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Liver Failure

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The Local VA has diagnosed me with a form of Liver failure that is Non A Non B and not Hep C by tracers. It does not follow any other forms of Hepatitus except that it is not known in their data bank. I had a severe GI bleed, almost died and was hospitalized for 6 days and had a Trans intrahepatic porto systemic shunt (TIPS) placed in my Liver to lower the blood pressure on the stomach Varicies.

I got all the Immunizations evryone else did and more as a Civ DOD employee with the airgun, No tattoos

Not an alcoholic, No HIV, No STD's nothing except alot of other patients blood and bodily fluids. I Was a Medic. I Had the VA results checked by an independant Hepatoligist and he confirmed thier finding of "Unknown" cause of hepatitus.

Surely with all the Veterans of all the war ERA's who read this posting there must be someone else who has the same or similar condition that I have???? :)

Arch Sgt. USAF

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Arch I am sorry that you got this and hope that they treat it well. I don't think I have this yet. I recently saw an article about 20,000 being hospitalized after anthrax injections and remember that less than one week I was hospitalized with a very high fever and severe cough that I thought was flu at Ft Dix. Of course none of this is in my Medical Records?

Veterans deserve real choice for their health care.

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Guest fla_viking

Dear SIr

Can the VA do a liver transplant for you? If you went into the service when they used those Stanless steal Air shot guns. Hepititus has been spread through that process.

Terry Higgins

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The Local VA has diagnosed me with a form of Liver failure that is Non A Non B and not Hep C by tracers. It does not follow any other forms of Hepatitus except that it is not known in their data bank. I had a severe GI bleed, almost died and was hospitalized for 6 days and had a Trans intrahepatic porto systemic shunt (TIPS) placed in my Liver to lower the blood pressure on the stomach Varicies.

I got all the Immunizations evryone else did and more as a Civ DOD employee with the airgun, No tattoos

Not an alcoholic, No HIV, No STD's nothing except alot of other patients blood and bodily fluids. I Was a Medic. I Had the VA results checked by an independant Hepatoligist and he confirmed thier finding of "Unknown" cause of hepatitus.

Surely with all the Veterans of all the war ERA's who read this posting there must be someone else who has the same or similar condition that I have???? :)

Arch Sgt. USAF

Were you given these injections prior to deploying to Vietnam? If you were in Vietnam, I wonder if Agent Orange could be a factor concerning your present contition.
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Arch Sgt. USAF:

I too am sorry for your problem, my brother is in similiar streights with liver disease. Have they done a liver biopsy and if so, did it show anything?

I have a condition called Sarcoidosis and its origine is little known, but it can effect any organ or part of the body. in most cases it effects the lympth nodes and lungs and should be able to be seen by a CT scan. It may be something to consider asking your Dr's. At the present time, their is no concenses on treatment and no definent cure for it. It is not generaly known to be terminal, but when it gets in the major organs, then I suppose it can be and have know of people dying as a result.

Their are specific blood tests that can be done to see if sacrcoidosis is active, but these test must be of a specific type and compared with other tests and the VA isn't to cooperative in getting all the tests necessary for definitive results. They usually depend on biopsies of the effective orgnan, lung, etc.

It's something to consider,

Jim S. HM3 US Navy

Edited by Jim S.
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Arch Sgt. USAF:

I too am sorry for your problem, my brother is in similiar streights with liver disease. Have they done a liver biopsy and if so, did it show anything?

I have a condition called Sarcoidosis and its origine is little known, but it can effect any organ or part of the body. in most cases it effects the lympth nodes and lungs and should be able to be seen by a CT scan. It may be something to consider asking your Dr's. At the present time, their is no concenses on treatment and no definent cure for it. It is not generaly known to be terminal, but when it gets in the major organs, then I suppose it can be and have know of people dying as a result.

Their are specific blood tests that can be done to see if sacrcoidosis is active, but these test must be of a specific type and compared with other tests and the VA isn't to cooperative in getting all the tests necessary for definitive results. They usually depend on biopsies of the effective orgnan, lung, etc.

It's something to consider,

Jim S. HM3 US Navy

Jim, thanks for the reply. It is Terminal, its called ESLD for end stage live disease I had a panel of tests for Hep C, all is negative. No Scarcidosis Non A Non B Non C.

There was a note about insufficient sample size for the Biopsy. Other wise a total unknown form of Cirhossis? I Had alot of Blood exposure with Surgical proceedures and clean up of surgery packs, No STD's No HIV and the Thing came on with no warning rapidly? Its a race between the Heart CAC disease and the Hepatitus now, They were willing to do a transplant till the Heart condition was diagnosed. Now I probably would not survive the transplant and a certain level of health is required for transplant issues. :)


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  • HadIt.com Elder

If you were given shots with airguns while in service, then you should file a claim for service connected hepatitis and state that your exposure was a result of being injected with air guns in service. You should also in that claim state that you wish to file a claim for liver failure secondary to service connected hepatitis.

The Local VA has diagnosed me with a form of Liver failure that is Non A Non B and not Hep C by tracers. It does not follow any other forms of Hepatitus except that it is not known in their data bank. I had a severe GI bleed, almost died and was hospitalized for 6 days and had a Trans intrahepatic porto systemic shunt (TIPS) placed in my Liver to lower the blood pressure on the stomach Varicies.

I got all the Immunizations evryone else did and more as a Civ DOD employee with the airgun, No tattoos

Not an alcoholic, No HIV, No STD's nothing except alot of other patients blood and bodily fluids. I Was a Medic. I Had the VA results checked by an independant Hepatoligist and he confirmed thier finding of "Unknown" cause of hepatitus.

Surely with all the Veterans of all the war ERA's who read this posting there must be someone else who has the same or similar condition that I have???? B)

Arch Sgt. USAF

Edited by deltaj
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