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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by jfrei

  1. I understand that ruready which is why I had the hearing last week so that she can see I wasn't faking she agreed with me and this is where the she said she can't decide so she would have to send it to General counsel. I have never heard of them my attorney said they are lawyers. But I didn't know what power they have. How are they different then what was called the tiger team?
  2. How is it a MRI can be faked or a neuropysch test on my brain like I said keep the money just help me treat my TBI residuals from the 900 million dollars GM paid the government to hide the delayed recall.
  3. I was in a coma when then found me and the test was blood so there is no fighting blood tests to my knowledge. I am not disputing that I am disputing in addition with that, the proximate cause of my injury resulting from the mechanical defect in my car the airbag failed to deploy , seat belts failed, along with the power steering causing me to lose control and lost my brakes. So at the time going into an S turn I can imagine that I paniced at the last second. I can not remember any of it along with the last thing I do was about a week prior when I received Marine of the Quarter and then 1 month after until I woke up and still the memories are fuzzy I guess you can see why they took my picture off the wall rightfully so. Again I am not fighting about what I did It was wrong but how I crashed was not the alcohol but the defect in the car its been proven over and over my service department sided with me as well did GM in 2008. But then they hid the details until 2014 when it happened over 400 times that they had to issue a recall.
  4. I did and its been to long the officer said the only thing the officer said he would do is he can testify that the defect of the airbag was not looked into because of the other evidence. Except my lawyer did and filed against GM who then filed for bankruptcy so that was apparently shielded from them. What about the Marine in 2008 died in CA driving at night said he was speeding died back to his base later determined it was the ignition switch was he at fault its proven to lose your brakes and power steering he had his seat belt on the pretensions in seat belts fail as well with this recall. The one boy who had his cobalt for 9 days wrecked his car had seatbelt that failed on by the time he got it off his body was 75% covered in burns from the fire got out his car made it 100 feet before collapsing and bleeding out on the pavement. So basically own the car and don't drive it is what I should have done. I know I should not have been in the car FACT I have owned up to that by taking the punishment and the hazing from the military as a result of my memory problems for 5 years. I cannot change what I did which is why I have been so actively involved with congress and the other survivors trying to change the current law/laws for the auto industry and I believe on Wednesday it was beneficial they heard all of our stories.
  5. I was charged two years after my accident and the officer said to me he was at the time not required to look into the airbag not going off so no defect was looked into until this whole GM scandal broke public. But like said and can prove that it didn't matter when the accident happened it could have happened at any time. Their engineers already said my accident was due to my ignition switch case closed and forced them settle my claim in 2008 then hid my black box with all the others families data of their accidents. For examples the families that testified with me yesterday the person involved in their accident is deceased 1 family their son had the car for 9 days, 1 was a rental, 1 was a month, and the others were just around a few months almost 1 year. Mine happened about a year of owning my Cobalt. Chevy Cobalt are death traps for people driving them and should warn all drivers you see to either get the ignition switch looked at or buy a new one GM is offering 500 bucks towards their next car if they give them their cobalt, makes me mad and laugh at the same time. What good is 500 towards a new car?
  6. Once notified by the New York times and the Detroit times that my name was in their internal investigation in the determination saying it was the result of my ignition switch I contacted an attorney. He filed a claim to have a DRO hearing then then 7 days later also filed a motion for reconsideration based on this new evidence. The hearing was scheduled in August and then in July we got the determination back saying they see no evidence that there is any relation between my accident and the recall not the settlements or GM admitting to me that they were at fault. Attorney filed and appeal with that determination.Then came the DRO which had to be rescheduled to Sept because they failed to contact my attorney. Then it was rescheduled a 3 time since they picked a day the Pope was visiting Philly in Sept. Now it October and my hearing came she looked into the recall and the facts I had brought and the issues my attorney had and said this might be able to be decided at the DRO level and she might have to send it to the General Counsel. He said that this could be a good thing as the counsel is a group of lawyers that look at it collectively. That just sounds like a new name for the tiger team to me. Is there a wrong claim to put in my situation, I know there has not ever been a case like mine and like I said if retro is the only problem they can have it? MRI's get expensive after 3 in the past 2 months showing the cyst in my brain is permanent but not cancerous, which I feel the VA was not the case and would take me out already.
  7. As for the money I received in 2008 they also for that money took all the evidence my lawyer found of a defect refused to give the drawings needed to show the problem sayin it was trade secrets and took my black box. In 2014 they inspected it had it in their internal investigation stated cause of crash was ignition switch
  8. I have an appeal in already from my attorney I just had a DRO hearing and she knew about this recall investigation already. She said she will try everything she can at her level but she is going to ask for help from the general counsel. I was just listening cause I've never heard of them.
  9. I've already spoken out to congress about making them as accountable as aircraft manufactures who have the FAA regulating them. Auto industry have no standards of no one keeping them in check like the man who hid this defect for 10 years and instead of jail they paid this fine.
  10. Well they paid 900 million to the government to hide this issue last week so the VA can ask for some of that to help me out with my TBI they caused. My accident was prior to their bankruptcy so they claimed immunity for accidents prior to 2009 my was 2006
  11. I don't want retro I could care less just give me service connection to treat my TBI I'll take 10 percent or 0 just getting help is all I want with my memory.
  12. the only bullshit about it is when the manufacture told me that nothing that I did could have prevented this accident regardless of my negligence there's one other marine who died in California same issue with vehicle no fault of his own either , along with two other marines I am not defended what I did but claim no willful conduct to the cause of m accident as my service department found in 2007 and. Got me cleared enough to deploy knowing I wasn't all there quoted by all my coworkers. There are over 160 deaths and 300 injuries due to the mechanical defect in the car so get mad at me but you can thank GM ignition switch for your anger.
  13. Is this like the tiger team when a claim is complicated even for a DRO? She said the worst case is she will set me up with an appeal. Schakowsky,_Pallone_highlight_Vehicle_Safety_Improvement_Act_after_Auto_&_Roadway_Safety_Hearing.3gp
  14. She spoke with me and said she watched the hearing and I went and gave her my testimony that was for Schakowsky, Pallone highlight Vehicle Safety Improvement Act after Auto & Roadway Safety Hearing. She said she doesn't think she can make a determination so she might have to send it to general counsel. That was before she watches my testimony I was very nervous I even forgot how they shamed a fellow brother if it wasn't past and then his death 2008 was for nothing. I was just so nervous uugh. Give me a heads up if it plays it on youtube if you copy title and past.# ASKNOD let me know if you see the video Schakowsky,_Pallone_highlight_Vehicle_Safety_Improvement_Act_after_Auto_&_Roadway_Safety_Hearing.3gp
  15. Thanks Nod I have more evidence to submit to the DRO anyways she asked to see my hearing I was in yesterday in front of Congress on the importance of Vehicle & Safety. I was ok just nervous on the video camera. There was a group of us I was the only survivor the other 5 were the parents who explained what happened and I explained my story. Hoping once she sees it, it will go a little faster.
  16. I know my claim as she stated is extremely complicated as everyone will agreed. I just got back from the RO, my claim has so many different things happening car accident, alcohol, Service LOD which said was not willful misconduct, reports from NHSTA, Recalls received after my accident, GM admission accident was in no way my fault by 2 settlements listed in their internal investigation by FBI. So I have all my evidence learned from mistakes trying move on 10 years later GM is now in heat for this whole ignition switch defect which I found out this year all this information. My past posts about this incident I had know idea my name was in GM investigation. So yes I made a mistake by getting into the car apparently it would have happened if I was driving to base like LCPL Richard Bailey out at twenty-nine palms same defect in his car, and happened to him while he was wearing his seatbelt. My guess is she said to me is she will grant what she can. I have a CUE for their determination that it was willful misconduct after military said it wasn't 2010 and then the second is that new material evidence proves my accident was not my fault dated 2014. So is possible to grant one but not the other? I am not greedy just want care for my TBI while I can still provide for my family. If I am granted just service connection I could care less what the retro is my attorney might but I don't.
  17. How about Philadelphia and yes I was asking about my DRO de novo Hearing I just had.
  18. Is there a place to see the average time for a DRO to issue their SOC I just had my hearing on the 15th so I can imagine a long time ?
  19. I know that a DRO can approve allot of things, is there things that they cannot approve at their level my DRO said that they have to ask others for help with my matter because she doesn't know but if she can't she said to be sure to appeal? I have a great case for an appeal and they more allowance. I am confused I thought they could do whatever they wanted but this DRO made it sound like DROs have limitations.
  20. I have 6 recalls, 112 service bulletins, 1 internal investigation, 1487 complaints to the NHTSA's report. My accident was listed in the internal investigation I am hoping that is all the DRO will just need to have my LOD saying it wasn't willful misconduct but due to car defect by my service department even though alcohol was involved but determined by my service in a formal hearing that the proximate cause was the defect. I have a letter by GM says they offered me a settlement I accepted in 2008 and 2015 for the defect in my car. I have a safety recall notice I received in the mail march 2007 FOUR MONTHS after my accident. I have multiply pictures one being of a sticker on the car saying it was inspected by GM and it conforms to all US federal motor vehicle safety standards with my vin number and a picture of the steering wheel with the airbag not coming out. I have all 311,760.80 of my medical bills Tricare paid. I have 3 other veterans with the same defect one died in 2008 due to the accident with the list of 399 total known under the GM ignition switch fund website. I have my separation paperwork from the marines stating it was being evaluated by the VA not that they were going to deny it then say it was my fault.I accepted the fund one of the requirements to getting this offer was my airbags failed along with the my seatbelt tensioners. Medical evidence says that I wasn't, I said I was, but there is no way to tell either way since the tensioners fail in belt showing no wear marks. They said I was speeding 7 over the speed limit but the brakes fail in this recall along with power steering and this all happened going into an S turn and coming out into a tree. I have lost all memory of accident and the while in a coma for about a month. The memories after I awoke are fragments. I have a few listed articles of people who died from this recall that were driving with a seatbelt and one veteran that was driving to work and died. I know I wasn't perfect before my accident but was a very good marine received awards before my accident such as being a class leader letter of appreciation two months prior. I have letters written from my supervisor saying I had slip ups and should not work on aircraft until I fully heal. I have found an appeal that is almost identical docket no 00-09 952 05/08/02. I printed out the entire 380 page internal investigation which has my accident listed along with the entire ignition flaw findings stemming out over a decade. Which the government just accepted a 900 million dollar fine from GM along with probation but no jail time for the 124 deaths. I seriously get so obsessed with this mater and I cannot help it, it just is always in the back of my mind. I have been told I have 3.2 cm cyst in my brain not cancerous thank god but has said it could cause my short term memory problems and my compulsive behavior.
  21. Is there any advice other then the obvious of what to do or possibly bring to help my hearing swing my way. I was asked if an expert could come testify on my behalf about the recall in my car and to share my future trips to the senate to have future laws changed so the GM ignition switch never happens again would help me? Or is my attorney right and it will depend on who it is and they might have already made a decision in their mind and would waste her time to drive her to testify.
  22. Ok so I've been told by my attorney that the DRO looked at my file and hinted he was to deny the CUE but possibly reopen the claim based on new evidence just curious on what that means if it does reopen does that mean they can still deny the claim based on new evidence or just that you get more time to show why the evidence is in your favor?
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