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Just Filed Today

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If you didn't see my newbee post, my name is Aimee.

I just seperated from the Navy after 6 great and 3 not so great years.

I filed with a DAV today.

My issues are my back (one of the joints right by your spine)

and mental health. (What I believie to be Service aggervated MMD and

service connected GAD)

The DAV didn't seem to have too much to say as far as me having

a good shot at getting anything. Just said he's send the paperwork off

with my SMR and that I should hear from the VA in 3-6 months.

Luckily I had a MH eval just before I got out, (from a civ p-doc)

plus I had plenty of records from a BMC from a few years back, so I have

established DX's.

Now, while I'm here waiting, is there more I can do?

ANd how are the chances of me needing to get a C+P?

I'm very new to this whole thing, so except a lot of dumb questions (even though they told

us there were no dumb questions...)



Also, would I need a stress letter? Or is that just for PTSD?

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Aimee- did you file your claims within one year of discharge?

Also did you get a copy of the 21-526 thing that the DAV filled out or did you fill it out? (The actual claim form- many pages)

I would suggest that you read my blog on successful claims-

let me know if it doesn't come up .

Sounds like you have some great evidence-

I would if I were you buy some manila folders and some colored sticker tabs and sort out your evidence as to SMRs, the BMCR stuff (that might well help if you are claiming PTSD), your DD 214, your service personnel records if you have them, and then separate and tabs in files any medical evidence you have to support your claims.

At any time you can send them pertinent evidence-

say in a cover letter it is in support of your claim and make sure your name, address, c file number (when they give you one) or SSA number is on anything you send.

I use the mailing address stickers that come with donation requests.

Is everything in your claim?

I sure would put anything in it that could possibly be due to your service.Especially all things that were documented with DX in those records you have.

WHat makes a claim succeed is 1. documented diagnosed disability

2. evidence of "nexus"-

meaning the link to your service.

Are you still in touch with your unit if you need any buddy statements? Like a witness statement to any event?

I have a Buddy Statement blog here too.

I hope the BMCR matter was successful for you.

I had the DAV years back and they were very negative (I am a civilian widow of a vet) said my claims would not succeed but they did.

You might have a good service officer but he is probably overworked if he is good and a veteran has to do all they can themselves to succeed with a VA claim.

Thank you for your service!!!!

I am glad you have come aboard here-it is the best place in town for good VA claims help!

Also I would check to see it the VA has received this-

did you mail it or did the SO?

I advise sending everything to the VA certified or Priority with tracking slip.

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Thanks so much for replying!

I have been reading Hadit! for six months or so, so I knew I was in for a good fight!

I just got out in June (12th) so that part should be ok.

I would have like to have started the process before I got out (you can do

part of it before hand now, not filing, but getting stuff ready) but my seperation

was kinda last mintue.

I did manage to get my Sup to write a letter stating that I had a very hard

time opening up to people, isolating, ect, and I'm so glad I did.

My 1st enlistment was 1995-1999. I didn't file, and went back into the navy after

only a few months. LONG story,lol.

Came back 2000-2005. Admitted to mild depression, as I had my 1st enlistment.

I was a teenager, no big deal.

Then around 2002, I pretty much started sleeping 16 hours a day, my eating was

out of control (eating disorder).

I had a clearence, thought for sure I was gonna get kicked out.

Instead I was put on anitdepressants that probely saved my life.

Then went to my last command. Thing was, there were only 10 military there, and

I guess I don;t have to tell you how much people get into your business at a command that small.

So next thing I know, people sit there and watch me everytime I eat. Funny thing is, I'm

not even underweight.

As my eating got better, my anx. increased to the point were I was put on another anitdepressant.

And I beleive part of why I was denyed reenlistment had to do with GAD.

I was DX'ed with a GAF of 60, and right in the report the p-doc

said something to the effect of being denied of continuing my service because my command

considered me "risky and unpredictiable".

Besides getting hit by a car in 2003 while riding my bike to work (determined to be the line

of duty, so at least my back is covered) I'm not sure if I can pinpoint GAD neuxs's.

I'll look though my SMR and see if the doc's said anything of interest.

IF I can read thier handwriting, that is!

Thank you all SO MUCH!

I will look at everything you guys suggested.

Even before I posted this, months ago I knew Hadit! would be a great place to

come for whatever I needed.

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  • HadIt.com Elder


I think you have a good chance of getting SC for anxiety and depression because you have a history of being treated in service. You were diagnosed with these disorders it seems and even given a GAF. You were denied reenlistment because of this so the military can't deny you have a record of these disorders in service. They may try and say you had the conditions prior to service but that does not matter since your service aggravated these conditions and they accepted you as able bodied and you completed your first enlistment. I think the main risk is of getting low balled on % of disability. The VA is pretty liberal at handing out 10% ratings for everything from PTSD to schizophrenia.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

I think you have a good chance of getting SC for anxiety and depression because you have a history of being treated in service. You were diagnosed with these disorders it seems and even given a GAF. You were denied reenlistment because of this so the military can't deny you have a record of these disorders in service. They may try and say you had the conditions prior to service but that does not matter since your service aggravated these conditions and they accepted you as able bodied and you completed your first enlistment. I think the main risk is of getting low balled on % of disability. The VA is pretty liberal at handing out 10% ratings for everything from PTSD to schizophrenia.


Sounds like you got lots of good advice. The only thing that I would add is on the back injury. Everytime I see my primary doctor the first question they ask me is if I have pain right now. Then they ask me to rate the pain on a scale of 1-10. I always say yes and say that it is related to a neck injury. I am not service connected for the neck injury and already get 100%. The truth is that my neck injury kicks my ass from time to time. If you do not tell them you are in pain they might make the mistake of thinking that you recovered from the injury in the service.

Also, I would consider the possibility that the depression and GAD were secondary to the bike accident. Be it a PTSd type of situation or secondary to physical pain caused by a chronic back injury. My neck injury totally changed what limited ability I had to function with my other disabilities. I just keep finding that as time goes on my ability to function inrequires a class of activities that becomes smaller and smaller. I do not think there is any way to combat this reality. I guess if the pain gets bad enough they will operate on my neck.


100% for Angioedema with secondary conditions.

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Hi, Hoppy!

Yeah, I generally can't ride in a car for more then a half hour without

my back hurting. The other side of my back seems to be trying to compenste

for it, and there's pain raditating down my leg.

I just read on the board about a vet with a purple heart getting only 10%!

Now, I'm not trying to get rich here. I can work, and when I do find a place to

live, I'm getting a job.

I just want to be able to afford to pay for my meds, maybe some therapy.

I called my former Sup today, and he's sending me a "buddy" letter in ref. to

my social "disfunction" and other mental stuff, so I'm sure that will help my case

at least a bit.

Now, a civ P-doc rated me at a 60 GAF.

Am I worng in assuming that a C+P will most likely happen?

the 60 GAF was on a "normal" day, not even my worse day.

For any MH questions, do I answer like I would if I was unmedicated?

Not that it may even matter by that time, I already have to cycle my meds

around to keep them working.

Thank you all for all the great suggestions!

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I think I may have found a lot of different nexus's for the GAD

(MMD preexsiting).

But the one that upset me the most..

When I got help for an eating disorder, my PCS orders got changed

at the last mintue.

When my new command got my orders, there was all kinds

of rumors about why they had gotton changed.

I just said it was a medical thing.

Now, this was a small command, everyone in each other's business.

One day my chief just came right out and asked me.

The main reason why I told him was kind of a saftey device for me.

like me saying, hey, if I lose/gain a ton of weight, please do something.

And I never thought the convo would leave the room.

But, it did.

So here I am, trying my hardest to build some social support for myself,

while everyone had already writen me off as crazy.

Talk about a reason for isolation!

Not saying this is anywhere near what some of you went though,

but could this have played a role?

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