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  1. So...Currently rated 90% My claim has went from Prep for decision to gathering evidence. Called my VSO, he stated they were finishing up an appeal which is causing my Ebeenies to screw up. I just got an appeal finished up, it didn't change the rating, and got the SOC in the mail. I still have a DRO pending from last year. But the DRO appeal has no movement via Ebennifits While talking to my VSO he said my claim is going to be reviewed for rating next week, and everything should be fine. I trust the guy he has done nothing but good things for me. Then late Friday, I checked Ebenfits and I had this. Any idea what this means? I have only been rated for about 3 years. Details of Your Claim Claim Received: 06/06/2013 Contentions: routine future (New) Claim Type: Compensation Estimated Claim Completion Date: At this time, your Regional Office is unable to provide an estimated completion date for this type of claim
  2. Not sure if the RO your at makes a diffrance. I had my claim done at the Providence VA, and everything went pretty quick.
  3. Mine ended up taking about six months. Have you tried to call RAS branch to see where you stand in the retro audit pile?
  4. I end up talking to my VSO, got 10% on appeal for my allergic rhinitis, and a new claim for sinusitis. Which was suppose to be included in the C&P exam for this appeal.
  5. It has been an interesting 3 year journey so far. I might see a light at the end of the tunnel or it could be a train. Been spending a lot of time fixing what the VA didn’t rate right. Below is my recent lumbar exam, the one that was never done in my initial claim, but somehow got a rating of 10 %. I am thinking it going to turn out to be 20% Lumbar and 20+10 bilateral rating for Radiculopathy. Anyone want to venture a guess how this will end. If I end up 40% lumbar and 20 + 10 for Radiculopathy I will be 100% Forgot one thing, do they rate scaitc and femoral nerve separately or the worse of the two? Since the exam says they are both hosed up. The lumbar exam. 4/10 lumbar back pain always 45 degree forward flexion of lumbar spine Abnormal Gait. Ankle Plantar Flex Right and Left 4/5 Great Toe extension Right and Left 4/5 1+ Deep tendon reflexes left knee and ankle Decreased sensation to light touch L2,L3,L4,L5, S1 left and right Positive straight leg test Involvement of femoral and sciatic nerve left and right. Level of Radiculopathy Right: Mild Left Moderate
  6. I just got completed a month ago for an appeal C&P for Sinusitis and allergic rhinitis. I also added some other documents to the appeal about 20 days ago, since they "forgot" to do the sinus exam. This afternoon after my VSO went home I get this message in Ebenfits. This has been a DRO apeaal, and as far as I know has never left the RO. Your case has been received at BVA, and BVA has mailed your decision to you (and your representative, if any) and will be returning your claims file to the VA Medical Center. Please note that transit times vary, and there may be some lag time between when BVA forwards your claims file to its appropriate location and when that location receives it Any idea what just happened? Good news, bad news, or really no news?
  7. I didn't because I didn't catch it till now, about two years post the decision. I am asking for an increase, the only reason it is even important is because I was rated 80% at the start, 14 months later 90% when a new condition was added. It would give me the difference between 80% and 90% for 14 months in retro pay. About 3K
  8. I just got done with a C&P as a result of an appeal of allergic rhinitis, and sinusitis. While I was there I got my C&P files from my prior exams. While looking at it, I found that my first C&P has an error. I am currently rated at 10% for lumbar, the C&P makes no mention of my ROM. My ROM was tested for turning but not for flexion which I know was done. To further confuse the matter I have a request to have my percentage increase for my lumbar. I am thinking I will end up at 20 or 40 when it is done. Do I have a case for a Cue, or is there a better route?
  9. Being someone with Hypogonadism and a shot sperm count, and discovering of making babies the hard way. I would think you could get SMC(K) it only a 100 bucks, but I get it.
  10. I do work, so I am going to have to get this the hard way. I have enough things claimed, it really getting the math to add up 11 items claimed, 3 on appeal, and a lumbar condition that was rated wrong. They measured my ROM at how far I could go, instead of were the pain started. I will be shooting for an increase on that.
  11. Just got the results of my DRO at the Providence VA. This package had two items on appeal anxiety and atrophy of both testis. The anxiety got pumped up to 10%, which I am ok with. The Atrophy was denied, which I sort of expected. Talking to my state VSO, he said if I could get him some more evidence for my atrophy claim, he can see what he could do to avoid an appeal to BVA, or an in person DRO. I have two providers who have filled out the DBQ for me and I have an ultrasound setup for Friday. My question is what constuites complete atrophy of the testies, is the standard in some VA referance that I can't find? Any help would be appreciated. I am on the hard road to 100% I am 90% now, but seem to be stacking alot of 10% conditions. Thanks in advance
  12. My path to 100% has a couple possible routes. I have three items on appeal 1) anxiety which was service connected, but got zero, had a GAF of 60. Looking for 30% there. 2) athorphy of my junk 20% that one should be cut and dry. 3) Allergic Rhinitits which is on appeal, VA said it wasn't service connected, gave them the list of documents, and the scale up of allegy meds, 10% there. All the appeals are going DRO route, been there since Mar 12. The Providence VA seems to be stuck at 1027 appeals for the last month on the Monday Morning report. I am hoping for a 30% on the GERD, if that all works out that would give me the 100%. My backup plan in to claim worsing of my Lumbar back issues, which I know they rated low. I have a couple items that I haven't claimed. Providence VA is able to crank out a single item claim in about a month.
  13. GERD was a new claim, was supposed to be on my first claim but got missed. I retired 1.5 years ago got 80% after about a year of waiting. Then last year my thyroid went wacky, so I got 30% from that. I have three items on DRO appeal, which I hope turn out to be 30,20,10 and the GERD as a new claim which I am shooting for 30. If the stars line up right, I would hit 95% which would round up to 100. Which is where the 100% and CRDP pay question came from.
  14. Thanks for the links Berta. I looked at them but can't really find the answer I am looking for. The policy says CRDP can't exceed Retirement pay. My retirement pay is 2400, if I hit 100% my CRDP would be about 3K. I am assuming I only get 2400 not 3K, but am trying to get some confirmation on that.
  15. Good evening everyone. Just finished up a C+P exam for GERD, everything went pretty well. The Providence VAMC doesn't seem to bad. During the exam the doc asked how close I was to 100%. I told him I am 90%. He said keep going till you are 100%. He also said the VA should take care of vets, and he has a mission to make that happen. He is a rare bird for sure. The question. CUrrently I am 90% with SMC(k).I am fairly close to being 100% via scheduler alone, assuming I win on three DROs (anxitey, athopy of the testies, and allergic Rhitits) I retired with 20 years of service and get about 2400 dollars a month of retirement pay. If I am rated at 100% which is about 3K in CDRP. How much do I get in CRDP? It appears your CRDP can't be more that your retired pay. Is this true for 100% also? Am I fighting for 400 dollars or 1K? Thanks for your time
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