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My Take on Voc Rehab Counselors

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According to VA laws, regulations, statues the goal the Voc Rehab is to provide training that fulfills veterans aptitudes and interest (be it going to Law school, Med. School, a Phd, etc) and which ideally would lead to suitable and gainful employment. Therefore the law states – and there is plenty of legal precedent to back it up – that it is up to the veteran (and not to the VA counselor) to decide what school to go and what coursework to pursue. The latitude of decision making that a VA counselor has is very much limited to situations whereby the veteran demonstrate an inability to pass in his coursework (veterans has failed all his/her classes), and not to whether or not the veteran should or should be approved to go to school based on any other criteria (the decision has already been made and is within the preambles of the law) “There are too counselors “within the agency who refuse to fulfill the true purpose of the program – to help a veteran become as independent as possible and as successful as possible in employment; the emphasis herein is in the “as possible” so the sky is the limit. They instead claim they have a mandate to get you back to work as quickly and cheaply as possible, which is a claim written no where in the actual law.” (military.com), and it is otherwise a direct violation of the law.

The right to go to school and to whatever school the veteran so choose is up to the veteran and the veteran only. The law clearly states and the doctrine of legal precedent restates that and thus any pretentious pathetic pseudo-decision of the voc counselor crafted in order to deny the veterans his legal rights and legal entitlement is nothing but a blatant violation of the law (where is the accountability Act) and an attempt to jeopardize the veterans legal rights and legal entitlements.

Again, it is the legal right and the legal entitlement of the veteran to choose whatever school or training route he/se sees as suitable to his interests and aptitudes. The approval of the voc counselor is merely a formality, and the voc counselor must follow, obey, and observe the law, regulations, and statutes instead of pretending to be  any type of powerful decision maker because clearly a counselor is not one – at best the voc counselor is a facilitator who should provide for and help the veterans in his training endeavors (unfortunately that is not the case the vast majority of the times as they tend to be liars, crooks, and manipulators).

Edited by tk3000
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I agree! Sounds like my experience. Funny enough every VocRehab employee at my office was a veteran themselves. They refused to help me twice. After I stopped talking and started communicating by email to them and quoting the Vocrehab regulations and letting them know...I knew what I was entitled to....then they approved me immediately (they didn’t like me, but I got results). I had to tell counselor I knew about the supplies and equipment VocRehab offered, like a laptop, etc. Only then, did he oblige. Sadly my school’s Vet office personnel didn’t like working with my counselor either. However, my counselor picked a program for me. I completed program, however still no gainful employment after two years...mostly due to the high occurrence of nepotism where I live.  I originally wanted them to approve nursing school, but was denied. Nursing is gainful employment, I already had all pre reqs done. Now, I’ve been accepted to a competitive nursing program...which is 3x less expensive than the program my counselor chose and students are offered jobs before graduation.  Eventually my counselor left, a new counselor looked at my credentials, resume and past education and asked why I didn’t choose nursing in VocRehab. She was actually pleasant. I laughed and explained that previous counselor denied me and how I wish she’d been my initial counselor.

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  • Content Curator/HadIt.com Elder

A long time ago, I approached the VR&E counselor (a wormy sort of person), attended their seminar, and took testing. The tests said I was suitable for a job as a computer programmer (my current job), psychologist, or scientist. Imagine that...

They told me that I did not qualify because I was already employed. I explained that their propaganda also includes statements like obtain or retain a job. They said that was totally wrong. They said that if I applied and was denied, I was denied forever. But if I applied and withdrew my application, I could apply again, which is what they recommended and I did. 

Years later, I learn the truth. They scammed me. From what I hear, their counselors scam a lot of vets.

"If it's stupid but works, then it isn't stupid."
- From Murphy's Laws of Combat

Disclaimer: I am not a legal expert, so use at own risk and/or consult a qualified professional representative. Please refer to existing VA laws, regulations, and policies for the most up to date information.


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Definitely a scam when they purposely give you false info about what your entitled to. I don’t get it...the counselors act as if their paying out of their own pockets to provide veterans benefits. Most I’ve encountered also act as though they hate their job. I’d do their job happily and be appreciative of gainful employment & a federal job..all jobs have some degree of stress; their caseload can’t be that bad...lol. I met one vet at VocRehab at a resume/interview course (this was about the only help they offered)...lol. I think non of us attendees needed help on interviewing or resume writing, but I’m appreciative) he actually told attendees he had five degrees, VocRehab paid for two and some other certifications. Then he said he turned down six figure jobs because they didn’t offer him enough...lol...and he was still using VocReb. He said he had no problem getting VocRehab benefits; yet so many others do. This just proves counselors seem to make random unfair decisions.

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  • Content Curator/HadIt.com Elder

@FlyHigh1995 I think there could be some sort of disconnect between the the laws/regulations and the VR&E procedures found in M28 or perhaps how they are interpreted. I can understand if there was an occasional moron, but it does seem to be occurring rampantly throughout the country.

"If it's stupid but works, then it isn't stupid."
- From Murphy's Laws of Combat

Disclaimer: I am not a legal expert, so use at own risk and/or consult a qualified professional representative. Please refer to existing VA laws, regulations, and policies for the most up to date information.


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A decade ago when I was completing my degree my Voc rehab counselors were trying to get more and more veterans employed and not a college degree.  I do know that there are situations where the education program can be extended and Voc Rehab will pay for just about any supply but the rehab counselors really don't want to do this.  They just want to say the veteran is rehabilitated and employable.

5 hours ago, FlyHigh1995 said:

Definitely a scam when they purposely give you false info about what your entitled to. I don’t get it...the counselors act as if their paying out of their own pockets to provide veterans benefits.

We have not heard about it in a while but back in the day, VA employees used to get bonuses depending on their work completion load and their Spending Cap. So in a way they are taking it out of their own pockets

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