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Ptsd Claims Advice Question I Found New Evidence

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I am deep into packaging up my PTSD stressor letter and package. TO my amazement, I just found a page from my medical records page from my active duty years ago, (incident was over 20 years ago) that clearly states 'patient has PTSD" and other pages refer to the support I recieved for the "incident".

Question:? Is it possible that VA can connect PTSD back to the date? or maybe the date I started recieving treatment for same at the VA medical offices several years ago? Just curious. Thanks

Trust me, I will definitely ear mark that page big time!

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  • HadIt.com Elder

your claim regardless of the date the "stressor incident" happened is still going to be paid from the month you filed the claim, in my case I had a SO that played games and when I asked him to file the claim for PTSD in June 2003 sat on it until Dec when I learned about it I revoked his POA but still the VARO approved my claim from Dec 2003 not June 2003, the VARO has to receive the claim. they won;t pay back to the day the incident happened.

100% SC P&T PTSD 100% CAD 10% Hypertension and A&A = SMC L, SSD
a disabled American veteran certified lol
"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step."

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Thanks Testvet'questions help me understand life. Sorry to hear that happen to you. I saw my SO print out, give me a copy, insert it in the envelope and stamp it right there. I received a VA response letter the next week saying the process started. However, years ago I had a SO that talked the talk, but failed to walk the walk ; so I did the walking and feel better now the DAV represents me.Hit and miss I think. Now back to the stressors; I am listing several, however I am not sure if the VA will "count" the number the same as me. We will see, this is the first time I put in for PTSD at all. Thanks for inspiration!
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Thanks Testvet'questions help me understand life. Sorry to hear that happen to you. I saw my SO print out, give me a copy, insert it in the envelope and stamp it right there. I received a VA response letter the next week saying the process started. However, years ago I had a SO that talked the talk, but failed to walk the walk ; so I did the walking and feel better now the DAV represents me.Hit and miss I think. Now back to the stressors; I am listing several, however I am not sure if the VA will "count" the number the same as me. We will see, this is the first time I put in for PTSD at all. Thanks for inspiration!

You are going to need a diagnoses of ptsd from a shrink or physcologist for your claim to move forward.


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  • HadIt.com Elder

yes without a diagnosis and the nexus i.e sttressor and it's not quantity you can have only one but it has to be verifiable in my case I was able to produce 4 general court martials that sent 4 men to leavenworth for 10-15 years for what they did to me, the other stressors the guy losing his head between 2 tanks Super Bowl Sunday 1981 at NTC, the short rounds of 81mm on the hilltop when I was eating breakfast at NTC over Drinkwater lake, my best firend in Germany being hit and killed right in front of me in Schweinfurt, and there are others, once I was able to prove the Court martials the VARO did not even try and verify the other stressors, it's not qunaityt but a quality verifiable one, yes treatment records, diagnosis etc are all necessary many vets also quit treatment when they get the award and then wonder why the VA plays games with them later on, keep your appts, or go to a vet center or see a Private shrink, but keep some sort of active treatment, it's kind of like my SSD claim for heart disease, it's never going to get better but as long as I see my heart doc every 6 months, and they keep renewing my meds, SS never gives me heart burn at review time either. If you are disabled it helps to show them you are disabled by continiuing treatments.

100% SC P&T PTSD 100% CAD 10% Hypertension and A&A = SMC L, SSD
a disabled American veteran certified lol
"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step."

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Thanks again "testvet", I have written down the information, am adding details and will align attachements to the events so that the VA can decipher it all. I look forward to being a proactive person again, after setting aside my family to tend to these awful details. My husband and kiddos will appreciate me when I begin to recoup the "connections" to these past traumatic events in my life. My joy is to refocus on al the good I did in my career and maintain a determined distance from the bad stuff.

By the way, does the VA need to hear about letters of appreciation or is it just medals? SHould I add a positive impression up front about being a professional military member?or just summarize and get to the point of my application for stressors? Thanks again

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  • HadIt.com Elder

the only medals the VARO is interested is medlas that prove "combat exposure? CIB's CAR's Silver Star or Bronze Star with V for valor device etc, it's not about you being a good or excellent, some awards just make awarding the PTSD a lot easier, like a purple heart, POW medal, MOH, what ever most guys did to get it, they were crazy at the time, and if they thought about it beforehand they probably wouldn't do it again, Most MOH's are awarded posthumously.........

100% SC P&T PTSD 100% CAD 10% Hypertension and A&A = SMC L, SSD
a disabled American veteran certified lol
"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step."

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