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Plantar Fasiitis And The Other Foot

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Carl the Engineer



Went to private foot doc today. Main complaint is that my limp is becoming more prominent, left heel pain and left ankle pain and pain when standing for a while, i.e., more than a half hour in both feet etc.

I have SC for Plantar Fasciitis in my right foot, and get 10%.

I told him that I am limping more because of my right foot pain and could that be causing my left heal pain and left ankle pain (stability).

He said it was.

Then he gave me a shot (cortisone)(ouch) in my right foot and a brace for my left ankle to support it moving side to side.

My plan is to file for increase right foot and SC for left foot secondary to right foot, etc.

I may also file for increase (currently 20%, ROM) thoracic/lumbar pain secondary from above ^^^^.

Anyone with experience in this matter?

Or opinion?



Edited by Hamslice

“There is no hook my friend. There's only what we do.”  Doc Holiday 

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Ice turkey..

   It sounds like you are fairly new, so maybe you dont know that you should start a new topic to get your questions answered.  However, I will respond.

    My answer is, "It depends".  I suggest you do these things:

1.  Since you are at 100%, my guess is you are seeking SMC, as that is the only way you will get additional benefits.  You can look up combine your ratings and see if that would total the "100 plus 60" for SMC S.  AND

2.  YOu should review your cfile and see if YOUR DOC indicates that your back problems are at least as likely as not related to the fall in  military service.  

    If you meet those 2 above, then by all means "go for it". 

However, if you dont think its gonna bring you to "100 plus 60" OR you dont have a valid nexus, then you need to decide if its worth it.    You see, if you dont have a valid nexus, then you will likely need to spend thousands on an IME/IMO, and if it wont result in additional compensation, I would not persue it unless you have a compelling reason.    One compelling reason is that you have "loss of use" of your foot or feet.  That is SMC in of itself.  

i am 40 percent for my back. i am receiving 100 percent because of unemployability. and i wasn't thinking in terms of special monthly compensation. my primary care doc has said in the past she believes my back issues are responsible for my foot issues but has never written that in her notes although, she lists lumbar radiculopathy as a problem. i have had several emg's that comfirm this.


my last foot xray indicated i had baad high arches, hammertoes and arthritis. those were done 3 years ago so the comparison should be interesting.

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If you are not seeking SMC, then there is little/no incentive for you to apply for more SC issues, as you wont be getting any additional compensation.   Based on what you posted, there is "nothing in it for you", so why would you want to subject your self to more VAola if there was nothing in it for you.  There may be exceptions:  For example, you may/may not be aware of the 10 year rule.  

If you die of any condition within 10 years, then your wife should get DIC when you are 100%.  But if its before 10 years, for your wife to get DIC I think you need to die of SC conditions.    I do not know if that applies to you or not, but for some its a very big deal.   For more on DIC go here:


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I'm on your side.  I fell down a flight of stairs, but got lucky, since I stopped at the landing. My knees cushioned my landing quite nicely, with my lower back finishing off with a nice compression towards the back of my head as my upper body finished landing.  I enjoy the after affects of this, every day! :smile:

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I will also add that he said that I have flat feet now because my feet were not designed for running and my 27+ years of running in the Army damaged them to where the support is gone.


And, I have been wearing inserts (from him) in both shoes for over a year now.


Thanks again,




I was recently awarded 30% for pes cavus w/plantar fasciits. It started with running during my 5th year of AD. Even though I was DXd with plantar fasciitis while on AD, it took 18 years before I was able to get it SCd. What started as a L foot only issue became bilateral over all the years since then. It has also greatly impacted my ankles, knees, hips and  back.  So I am going down the road for secondary SCDs because of my feet.

I received my first pair of custom orthotics from the VA back in 1999. Some of those early ones barely lasted 3 months!!! Now I walk like someone 35 years older than I am.  My high arches and short plantar tendons/ligaments are starting to shrink which is causing a lot of pain and discomfort. Sometimes I have to use both hands on the hand rails to come down stairs, and that aggravates my upper body.

I'm pulling for you Hamslice!

Semper Fi.


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Thanks, and I will be claiming the left foot and possibly my lower back as I am having daily pain currently.

I am waiting till next month until I get results for my heart disease issues.

Then another blast towards the VA with some claims.

This whole new issue makes old issues new issues thingy makes one plan thier attack accordingly.  Instead of claim when you can, etc..


“There is no hook my friend. There's only what we do.”  Doc Holiday 

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