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Filing For An Increase, Back Problems Please Look

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I'm currently at 70%. 50% PTSD code 9411; 20% IVDS code 5243 (lower back); 10% IVDS Thoracic spine; 10% Tinnunitis code 6260; 10%Paralysis of Sciatic Nerve 8520.

My pain and problems have much increased. The sciatic nerve is affected in both legs now, to where I'm also having nerve impingement to the right foot. This was documented in a Nerve conduction study. My original Paralsyis only affected my left outside thigh, but now has taken over my right and left legs, so an increase should definitely take me from 10% to at least40% which is Moderately severe instead of mild.

I've got results from a Cervical MRI that I will be trying to service connect, which I've got the records to prove that I had the problem in the military. Here are the readings :

Cervical vertebral height and alignment appear to be withing normal limits. There is straightening of the cervical curature, can be associated with spasm or pain. Mild DDD seenat c4/c5 and c5/c levels. Disc dessication is seen at all levles.

C5/c6 level: there is a small right paracentral and far lateral disc herniation causing mild thecal sac compression and moderate narroing of the neural formina. There is probable Nerve impingemnet at this level. mild left sided neural formina narrowing also seen.

C6/C7 level: There is small left paracentral disc herniation causing moderate narrowing of the left sided neral formina w/o nerve impingement. There is mild thecal sac compression however.

Now for the Lumbar MRI:

There is sever degenerative disc disease at l4/l5. Moderate ddd at l3/l4. Mild ddd at other levels. Midl dis dessication at all levels. Conus is at the T12 vertabral level. Mild increased intradural t2 bright signal intensity seen within the spinal canal. at L1/L2 levels with few questionable serpiginous t22 low signal intensity. This is suspicious for arachnoiditis or Avmalformation.

L5/S1 thsere is mild diffuse disc bulge. mild facet degenerative change seeen.

L4/L5 there is large disc herination with right paracentral and left paracentral compnents casuing bilateral exiting nerve compression. significant compression of the thecal sac. Moderat spinal stenosis.

L3/L4 there is mild diffuse disc bulge, mild facet degenerative change seen.

L2/L3 there is mild diffuse disc bulge, mild facet degenerative change seen.

Alright, so now for the questions. Is my paralysis in both of my legs only considered two seperate, or would that be pyramiding.

Same for my left hand numbness and timgling. Is my cervical spine proablems combined with the lumbar at this point?

I'm filing for TDIU and the SO told me on the phone that filing for the TDIU would trigger new exams for my conditions. I was just rated for PTSD in May with my C&P in January 2005. I'm not worried about another exam for that as I do believe the percentage would stay the same or worsen.

Is it true that they will reevaluate all of my other service connections though? Just want to make sure this SO isn't trying to get off easy without having to help file the paperwork for an increase in the others, and filing a new claim for my cervical problems.

80% SC/100% TDIU

70%PTSD All the rest is Back problems.

10th Mountain.

God Bless the Troops.

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You are correct in filing for increase. You should ask for maximum schedular. I would also consider filing cervical spine as you have nerve compression there too.. You already have a good case for TDIU.

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jstacy I appreciate the reply, I'm looking up maximum schedular on the net, and I can't find a concrete meaning for it. Can you lead me to a brief synopsis of it? I thank you sir.

80% SC/100% TDIU

70%PTSD All the rest is Back problems.

10th Mountain.

God Bless the Troops.

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Guest phubai70

10th - Have you looked at the schedule for ratings for cervical an lumbar spine.

38 CFR 4.71a diagnostic ciode 5003, 4.124a codes 8514 thru 8526 may also apply.

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Yea, I have had similar problems since I came back in 1968. The C4-C5-C6 group has been causing a lot of pain since the early 70's and finally in the late 80's I applied for SC and was awarded the 40% for my neck. I wound up in the emergency at two separate civilian hospitals, on two separate occassions, because the pain in my neck and arms was so bad, and that was back in the 80's. One Dr. said it was probably from my time in the service so I went to the VA.

So here it is 2005 and the pain is so bad that I can hardly work or sleep or ?.

Anyway I have a MRI scheduled for Dec. 1, first will be a cervical MRI and 1/2 hour later they will do a lumbar MRI. So who knows what's after that.

Maybe I should file for an increase of my 40%, if the pain isn't so bad that I can fill out some papers. The VA dr. gave me Hydrocodone 5 along with some ibuprofen 600, which really goes down well with a can of beer, and the pain gets to be a little more manageable after a few minutes.

So if I have an operation on my Cervical, will they increase or decrease my 40%. Anybody know this. i guess I should also file a new claim for my Lumbar problems.

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Yea, I have had similar problems since I came back in 1968. The C4-C5-C6 group has been causing a lot of pain since the early 70's and finally in the late 80's I applied for SC and was awarded the 40% for my neck. I wound up in the emergency at two separate civilian hospitals, on two separate occassions, because the pain in my neck and arms was so bad, and that was back in the 80's. One Dr. said it was probably from my time in the service so I went to the VA.

So here it is 2005 and the pain is so bad that I can hardly work or sleep or ?.

Anyway I have a MRI scheduled for Dec. 1, first will be a cervical MRI and 1/2 hour later they will do a lumbar MRI. So who knows what's after that.

Maybe I should file for an increase of my 40%, if the pain isn't so bad that I can fill out some papers. The VA dr. gave me Hydrocodone 5 along with some ibuprofen 600, which really goes down well with a can of beer, and the pain gets to be a little more manageable after a few minutes.

So if I have an operation on my Cervical, will they increase or decrease my 40%. Anybody know this. i guess I should also file a new claim for my Lumbar problems.


I'm not the expert by any means, but I do believe that if you have the Cervical operation whether or not they decrease your percentage depends on the success of the operation.

So the bottome line is, do you like the 40% well enough that you want the surgery? If I were you I would file the lumbar right away. I talked to my SO yesterday, and I'm ready to file for SC for the Cervical, as I have that in my records. If that doesn't fly (although it should) then I'll probably refile for secondary to the Lumbar and Thoracic that I already have SC'd.

80% SC/100% TDIU

70%PTSD All the rest is Back problems.

10th Mountain.

God Bless the Troops.

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