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Going To See Va Medical Center Director (falty C&p Exams And Incompendence Of Np Giving The Exams)

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After 2 months of writing the VA Medical Center Director in my home town. His office called and granted my request for personal appointement for my wife and I. This has been a long and very frustrating road.

I had a C&P exam done by a N.P that was beyond human uinderstanding. I have never been treated with such disrespect with her launguage and her comments concerning about my health and my family. She also informed me that becuase I am disabled my wife and I shouild not have adopted our children and on and on.

I got a copy of that exam and she put in there very statements I said and according to her I was not as disabled as my doctors said I am (Coming froma NP)

I had Dr. Bash do a complete IME in which he brought her expirence, education and why the vA had NP dping exams on disabled Veterans with many service related issues. I have many issues with the VA and why I was given 19 different medications. My side effects are very severe. I went outside the vA hospitial to get a medications evul and the doctor was floored with the amount of drugs I was given . I have since been removed 1/2 of the meds. My pain is great, however I am not in zombie land.

Can anyone help me (BETRA) with advice on what issues to stick with at our meeting with Medical Center Director. I have contacted a Veterans Attorney and he said I have a greaty case against the VA for the meds and 2 other issues. I do not know weather to go that route or file a 1151 claim. Thank you and God bless you all.

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After 2 months of writing the VA Medical Center Director in my home town. His office called and granted my request for personal appointement for my wife and I. This has been a long and very frustrating road.

I had a C&P exam done by a N.P that was beyond human uinderstanding. I have never been treated with such disrespect with her launguage and her comments concerning about my health and my family. She also informed me that becuase I am disabled my wife and I shouild not have adopted our children and on and on.

I got a copy of that exam and she put in there very statements I said and according to her I was not as disabled as my doctors said I am (Coming froma NP)

I had Dr. Bash do a complete IME in which he brought her expirence, education and why the vA had NP dping exams on disabled Veterans with many service related issues. I have many issues with the VA and why I was given 19 different medications. My side effects are very severe. I went outside the vA hospitial to get a medications evul and the doctor was floored with the amount of drugs I was given . I have since been removed 1/2 of the meds. My pain is great, however I am not in zombie land.

Can anyone help me (BETRA) with advice on what issues to stick with at our meeting with Medical Center Director. I have contacted a Veterans Attorney and he said I have a greaty case against the VA for the meds and 2 other issues. I do not know weather to go that route or file a 1151 claim. Thank you and God bless you all.

I am no expert but I would file the 1151 and let an attorney handle everything else. I worked as a social worker for 17 years in a va hospital. Meeting with the hospital Director may give you a chance to vent but, unless disiplinary action is taken against the NP it will do little to help your case unless your attorney is given a copy of the disciplinary report. This is just an opinion. I wish you well with whatever decision you make to move forward on your case.
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I am no expert but I would file the 1151 and let an attorney handle everything else. I worked as a social worker for 17 years in a va hospital. Meeting with the hospital Director may give you a chance to vent but, unless disiplinary action is taken against the NP it will do little to help your case unless your attorney is given a copy of the disciplinary report. This is just an opinion. I wish you well with whatever decision you make to move forward on your case.


Thank you so much for responding to my posting. You refered to disciplnary report. Do I have access to this report? if I do how can I get a copy of it? Thank you so much.

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Bound- I suggest not only filing the Sec 1151 claim but also a FTCA claim-

I will attach the SF 95 form-mail it to closest Office of VA Regional Counsel- the VA will probably lie at 800# and say they dont have the address but they do-

however- email me if you do this and I can give you some pointers on the wording of it-etc-

it cost me about 40-50 bucks in xeroxes and mail for my FTCA claim and I had no lawyer so I got it all.

But if you have a good lawyer that will save you the considerable amount of time it took me to study cardiology and cerebral trauma-it will be worth his/her legal fees.

Make sure you have all med recs from VA before filing any of these claims-

I advise you to do what I did and make sure that the medical director puts an entry of the meeting and your concerns at the meeting-right into the medical file-

bring a witness-

the Med Director will probably come up with something he/.she is going to do----

they probably wont do it-

Make sure it is in the entry to the med recs- if they have a suggestion----

This was- along with Congressional help I needed from time to time, instrumental in my proving that I tried to get the VA to begin giving Rod proper health care but they failed to time after time-

Write down what you want to get a response from the director on-

dont let them get off the track-

if they offer coffee and all that kiss ass stuff- refuse it- it is only to distract you-

If you have been in touch with the Patients rep about this situation, tell the director what the result of that was.

Here is the SF 95


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Dear Berta,

Again thank you for all your wisdom. I have a question for you. I filed a formal complaint against the NP who did the C&P exam. Can I get a copy of what they did in reguards to the complaint (their disclipine they gave to the C&P examiner)? where would a person get a hold of this report? I do not believe the Medical Center Director is going to hand it over with out using mumbo-gumbo.

Let me ask you another question. Can I record our meeting with the VA Medical Center Director on an audio device (hand held recorder?).

I agree with you. It did not happen unless it's in the file. How can I make sure he puts in in the medical file. I am at a point where I do not trust anyone at the hospital with all the lies they have told me. I just don't get it. Why would they treat us this way. Why are we always forced to prove ourselves over and over again?

I don't mean to sound ungreatful I aamnot. I am blessed I have ssd to go outside the VA medical system and deal with doctors who have no agenda, but only our best interests at heart and no axes to grind. I am sorry for the thousands of veterans who do not have this ability. I know I was there for 5 years as a walking dead man. Thanks for listening and your help!

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Dear Berta,

Again thank you for all your wisdom. I have a question for you. I filed a formal complaint against the NP who did the C&P exam. Can I get a copy of what they did in reguards to the complaint (their disclipine they gave to the C&P examiner)? where would a person get a hold of this report? I do not believe the Medical Center Director is going to hand it over with out using mumbo-gumbo.

Let me ask you another question. Can I record our meeting with the VA Medical Center Director on an audio device (hand held recorder?).

I agree with you. It did not happen unless it's in the file. How can I make sure he puts in in the medical file. I am at a point where I do not trust anyone at the hospital with all the lies they have told me. I just don't get it. Why would they treat us this way. Why are we always forced to prove ourselves over and over again?

I don't mean to sound ungreatful I aamnot. I am blessed I have ssd to go outside the VA medical system and deal with doctors who have no agenda, but only our best interests at heart and no axes to grind. I am sorry for the thousands of veterans who do not have this ability. I know I was there for 5 years as a walking dead man. Thanks for listening and your help!


You could ask that your med rec file be present at the meeting and watch him/her make an entry into the file- that is what I did-The Director in my case (gee I had fights with three of them-they are all gone now)

asked what I wanted and I told him- they want to do something to get you out of their office -tell them exactly what you expect them to do-

As for tape recording- with his/her permission I think that would be OK-might give the VA the heebeegeebies though-

As for:"I filed a formal complaint against the NP who did the C&P exam. Can I get a copy of what they did in reguards to the complaint (their disclipine they gave to the C&P examiner)? where would a person get a hold of this report? I do not believe the Medical Center Director is going to hand it over with out using mumbo-gumbo."

You could write a request under the FOIA/Privacy 5, USC 552 (we have a FOIA form here at hadit somewhere)

for a copy of the report and the results of it Send it to the FOIA officer in the facility where you filed it.

Good Luck on that-

this is the kind of stuff that disappears when someone starts asking questions-and there may be no result at all.

Who did you file this report with?

One thing to keep in mind veteran- there is absolutely no one at the VA who can intimidate you- after all they are there to serve you- you already served them-

I even used a picture I took of one director at some VA Memorial Service-

to use to support one of my old claims- that was funny-

The VA had tried to say my husband smoked and that caused his stroke- well the VA director looked like a chiminey stack-he would take countless breaks and hide in an outside pavilion and smoked like a trooper-

I caught him smoking and sent his picture saying that the VA 's rationale means that even their director would not get proper care if he had a stroke and it would be blamed on smoking without looking for other etiologies.

Look- I think I come across pretty strong sometimes-at hadit- I apologise for that---

but that is only from decades of dealing with these people-

and three years of instruction in a war school-

You have to use command presense when you need to-

and although I am a civilian, I know you all have within you the ability to deal with these jerks-with by far more command presense than I could ever imagine.

I psyche myself up for meetings with VA whoevers-

I try to tell them what I want and what I expect from them-

I try to have an alternative solution too- did this recently for a local veteran- had to approach his doctor-

and then get his vet rep in gear- before the vet rep screwed up his whole claim-

BUT- as I have said before many times -some of the BEST people I ever met are employed by the VA.

You might get one of these people-

They do work at VA's -there are countless people that are great and devoted to vets care-

You have every right to expect this director to do something and I believe he/she might possibly help out with your problem.

It is the VA itself that gets intimidated when a veteran takes a stand.

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You could ask that your med rec file be present at the meeting and watch him/her make an entry into the file- that is what I did-The Director in my case (gee I had fights with three of them-they are all gone now)

asked what I wanted and I told him- they want to do something to get you out of their office -tell them exactly what you expect them to do-

As for tape recording- with his/her permission I think that would be OK-might give the VA the heebeegeebies though-

As for:"I filed a formal complaint against the NP who did the C&P exam. Can I get a copy of what they did in reguards to the complaint (their disclipine they gave to the C&P examiner)? where would a person get a hold of this report? I do not believe the Medical Center Director is going to hand it over with out using mumbo-gumbo."

You could write a request under the FOIA/Privacy 5, USC 552 (we have a FOIA form here at hadit somewhere)

for a copy of the report and the results of it Send it to the FOIA officer in the facility where you filed it.

Good Luck on that-

this is the kind of stuff that disappears when someone starts asking questions-and there may be no result at all.

Who did you file this report with?

One thing to keep in mind veteran- there is absolutely no one at the VA who can intimidate you- after all they are there to serve you- you already served them-

I even used a picture I took of one director at some VA Memorial Service-

to use to support one of my old claims- that was funny-

The VA had tried to say my husband smoked and that caused his stroke- well the VA director looked like a chiminey stack-he would take countless breaks and hide in an outside pavilion and smoked like a trooper-

I caught him smoking and sent his picture saying that the VA 's rationale means that even their director would not get proper care if he had a stroke and it would be blamed on smoking without looking for other etiologies.

Look- I think I come across pretty strong sometimes-at hadit- I apologise for that---

but that is only from decades of dealing with these people-

and three years of instruction in a war school-

You have to use command presense when you need to-

and although I am a civilian, I know you all have within you the ability to deal with these jerks-with by far more command presense than I could ever imagine.

I psyche myself up for meetings with VA whoevers-

I try to tell them what I want and what I expect from them-

I try to have an alternative solution too- did this recently for a local veteran- had to approach his doctor-

and then get his vet rep in gear- before the vet rep screwed up his whole claim-

BUT- as I have said before many times -some of the BEST people I ever met are employed by the VA.

You might get one of these people-

They do work at VA's -there are countless people that are great and devoted to vets care-

You have every right to expect this director to do something and I believe he/she might possibly help out with your problem.

It is the VA itself that gets intimidated when a veteran takes a stand.

Dear Berta,

Thank you again for your help. Last night I typed out what I wanted to discuss and some thngs I wanted at the meeting .

1) I wanted to record the meeting

2) Wanted my med file there

3) wanted a copy of the discpline action taken against the NP in question

4) wanted entire meeting recorded in my medical file (the VARO includes it, it is a matter of record)

5) My issues with the Side eddects from the Medications (have 2 doctors outside the vA system dignosiss in writing. One of my doctor's wrote, "It is a almost a mircle this man is able to walk and in his right mind due to the meds)

6) The ER trip that the Medical Center never followed up on, that is why I started going to a doctor outside the VA system.

Also Berta, I hear the issue of matter or record quite often. What does this mean and how can I make sure this Med Dir puts this information into my med file? is there a reg that states a veterans comments are a matter of record? Thank you so much Berta. God bless you. This meeting is next Friday please keep us in your prayers.

I know I hear the term matter of record quite often. Is there a reg Betra that refers to this issues?

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