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Discrimination Of Older Vets

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I would like to know why our claims are being shoved to the end of the line and the Iraqi

and Afgan troops are being pushed to the head of line. Are they just waiting for us to croak to

me this is discrimination. I did not go to war but I did volunteer for Viet Nam but couldn't go

since my brother was there at the same time. I have served my time in hell and now I'm waiting

for just cause. I feel slighted everytime I call to check on my claim. How many others are in my shoes? We are all supposed to be equal.


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  • HadIt.com Elder

Honestly, I want good and immediate care for all. I do believe temporarily reorganinzing disability claim processing is truly a poor asset management decision and simply a quick glove fit for the here'n'now hot skillet issues. Where are the past disability claim cost and management lessons learned?

Results, good or bad, should truly account for something, say a streamlined system that actually works for the client and above reproach professionalism for all, without a candy bar "bonus" for meeting deadlines. I believe monetary rewards above salary for job related performance expectations isnt needed and only funds "temporary" acheivements. My thoughts are that internal bonus rewards show a lack of good hiring practices to complete the mission given, as well as encourages individual and unit competition thus limiting workload completition to "just enough' for today. Good Night!! Probably encourages discord among staff if I guess right.

I've been thinking on behalf of the veteran service organizations, forums and veterans themselves should submit a tally of time,or a if one pleases, a "bill of lading" regards to time invested in trying to secure disability claims, by military "era" and open cases, so the truth can be told. There is too much unfinished business, peoples lives at stake, young, old and families that are tangled up trying to get government mandated care promised to them.

While in the military I became familiar with the term Triage and I think it applies here, regardless of age, disabilities should be treated , everyone, evenly and on a urgent and conditional basis. If an old soldier returns from Iraq physically hurt, tend to her now and completely, if a young veteran finds PTSD in his life three years after a "military engagement", tend to him. If a widower and his children need care before being removed from their home, tend to them. My gripe, SOMEONE needs to fill out the paperwork while caring for the soldier, sailor or marine or airman while in medical care, NOT the other way around; veterans become beggars for whats due. Someday my kids will understand why I grumble, smile, grumble some more, then continue to struggle with my VA paperwork battle.

Now back to help daughter with a geometry question, "what is a scalene triangle?" oh, yeah, scalene triangle has sides with different lengths and equilateral triangle sides are of equal length, hm, sounds familiar.cg (toppling off soapbox and goin' for coffee..)

Edited by cowgirl

For my children, my God sent husband and my Hadit family of veterans, I carry on.

God Bless A m e r i c a, Her Veterans and their Families!

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  • HadIt.com Elder

* combat Vets deserve special treatment (if WIA or KIA)

Is it just me or if a "KIA" can show up anywhere he/she damned well better get special treatment and if they walk, in I am running out the other door

100% SC P&T PTSD 100% CAD 10% Hypertension and A&A = SMC L, SSD
a disabled American veteran certified lol
"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step."

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  • HadIt.com Elder

smiles and feels touched here by Angels! cg

For my children, my God sent husband and my Hadit family of veterans, I carry on.

God Bless A m e r i c a, Her Veterans and their Families!

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