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Silent Heart Attack

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  • HadIt.com Elder

I went to have and electro cardigram this morning to get in a Diabetic Health Study that will pay be $ 1,045 and give me free meds and testing equipment. My ECT came back with a note of previous MI or Heart Attack. I called my Medicare HMO Doc and they are going to see me at 9:45 AM tomorrow and I also had called the VA and much to my surprise they made me an appointment to take labs and see a Doctor for 10:45 Friday.

I guess I will learn more except I was told that diabetics have what is called a silent heart attack?

Edited by Pete53

Veterans deserve real choice for their health care.

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I went to have and electro cardigram this morning to get in a Diabetic Health Study that will pay be $ 1,045 and give me free meds and testing equipment. My ECT came back with a note of previous MI or Heart Attack. I called my Medicare HMO Doc and they are going to see me at 9:45 AM tomorrow and I also had called the VA and much to my surprise they made me an appointment to take labs and see a Doctor for 10:45 Friday.

I guess I will learn more except I was told that diabetics have what is called a silent heart attack?

I wish I had 10% of the cash for the tests the VA has done on me and my heart problem.

According to the latest Nuclear Perfusion scan of my heart I have had 2 silent heart attacks. Its a shock isn't it? B)

It is what is holding me back from a liver transplant. Im going to try for some New Style stents on Wednesday, If you dont see any more posts from me I took the Big dirt nap.

VA is unwilling to do the stents so Im using the local University Hospital for the PCI.



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  • HadIt.com Elder

Arch my prayers are with you. If you want to give me your phone number I would like to call you my email is psa343@sbcglobal.net

And yes it is a big shock but now I think I know when it happened I just did not think it was a heart attack. I have learned another lesson.

Veterans deserve real choice for their health care.

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Sorry to hear about you guys heart problems .Hope the best for both of you. Wish i could offer more words of incouragement but the only postive note is I havd a MI in 1995 and have not had any more attacts since that time.I suppose the key is controlled diet and meds and less worry.

God bless

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  • HadIt.com Elder

I am glad they caught it, and there are things they can do, I am living proof, I have had 7 heart attcks and I wish they were silent, I felt every one of them, and they hurt, and even when you find out you had a mild heart attack, it plays head games with you, I don't believe there is such a thing as a mild heart attack, let the doc have one and let him tell me how "mild" it was. I wish I could have surgery, they don't even want to do caths on me anymore due to the severity of my problems, if they rip a artiery or vein, I won't live thru the operation to fix it. They won't even use and epidural on me to operate on my back. Medicate till death. Nice phrase huh. Be happy there are things that can be done. Heart problems are as much a mental mess as they are physical. Be glad they found it and take the meds they give you, ask about Plavix, it's one of the few meds I know that works, it keeps clots from forming. If you cut yourself it takes a long time to scab though.

100% SC P&T PTSD 100% CAD 10% Hypertension and A&A = SMC L, SSD
a disabled American veteran certified lol
"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step."

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  • HadIt.com Elder

I went to the VA yesterday and had blood tests and another EKG. The gatekeeper Doc prescribed me another med for blood ressure but after spending the day I asked for it to be mailed. I also got a flu shot and the one for pnemonia and my arm hurts like hell. The Doc scheduled me to see a shrink oh boy.And I am also going to have a stress test and possibly other tests.

What really bugs me the most is if I had not taken a pro active stance on trying to deal with this I would still be sitting at home fat dumb and happy.

Now for the real bummer for me at least. I have seen three Docs in less than 10 days and the only one who thinks I should follow up is my VA Docotr. We know for certain that my heart attack happened more than 2 weeks ago but less than 6.

Just at this time with all the anxiety and stress they want me to take something besides Xanax. I had a sleeping panic attack this morning to top it off.

Veterans deserve real choice for their health care.

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