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'Splash Screen' that providers see at VA medical center(s) with record pull-up

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Hello all,

So a few years back, I had wrongly stopped taking 1/4 medications I take.  I got restless legs which gave me insomnia and when I got to my GP, she team messages my Psych doc, who, I believe, discouraged any treatment for restless legs, probably out of guilt.  I started taking the meds again and the restless legs went away.  Anyways, several months later, in the dentist chair - I see a diagnosis I've never been told I have on my info screen on computer: Paranoid Character.   Undoubtedly due to my anxiety over not sleeping for that short time (less than 2 months) but still on my permanent record for all my providers to see. 

I currently take all my meds as prescribed.   I have never been told that I was even being considered as having paranoid characteristics.  My question is, should I be concerned about what my providers are seeing about my 'conditions' that have been fed into the computer by whoever wants to throw something in there?  I do have anxiety and depression though, but I feel like VA docs and nurses can add any old thing they want into your record and you won't even know it!  This makes your providers obviously treat you differently than they otherwise would - or why would the option be there to 'warn' providers, if not to 'prepare' providers for symptoms of a patient?  If I should be concerned, what route should I take to be sure that only the RELEVANT diagnoses are listed and are being communicated to me?

Thanks much!

Edited by scythis
made more succinct

Audentes Fortuna Juvat

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I would not worry about it one bit. VA medical personnel including dentist are used to treating patients with serious MH diagnosis on a daily basis for many years and seeing all this on their PC screens when you are with them.

Since 1985 I have been diagnosed and rated for 50 to 70% Nam combat PTSD and this has had no negative impact on my treatment or their attitude toward me at all.

A few private care givers who have seen my VA medications has shown some minor concern about my MH over the years.  Thats all. 

My comment is not legal advice as I am not a lawyer, paralegal or VSO.


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Before I even read Dustoff's answer, I thought the same thing.  Dont worry about what other people think of you..Doctors, nurses, etc. etc.  No, dont go out of your way to make them mad, but there are always gonna be differences of opinions and you are not gonna please everyone no matter what you do.  


    I try not to lose any sleep "about what other's think", including (especially) what they think of me.  Its one of those things that are in the category of "things I cant change".  

    Paraphrasing, the serenity prayer, "God grant me the strength to work on changing the things I can change, the peace to not try to change those that I cant change, and the wisdom to know the difference".  

     "What people think of me", is highly biased by their background, and since many have a vastly different background and set of opinions than I do, Im not gonna even try to change their entire life based on their opinion of me.  So, that is one I will gladly let go.  Who cares what people think of me?  People are fickle anyway, and constantly changing like the weather.  

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