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I have to present a petition Infront of the whole court.

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Mr cue


Ok many be thinking I go to far well I found a legal problem that the cavc must address.

I believe they have to make percendent on this. I am a little shook now lol.

Ok here it is the Cavc remand your case to the bva.or the VA make you do a new VA form 9 or nod.

Does this mean.you start over the appeal process or is it still treat as a cavc remand.

The VA are changing docket numbers removing veterans from legacy appeal to ama. I just got a new 23 docket number. It's crazy.



I have been at this for a min I will have the. Motion done this weekend.

Listen they granted the panel with not written decision. An told me I can now request full court. This is we're percendent is made.

Ok let me get my a game together on this one guy's. I might get the court to come down on VA on this one.

I believe the court is going to make the va respond again.

I will post a bva response that they just send to me. It about to get real.

Man I am fighting 3 different appeal at the same time and they refuse to merge them back together. I am a little happy today.

The VA is about to get my n there job with my cavc remand now.

In a January 4, 2023, order, the Court denied the self-represented petitioner's November 21, November 22, December 2, December 16, and December 22, 2022, construed motions for leave to file a reply to the Secretary's July 18, 2022, response. The Court further ordered that the petitioner's January 2, 2023, motion to expedite proceedings is dismissed as moot, and the Court denied petitioner's October 5, 2022, petition for extraordinary relief in the nature of a writ of mandamus. On January 5, 2023, the petitioner filed a motion for a reconsideration or, in the alternative, for full Court review. The Court liberally construes the motion for reconsideration as a motion for single-judge reconsideration and panel review in the alternative. See U.S. VET. APP. R. 35(b). The motion for decision by a panel will be granted. Additionally, the Court notes that motions for a decision by the full Court in a case decided only by a single judge are not permitted. See U.S. Vet. App. R. 35(c). Hence, the appellant's request for full Court review of the January 4, 2023, order is premature and will not be considered. The appellant is free to refile his motion for full Court review within 21 days of the date of this order. See U.S. Vet. App. R. 35(d)

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Mr. A

:ph34r: " FIGHT TILL YOUR LAST BREATH " :ph34r:

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Here go one of the issues 

The VA is ordering me to do new VA form 9 or nod after ever cavc remand.

They are even stating I have to do them to continue my cavc remand.

Once I do them they are take them starting new appeal streams. Give me new docket numbers

An removing cavc tracking and expidate treatment.

Grove v Nicholson precedent stated how cavc are to be handled and track in the system.

My pending appeal from 2003 remand by the cavc has. Now been change to a new appeal. 23 

This is the bva response to a iris.

If you see they are stating my cavc remand is no longer one.

This is a legal questions the court need to address I am not the only veteran they are doing this to.

Like I said if my cases wasn't advance my cavc remand would be at the end of the line treat as a new appeal.



Your Advanced on the Board’s Docket (AOD) Legacy appeal was received at the Board on January 24, 2023.  Your current Legacy appeal is not a first-generation Court of Appeals of Veterans Claims (CAVC) remand, therefore the CAVC designation does not apply to this appeal.  The case is awaiting review by a Veterans law Judge.  The Board, as required by law, will consider the appeal according to its place on the docket

Edited by Mr cue
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Well I complete the brief and motion for full court review.

If any veteran are interested

There is percendent that cavc remand are to be track an must be treated expidate.

Grove v Nicholson precedent.

My argument is the VA are call cavc remand downstream issues.

They are ordering veterans to do new VA form 9 and nod.

Which they are taking an starting new appeal stream and docket numbers.

Removing the cavc tracking and expidate treatment.

This is volating grove v Nicholson precedent.

Now I understand it a long shot. To get the full court to rule on it.

My hope is that it wake the VA and bva up to address my cavc remand and stop holding it.

Last after this I am able to take the issue to the federal circuit court.

So the VA will get this right one way or the other.

I even ask the court to address the bva volating court precedent by keep ordering exams after a cavc remand.

To address if a veteran refuse anymore exams and VA duty to assist an ask for a decision based on there record.

What law allows the VA to keep ordering exams an not make a decision.

Here is court precedent. So the VA is volating it by trying to introduce new evidence to my cavc remand.


Mariano v. Principi, 17 Vet.App. 305, 312 (2003) (Court noted that it would not be permissible for VA to undertake further development if purpose was to obtain evidence against appellant’s case)


Adams v. Principi, 256 F.3d 1318 (Fed. Cir. 2001), (in which the court stated that it would be improper for the Veterans Court to remand a case to the Board to give the DVA another opportunity to develop evidence needed to satisfy an evidentiary burden it had failed to satisfy the first time, i.e., to “attempt to introduce new evidence sufficient to make up the shortfall” in the agency’s pro


So we will see what happens.

The VA has even remove my cavc remand from legacy to ama.

When I never requested it

Made me do a new nod and used it to remove cavc tracking and docket number.

An now refuse to merge my appeals back together.

It just crazy. They just hope I can't handle 3 different appeal in two different appeal system. With all different docket numbers.

Last thing this was one appeal remand by the court. An now it all theses different appeals.

This is all been done on purpose.

If I have 3 different appeal with different docket numbers.

My issues will never be given a proper decision.



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More VA games.  Surprised at this at higher levels of appeals.  Again my comment is WOW, the crap just keeps a coming.

Mr. A

:ph34r: " FIGHT TILL YOUR LAST BREATH " :ph34r:

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