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Hurry up and wait!!!

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Ok so last week I submitted my request for a complete copy of my Service record.  This is the response I got via email 

Thank you for submitting a request to the National Personnel Records Center.

We have received your signature authorization for request number X-XXXXXXXXXX

The average response time on the majority of these types of requests is three to four weeks, however, on occasion a greater response time may be experienced. We service approximately 20,000 requests each week and are working earnestly and successfully at reducing our response time.  Our goal is to reduce our response time on these types of requests to ten days or less.

Thank you.

End of auto-generated message


So let me translate this lengthy message in 4 short words " HURRY UP AND WAIT"    SERIOUSLY    I am totally LMFAO 


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  • Content Curator/HadIt.com Elder

Exactly! The hamsters are running in their wheels as fast as hamster-ly possible.

There is a 50% chance they will respond within three to four weeks, but there is a 20% chance of that. :ph34r:

"If it's stupid but works, then it isn't stupid."
- From Murphy's Laws of Combat

Disclaimer: I am not a legal expert, so use at own risk and/or consult a qualified professional representative. Please refer to existing VA laws, regulations, and policies for the most up to date information.


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Good job on getting that done!  As you know, everything with the Fed Gov't is hurry up and wait, so expect that too, so if it comes sooner, you'll be pleasantly surprised.


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"Our goal is to reduce our response time on these types of requests to ten days or less."  Why isn't their goal to have all archived records electronically accessible before the year 2020 or some year like that?????  I mean wouldn't you think that would be the overall goal of handling all archived records and following the paper reduction act???  It's like this.  I had to request a copy of my DD214 in writing!!!  because it was not available electronically as some of them are!!!  And still to this date it still is not available.  Now one might think that when the request for my DD214 was received which had to have been pulled from my archived service record, that person who pulled it would have sat down and taken my service record and made it electronically accessible at that time. Instead of putting it back in the archives???    I mean that kind of makes sense to me!!! :huh:

Edited by ADodge
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Actually it is their goal, because they were told to.  But in reality we all know that the slower they do that, the more Vets get screwed over by the VA, so they drag their feet as much as possible.

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I have to be honest with you, you're going to be waiting for months.

I submitted my request March 15 and had to get my congressional involved by mid July. Every time I called for an update I was told it would be 6 months or more due to a backlog with the "contractor" that does the scanning.

*Write down the NAME of each person you speak with at the archive and how they treated you, you might need it later....Just sayin'

My congressional hit the archives July 24, my Service records were scanned and a disc sent to my congressional office July 30. I did have to go back after my dependent file which took them about 2 weeks since they had to dig them out from my husbands SSN in the caves then scan them in.

In the end, I had to work with the front office managers to get my records scanned onto discs which were UPS mailed to me.

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