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Vbm On Cd On Back Order,

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Guest Jim S.


Guest Jim S.

:o I'm not a happy camper, I know why they don't tell you it's on back order, But I sure could have used the money to pay for something I had planned on for next month and used next months money to pay for the back ordered VBM CD, that is if it will even be available by then. As it is now, I still have to go to the library to research stuff that would probably be at my finger tips, that is as soon as I get the :unsure: D#M CD.

I hope it is worth the moola, It should come in handy if I have to appeal any decision the VARO comes up with. Of course I am hoping that will not be neccessary. If not, then hopefully I will be able to help other vets with the information I can gleam from its computer generated pages. :unsure:

By the way, nothing new to report from the VA or my SO, my claim is probably in a stack somewhere gathering dust, because they don't know how to handle a CUE claim, They probably think I'm trying to pull a joke on them, figuring if they ignore me, I will go away. FAT CHANCE of me letting them off so easily. :rolleyes:

Got to hit the hay, my cat has taken up his usual place waiting for me to crawl into bed so he can take his place by my side. I guess I don't snore to loudly, since it doesn't seem to bother him or my dog, who sleep on the floor at the side of my bed. :o

Their good buddies and don't let me sleep to soundly and start breathing to shallowly, The cat will get on my chest and my dog will stand at the side of my bed and make a winning ruckus of a noise to wake me up. Their pretty good at it too. :o

Good night/good morning,

Jim S. :o

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that's quite a support system you got going there jim :rolleyes: when i get real down my little pug seems to know and she will just start acting the clown she has been a god send for me.

vbm imho worth the money, hope to get a new one soon myself!


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