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V.a. Wins

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V.A. Wins I helped a VN Vet that I knew to get 50%,last year. I noded it as he should have gotten 100%,from the word go.

I called the VA in Lafayette,made an appointment with the shrink,TOLD him that this Vet was going to Kill himself,an Vet went see him. The Vet told me afterwards that the shrink more or less brushed him off.

This after this vet had been committed in Alex.,La. years ago,an was told that if he was ever back in their ward, HE would NEVER GET OUT. That is why he was not willing to trust the VA again

SO 2 WEEK AGO < HE TOOK HIS OWN LIFE > Drove 8 miles,bought a gun,went home ,called his family,told them what he was going to do,went outside an shot himseld. DIED right there.

He was 56 years old,so lets see! The V.A. will save 1/2 million dollars? B)

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V.A. Wins I helped a VN Vet that I knew to get 50%,last year. I noded it as he should have gotten 100%,from the word go.

I called the VA in Lafayette,made an appointment with the shrink,TOLD him that this Vet was going to Kill himself,an Vet went see him. The Vet told me afterwards that the shrink more or less brushed him off.

This after this vet had been committed in Alex.,La. years ago,an was told that if he was ever back in their ward, HE would NEVER GET OUT. That is why he was not willing to trust the VA again

SO 2 WEEK AGO < HE TOOK HIS OWN LIFE > Drove 8 miles,bought a gun,went home ,called his family,told them what he was going to do,went outside an shot himseld. DIED right there.

He was 56 years old,so lets see! The V.A. will save 1/2 million dollars? B)

Yep, MyMissie - the DVA's beancounting shuffle...."deny, delay, deny, delay as more and more shuffled veterans die each day." That pathetic burial benefit is all the DVA will have to shell out for your VN Vet. That's their goal and has been and will remain to be the DVA's goal. I don't see it changing....not in my lifetime. -- Michael

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Why don't you do up a half page summary, attach a photo of the vet and copy of the news paper article and send it to:

1: Brother in Arms Steven Buyer so he knows for sure that he has blood on his hands. He will not care but I bet his opponet would love to know as we move into the 2006 race.

2. The service manager at the RO involved. Just to let them know they also have blood on their hands and it is their criminal actions that caused such an incident in which they all should stand trial for murder.

3. This whiz bang committe that is conducting the current studies of the welfare services of us drunken, dope taking, just want a hand out vets, just to let them know that if they keep extending their dead line for the completion of their reviews that it will surely be easier to push through changes since most of us worthles drunks just might be dead before they make their findings known.

Just ranting. This really pisses me off. Eventhough I do not suffer from a mental disability I still feel like ending it all so I do not have to deal with the VA one more day so I would hate to imagine what someone like this vet had to go through.

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MY Missie-

This veteran's family may well be able to successfully sue the Veterans Administration for wrongful death.

At the very least his widow certainly has a right to accrued benefits- BUT she must re-open that claim in her name and also I see her potential for Sec 1151 DIC- I get 993 a month but the COLA hasnt kicked in yet-

they will add more for any children under 18-

I suggest that the widow IMMEDIATELY get a copy of all of his VA medical records-

When I got Rod's after his death, they accepted his death certificate and me as surviving spouse-

Last year when I needed copies of some that were difficult to read I had to go through some Bull crap digging out my Letters of Administration-

I suggest she get these med recs right away before they start losing stuff and also before they start to impede her by requesting LoA, or other court papers- as happened to me last year-

I know it was a ploy as I needed these records for an IMO.and had problems with their local FOIA person in the past-she is only one of a few people still at this VAMC that remembered that they killed my husband in 1994.

She needs to fill out the 21-534 -I will attach it-

I suggest she answer # 10 as Yes-the veteran died due to VA care-(Sec 1151,38 USC)

and under # 37 Remarks - State I am filing a claim for DIC under Sec 1151, 38 USC. and also a claim for the veteran's accrued benefits.

(please remind to to help with her with that)

BEFORE sending the 21-534 however- please make sure she gets the entire VA medical reocrds and also-

Do you have an appointment mailer or anyway to prove that you spoke to the shrink about his possible pending death? Your Notarized statement to this affect will be great but- I made sure my concerns were documented by the Chief Med Director prior to Rod's death and that was a significant factor in a medical report he did for my Sec 1151 claim.

I will also attach here the initial SF 95- for a tort claim against the US of A-

This too I will help word it the way I worded mine. (she should not send until she has his medical records)-

I have won an FTCA claim and Sec 1151 over the wrongful death of my husband-

I cannot quanantee the outcome here but based solely on what you have posted there is no doubt in my mine that the VA contributed to the death of this veteran.

This widow is dealing with so much - I imagine she might not want to deal with these claims matters yet-

she has time----FTCA SOL is within 2 years of knowledge of circumstances leading to death.

Suicide took a hadit member's son this month and a Vietnam vet friend of mine last Christmas.

The VA does service connect suicides based on medical evidence:



1. In a rating decision dated in February 1994, the Regional

Office (RO) granted service connection for PTSD, and rated it

10 percent disabling effective November 1993. The veteran

did not appeal that decision, nor did he file a claim for an

earlier effective date or an increased rating. He had no

claims pending on the date of his death.

2. The veteran died in October 1994 as the result of a self-

inflicted gunshot wound.

3. The veteran's death was found to be service-connected,

and the appellant, his surviving spouse, was awarded

dependency and indemnity compensation (DIC). "

DO NOT LET THEM GET AWAY WITH THIS. If I did not obtain and study my dead husband's med recs- (it took a lot of work and reading medical literature) they would have gotten away with their piss poor medical care that the VA in 1997 stated had caused his untimely death in 1994.

(I cant find my disk for SF 95- will post that form here later today and I need to dig out the one I filed)

MyMissie- I consider the actions that you took, on behalf of this veteran, to be HEROIC and of the finest

quality of concern for a veteran. I highly commend you for doing something that you did not have to do, to attempt to intervene in this veteran's care. Your actions -had they prompted some VA doctor to act appropriately, could have staved off this veteran's death.

I don't meet too many contemporary heroes- yet this board of full of men and women who are true heroes-

by past military experience but today you have given me the honor of knowing of your deed-

and I cannot thank you enough for the actions that you recently took.

I feel for this family-I have seen two disabled vet husbands of mine die.

Their pain at this point is just unbearable. When she is ready I will help you and her sue the VA for this unconscionable and wrongful death.


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MY Missie-

This veteran's family may well be able to successfully sue the Veterans Administration for wrongful death.

At the very least his widow certainly has a right to accrued benefits- BUT she must re-open that claim in her name and also I see her potential for Sec 1151 DIC- I get 993 a month but the COLA hasnt kicked in yet-

they will add more for any children under 18-

I suggest that the widow IMMEDIATELY get a copy of all of his VA medical records-

When I got Rod's after his death, they accepted his death certificate and me as surviving spouse-

Last year when I needed copies of some that were difficult to read I had to go through some Bull crap digging out my Letters of Administration-

I suggest she get these med recs right away before they start losing stuff and also before they start to impede her by requesting LoA, or other court papers- as happened to me last year-

I know it was a ploy as I needed these records for an IMO.and had problems with their local FOIA person in the past-she is only one of a few people still at this VAMC that remembered that they killed my husband in 1994.

She needs to fill out the 21-534 -I will attach it-

I suggest she answer # 10 as Yes-the veteran died due to VA care-(Sec 1151,38 USC)

and under # 37 Remarks - State I am filing a claim for DIC under Sec 1151, 38 USC. and also a claim for the veteran's accrued benefits.

(please remind to to help with her with that)

BEFORE sending the 21-534 however- please make sure she gets the entire VA medical reocrds and also-

Do you have an appointment mailer or anyway to prove that you spoke to the shrink about his possible pending death? Your Notarized statement to this affect will be great but- I made sure my concerns were documented by the Chief Med Director prior to Rod's death and that was a significant factor in a medical report he did for my Sec 1151 claim.

I will also attach here the initial SF 95- for a tort claim against the US of A-

This too I will help word it the way I worded mine. (she should not send until she has his medical records)-

I have won an FTCA claim and Sec 1151 over the wrongful death of my husband-

I cannot quanantee the outcome here but based solely on what you have posted there is no doubt in my mine that the VA contributed to the death of this veteran.

This widow is dealing with so much - I imagine she might not want to deal with these claims matters yet-

she has time----FTCA SOL is within 2 years of knowledge of circumstances leading to death.

Suicide took a hadit member's son this month and a Vietnam vet friend of mine last Christmas.

The VA does service connect suicides based on medical evidence:



1. In a rating decision dated in February 1994, the Regional

Office (RO) granted service connection for PTSD, and rated it

10 percent disabling effective November 1993. The veteran

did not appeal that decision, nor did he file a claim for an

earlier effective date or an increased rating. He had no

claims pending on the date of his death.

2. The veteran died in October 1994 as the result of a self-

inflicted gunshot wound.

3. The veteran's death was found to be service-connected,

and the appellant, his surviving spouse, was awarded

dependency and indemnity compensation (DIC). "

DO NOT LET THEM GET AWAY WITH THIS. If I did not obtain and study my dead husband's med recs- (it took a lot of work and reading medical literature) they would have gotten away with their piss poor medical care that the VA in 1997 stated had caused his untimely death in 1994.

(I cant find my disk for SF 95- will post that form here later today and I need to dig out the one I filed)

MyMissie- I consider the actions that you took, on behalf of this veteran, to be HEROIC and of the finest

quality of concern for a veteran. I highly commend you for doing something that you did not have to do, to attempt to intervene in this veteran's care. Your actions -had they prompted some VA doctor to act appropriately, could have staved off this veteran's death.

I don't meet too many contemporary heroes- yet this board of full of men and women who are true heroes-

by past military experience but today you have given me the honor of knowing of your deed-

and I cannot thank you enough for the actions that you recently took.

I feel for this family-I have seen two disabled vet husbands of mine die.

Their pain at this point is just unbearable. When she is ready I will help you and her sue the VA for this unconscionable and wrongful death.



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Here is the link to that SF 95:


Just 2 pages- I still cant find my disk-

Please let me know before it is filled out-

The wording I used was highly instrumential in gaining the VA's immediate attention to my SF 95-

Also dont be like me- I only asked for 5 million- (Question 12) she should request much more than that-

Out of court settlements like mine- often involve state laws that tap any FTCA award.

She should see what the state laws are on this. (she has plenty of time but I dont want to forget that point.)

When I sued the DAV- their lawyer told me I had done very well on this claim-as I did not accept the settlement until I got what I wanted within my states guidelines.

Money is meaningless-it does not alter grief or change the way a widow feels-

It is the only way the feds can compensate for wrongful death.

The important thing is that an FTCA claim can possibly prevent another veteran's death like this in the future. I am asking the feds to check into my husband's death- I do not think they handled their accountability on his death correctly.Sure they got rid of the local doctors who messed up- but I think they were sent to different VAMCS.

Also- I forgot- but my neighbor stopped by one day- I had never met her before-not unusual living in the rural hills of NY-she commented at all of the Service Flags, American Flags and POW flags I had out.

It wasn;t a Holiday- my girl was coming home on leave from the military. Hardly anyone ever sees them- more cows than people where I live-

As we talked she revealed to me that she received DIC due to her husband's suicide.

She didnt want to tell me too much more. Apparently the warning signs were there and either the military or the VA failed to act on them.

The widow of the Vietnam Vet I knew who killed himself last year-

seemed very reluctant to pursue a claim.and It would have been a very difficult claim.

This situation you have told us is much different then hers.

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MY Missie-

This veteran's family may well be able to successfully sue the Veterans Administration for wrongful death.

At the very least his widow certainly has a right to accrued benefits- BUT she must re-open that claim in her name and also I see her potential for Sec 1151 DIC- I get 993 a month but the COLA hasnt kicked in yet-

they will add more for any children under 18-

I suggest that the widow IMMEDIATELY get a copy of all of his VA medical records-

When I got Rod's after his death, they accepted his death certificate and me as surviving spouse-

Last year when I needed copies of some that were difficult to read I had to go through some Bull crap digging out my Letters of Administration-

I suggest she get these med recs right away before they start losing stuff and also before they start to impede her by requesting LoA, or other court papers- as happened to me last year-

I know it was a ploy as I needed these records for an IMO.and had problems with their local FOIA person in the past-she is only one of a few people still at this VAMC that remembered that they killed my husband in 1994.

She needs to fill out the 21-534 -I will attach it-

I suggest she answer # 10 as Yes-the veteran died due to VA care-(Sec 1151,38 USC)

and under # 37 Remarks - State I am filing a claim for DIC under Sec 1151, 38 USC. and also a claim for the veteran's accrued benefits.

(please remind to to help with her with that)

BEFORE sending the 21-534 however- please make sure she gets the entire VA medical reocrds and also-

Do you have an appointment mailer or anyway to prove that you spoke to the shrink about his possible pending death? Your Notarized statement to this affect will be great but- I made sure my concerns were documented by the Chief Med Director prior to Rod's death and that was a significant factor in a medical report he did for my Sec 1151 claim.

I will also attach here the initial SF 95- for a tort claim against the US of A-

This too I will help word it the way I worded mine. (she should not send until she has his medical records)-

I have won an FTCA claim and Sec 1151 over the wrongful death of my husband-

I cannot quanantee the outcome here but based solely on what you have posted there is no doubt in my mine that the VA contributed to the death of this veteran.

This widow is dealing with so much - I imagine she might not want to deal with these claims matters yet-

she has time----FTCA SOL is within 2 years of knowledge of circumstances leading to death.

Suicide took a hadit member's son this month and a Vietnam vet friend of mine last Christmas.

The VA does service connect suicides based on medical evidence:



1. In a rating decision dated in February 1994, the Regional

Office (RO) granted service connection for PTSD, and rated it

10 percent disabling effective November 1993. The veteran

did not appeal that decision, nor did he file a claim for an

earlier effective date or an increased rating. He had no

claims pending on the date of his death.

2. The veteran died in October 1994 as the result of a self-

inflicted gunshot wound.

3. The veteran's death was found to be service-connected,

and the appellant, his surviving spouse, was awarded

dependency and indemnity compensation (DIC). "

DO NOT LET THEM GET AWAY WITH THIS. If I did not obtain and study my dead husband's med recs- (it took a lot of work and reading medical literature) they would have gotten away with their piss poor medical care that the VA in 1997 stated had caused his untimely death in 1994.

(I cant find my disk for SF 95- will post that form here later today and I need to dig out the one I filed)

MyMissie- I consider the actions that you took, on behalf of this veteran, to be HEROIC and of the finest

quality of concern for a veteran. I highly commend you for doing something that you did not have to do, to attempt to intervene in this veteran's care. Your actions -had they prompted some VA doctor to act appropriately, could have staved off this veteran's death.

I don't meet too many contemporary heroes- yet this board of full of men and women who are true heroes-

by past military experience but today you have given me the honor of knowing of your deed-

and I cannot thank you enough for the actions that you recently took.

I feel for this family-I have seen two disabled vet husbands of mine die.

Their pain at this point is just unbearable. When she is ready I will help you and her sue the VA for this unconscionable and wrongful death.


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