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Ptsd Award

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Good morning, I got my brown envelope yesterday-30%-althoughI'm grateful for that I also think it is low. Under the reasons they listed that I am a combat veteran (VN),with a CIB, Bronze star, Purple Heart and Air Medal. They did not mention my Arcom with V device. " A higher evaluation of 50 % is not warranted unles there is reduced reliability and productivity due to symtoms as: flattened affect: circumstantial, circumlocutory, or stereotypoed speech; panic attacks more than once a week; difficulty in understanding complex commands, etc, etc. My VA c&p intern gave a gaf of 69, my va social worker gave me a gaf of 50, my va meds psychiatrist gave me a gaf of 50, and my IMO psychologist gave me a GAF of 45. Where do I go from here? thanks. They also said "Stressor in the military conceded". Nothing mentioned about the two stressor letters in my file about two specific incidents I was involved in which two of my close friends were killed.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Are you employed? If you are unable to work or work at a marginal job this is way to low. I have a hard time understanding how anyone with PTSD could be rated at 30%.

The good thing is that you have opened the door. There is no way you can possibly have all those different GAF's unless you have bi polar depression problems.

My opinion is you should appeal, ask for a hearing and continue to work on your claim.

Good Luck

Veterans deserve real choice for their health care.

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Guest Namvet6567

Pete, don't worry about the stressor letters or ArCom, w/V being mentioned because they have nothing to do w/how bad your PTSD is - they just show and verify stressors. At this point you are a success story! You've won service-connection (SC) and that's probably the hardest part. You'll need complete "free" copies of your c-file and VA medical records to fight the fight. I'd suggest reviewing the evidence section of your award letter and making sure of what evidence was used. You should also get a copy of the C&P exam which should be in both your c-file and VA medical records. You should get your employment history from Social Security, showing all the jobs and which should evidence your inability to maintain employment. You might want to apply for VA Voc Rehab explaining your problem w/employmnt and PTSD. Often they find us not trainable and therefore unemployable. I used their evaluation and denial in my appeal. Also, you don't have to take the rehab, if offered. As for the NOD, you can submit a simple statement stating that you disagree w/the percentage of the award and follow it up with an addendum and more evidence, after you receive the statement of the case (SOC). Others will add to the mix, soon.

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Guest VetWife Advocate
Good morning, I got my brown envelope yesterday-30%-althoughI'm grateful for that I also think it is low. Under the reasons they listed that I am a combat veteran (VN),with a CIB, Bronze star, Purple Heart and Air Medal. They did not mention my Arcom with V device. " A higher evaluation of 50 % is not warranted unles there is reduced reliability and productivity due to symtoms as: flattened affect: circumstantial, circumlocutory, or stereotypoed speech; panic attacks more than once a week; difficulty in understanding complex commands, etc, etc. My VA c&p intern gave a gaf of 69, my va social worker gave me a gaf of 50, my va meds psychiatrist gave me a gaf of 50, and my IMO psychologist gave me a GAF of 45. Where do I go from here? thanks. They also said "Stressor in the military conceded". Nothing mentioned about the two stressor letters in my file about two specific incidents I was involved in which two of my close friends were killed.


Make sure you DON"t take it personally!! This is about the usual way it goes. Usually, the Vets get pissed off and apathetic and go away. Joe did that for a long time!! Then he could not fake it anymore; he could not pretend he was "normal" in the workworld. The aging brain and body won't allow that to happen when you are filled with toxins!!!

Logical, no, not for a lot of Vets. DON"T give up; listen and learn and keep asking questions. Have you asked your VA psych to write a letter describing your severity of PTSD; difficulty in remaining employed, not going to get any better, etc. Some will; some won't. By law, they can; somewhere on this Board recently.

Have outside insurance; find a dr. that knows about PTSD, COMBAT PTSD.

Don't get too stressed out; Have seen people going from 30% to 70% with GAF in 50's.

Search out other sites and ask as well; some are better than others.

VBN@ezboard.com can be a good site also as there are some helpful people that know alot about the VA? Could be they work there and are Vets themselves; don't know but some are very helpful about telling the truth and laying out the code. Hadit is different; you can vent a lot more here I find; that site apparently does not want to offend those that are VA worker/Vets and sort of curtail what is the Vets truth about the VA/VARO!! Word to wise. I don't post there a lot; but I have learned also from that site.

Hadit has a lot to offer and there are good people on this Board. From the Phillipines to Podunk, Columbia!!

Hang in there and keep asking questions.


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This is true.

Don't get too stressed out; Have seen people going from 30% to 70% with GAF in 50's.

The highest gaf I ever got was 55.

Our old friend Alex Humphreys has stated that a gaf of 50 should go to 100 percent disability.

Where is Alex anyway???


Those that need help the most are the ones least likely to receive help from the VA.

It's up to us to help each other.

sledge twkelly@hotmail.com

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