out last week that i have thyroid cancer, got my medical clarence yesterday, so i will be going into the hospital end of of the month for the operation, has anyone had this operation, and how did it effect you after the operation. is thyroid cancer in anyway connected to AO. would apprecieate any input from people who have already has this operation. when i was at my BVA hearing i talk to one of the people working there, i told him i was having the operation, he told me to put in a claim under AO as long as your doctor states it is more likely that not cause by exposer to AO.



I had a radical thyroidectomy in 1981 (ionizing radiation). The thyroid regulates many body responses and when it's removed, everything slows down. I'm 70 years old and still kicking, so you'll survive! You'll be given a synthetic thyroid hormone (Synthroid probably). Your body converts it into a more active form of hormone as it's needed. Secondary effects? Mild depression (I take a small dose of Prozac), constipation, memory - no way to tell what'll affect you but I have most of the secondaries and life's still very worth living. Go to the "About" web site and look up "Thyroid". Mary Shoman runs it, is an RN and has thyroid problems herself. She's a great source of info.

Relax, you won't even know it's gone when you wake up!


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To all

I found out last week that i have thyroid cancer, got my medical clarence yesterday, so i will be going into the hospital end of of the month for the operation, has anyone had this operation, and how did it effect you after the operation. is thyroid cancer in anyway connected to AO. would apprecieate any input from people who have already has this operation. when i was at my BVA hearing i talk to one of the people working there, i told him i was having the operation, he told me to put in a claim under AO as long as your doctor states it is more likely that not cause by exposer to AO.



Regarding the thyroid and AO - it's known that dioxin interferes with thyroid hormone action, but I don't think a direct connection between dioxin and thyroid cancer has been established with much credibility.

You might look into the Collaborative on Health and the Environment in Bolinas, California. Their website is at www.healthandenvironment.org. Their website lists a strong relationship between soft tissue sarcoma and dioxin, but the relationship between dioxin and thyroid cancer specifically is weaker. The Collaborative people seem to be seriously investigating the dioxin-organ cancer relationship. Worth checking it out.


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