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Pending Ssd Claim

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Hey everyone!

Was awarded 100% P/T 3/11/05 based on PTSD. Immediately filed for SSD. They said they'll make a decision on my SSD claim sometime in March.

I sent 'em a boatload of documentation; they in turn 'blitzed' me with 2 inches of paperwork in the form of questionaires - fair enough - but instead of focusing on my chronic/severe PTSD core-symptoms SS chose only chose to ask me about my occasional "anxiety-attacks" which are largely controlled by medication tho i still have the occasional anxiety-attack from PTSD 'triggers'. They also sent the lady i live with a questionaire concerning only anxiety-attack. We immediately answered everything on the questionaire plus statements from us both and sent it all back to SS pronto.

I also wrote a personal note complaing to SS for only focusing on anxiety-attacks letting them know that three (3) shrinks diagnosed me with "severe and chronic PTSD" and NOT "generalized anxiety disorder" tho anxiety-attacks are certainly a part of PTSD. So now just have to wait and see, but hey, i'm sure i'll fall into SS's 65% rejection rate for all first-time claims.....lol......i'll keep ya posted.


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  • HadIt.com Elder


Don't try to figure them out it will drive you nuts. My bet is that you will get the SS in March they are a lot better keeping promises on time than the VA. If they did not send you to a psychologist or a shrink that means that the VA Docs were good enough.

My recommendation is to not worry about it and see what they come up with in March. Good Luck

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Guest Namvet6567

The packets of info requested are normal. It is normal for them to contact your states disability determination unit and ask them to do your evaluation. Unless they concur w/your VA docs, they will order an examination for you and "maybe" some testing. Remember they are determining if you can do "any" type of work. BTW, you are not required to take medication that improves your ability to work. You "should" be evaluated as you are, w/o drugs.

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social security seems to think that anxiety-attacks" are worst for health conditions then 100% rating for PTSD, as least that is how it is worded when i got my SSDI, a few years ago, never minimize anxiety-attacks", as that will get you approved for SSDI, faster then PTSD, it seems in this day and age people still don't fully understand PTSD, AND ALL THE PROBLEMS it causes.

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Guest Jim S.

To all who file for SSDI, the rules are quite clear that they look at the total picture, even if they appear to be centered on one aspect, it may be that they do not have enough information to give that aspect of your claim any weight or how much.

When they do this, question one aspect of your disability, answer all their questions and provide anything to further support your claim, even if it does not have any bearing on the present questions. Add a Statement stateing that you have concerns that they are centering in on one aspect of your claim for TDIU and that even if indevidually some of your conditions may not meet their requirements, but taken as a whole, their interactions make it impossible for you to do any kind of work and even how difficult it is to keep up with everyday living issues.

Always answer things as if it were your worst day. I wouldn't even mention anything about good days.

Don't dicount your medication and their listed side effects. If they leave you groggey in the morning or if the state not to drive or run any power equiptment. Whether you take medicine that afftect you having to use the restroom and the freequency of use.

Smother them with evidence however small it may seem to of help. Working a claim for SSDI is different than the VA, when you feel you must keep some evidence in reserve, should they deny you on the first attempt I also feel that when I showed up, useing Canadian crutches to submit my claim and later their questionaire, that this was noted in my claim, since if I were to do any work, it would be limited to a desk job and not lifting, which narrowed as to what other disabilities I would have to have to eliminate this particular job.

Another thing to consider, if you still drive, make note in your statement that you have to plan your use of your car arround your medicalion side effects and have to not take some the day before so that your head and reflexes will be OK to drive.

Well I have talked way more than I had expected to, sorry for the length and all and best wishes on a successful claim.

Jim S. :)

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