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C&p Reports For Increase/tdiu

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Last couple day I have been asking a lot of questions on here. I'm a bundle of nerves and anxiety awaiting notification on my TDIU claim for major drepression and migarine headaches.

I had read in previous posts that a person can "somewhat" get an idea what a rater may decide by looking at copies of the C&P exams. Well, I dug those out and blew the dust off of them. It's 16 pages of jargon that i won't even attempt to re-type here, BUT if anyone knows what section(s) of the report are vital I would be eager to share what I have.

Thanks for being tolerant of my neediness right now

You know you have grown old when you hear your favorite song in an elevator.

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My MH c&P had a section of subjective (my complaints) and objective, and then a separate section on his MH observations where, at he end he gave me my GAF and Axis. I would look in there for any word derived of the work "Employment" or "Employability". If the didn't come right out and say it, it will be tough to find, though. I use google a lot to look up terms in my C&P's, too.

The Earth is degenerating these days. Bribery and corruption abound.Children no longer mind their parents, every man wants to write a book,and it is evident that the end of the world is fast approaching. --17 different possible sources, all lacking verifiable attribution.

B.S. Doane College, Mgt Info Systems/Systems Analysis 2008

M.S.Ed. Purdue University, Instructional Development and Technology, Feb. 2021

M.S. Purdue University Information Technology/InfoSec, Dec 2022

100% P/T




Sleep Apnea

Some other stuff

B.S. Info Systems Mgt/Systems Analysis-Doane College 2008
M.S. Instructional Technology and Design- Purdue University 2021


(I AM NOT A RATER- I work the claims BEFORE they are rated, annotating medical evidence in your records, VA and Legal documents,  and DA/DD forms- basically a paralegal/vso/etc except that I also evaluate your records based on Caluza and try to justify and schedule the exams that you go to based on whether or not your records have enough in them to warrant those)

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I am not computer savvy so I'll input manually

Under DIANOSIS there are sub-catagories. The AXIS is in sub-catagory MENTAL DISORDER: EMPLOYMENT HISTORY..this is what the axis says

AXIS I: Major Depression, recurrent, severe


PTSD secondary to MST


AXIS III: Per medical record

AXIS IV: poor energy, headaches, continuing symptoms

AXIS V: GAF score 45

Than skipping to the last catagory titled C&P EXAM MEDICAL OPINION sub-catagory EXAMINER'S OTHER MEDICAL OPINION..."There appears to be an increase in symptoms of Major Depression and PTSD for this veteran since the time of her most recent c&p eval.

This veteran appears to meet the criteria for unemployability due to Major Depression and PTSD.

RATIONALE FOR OPINION GIVEN: This veteran reports increasing symptoms of Major Depression with some impairment in accomplishing ADLs due to symptoms of clinical depression and physical fatigue. She reports a period of severe depression w/suicidal ideation in 2009. (it goes into some personal stuff that i'll skip). The veteran reports severe ongoing symptoms of depression & PTSD, w/increased anxiety, panic attacks, poor concentration & focus, limited stamina. It appears that this veteran may also have medical concerns in terms of continuing fatigue & lack of stamina, frequent headaches. She has severe current impairment in her occupational functioning(i was not working..it's referring to parenting my youngest child) and severe impairment in her psychosocial functioning; difficulty in engaging in activities outside of the home due to anxiety. She is a capable woman w/a significant degree of current impairment due to psychiatric & medical issues.

This obviously was my MH exam & there's also one addressing my headaches.

You know you have grown old when you hear your favorite song in an elevator.

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Based on your C and P exam, it is obvious the examiner has opined that you should be rated TDIU at 100%. It seems very solid to me, and, while I cant really see how the VA could deny you TDIU based on this, I do know they will likely, if they have not already, ask for a report sent back from your old employer. Hopefully, his version is consistent with the medical examiner. Remember, tho, the VA loves to deny those "no brainer cases" like this and make you appeal for 10 years. Ultimately, however, this critical evidence should win for you. You may even luck out and get TDIU the first go around with no appeals, as this evidence is strong, IMHO.

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Based on your C and P exam, it is obvious the examiner has opined that you should be rated TDIU at 100%. It seems very solid to me, and, while I cant really see how the VA could deny you TDIU based on this, I do know they will likely, if they have not already, ask for a report sent back from your old employer. Hopefully, his version is consistent with the medical examiner. Remember, tho, the VA loves to deny those "no brainer cases" like this and make you appeal for 10 years. Ultimately, however, this critical evidence should win for you. You may even luck out and get TDIU the first go around with no appeals, as this evidence is strong, IMHO.

Yeah, my old employer..sore subject & may cause problems. I was an independant contractor shooting instructor for Blackwater USA. Huge private company that has several military contracts. They loved me while i was able to keep-it together for a year and a half. I had a dilemma about divulging my issues to them because I knew they would let me go in a heartbeat since it was a sought after job with a long line of people ready to take my place. I did finally have to tell them about dealing w/headaches & depression. I was asked if I wanted to resign or just to be let go. I chose to write a letter of resignation so I could use them in the furutre as a referral. Stupid me, huh? They took 14 months to reply to the VA about my employment and I have no idea what they said..too hurt to look. They set me back more emotionally than the military did. This was 2006 and I still get tearful thinking about the whole situtaion. I was very proud of my job.

You know you have grown old when you hear your favorite song in an elevator.

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I was asked if I wanted to resign or just to be let go. I chose to write a letter of resignation so I could use them in the furutre as a referral. Stupid me, huh?


At this point it is irrelevant what the employer stated regarding your employment there.

ALL THAT IS RELEVANT in a claim for IU is - Do Your SC'd Disability's render you Unemployable.

Carlie passed away in November 2015 she is missed.

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At this point it is irrelevant what the employer stated regarding your employment there.

ALL THAT IS RELEVANT in a claim for IU is - Do Your SC'd Disability's render you Unemployable.

thank you Carlie for stating that. It clears up some of my concerns.

You know you have grown old when you hear your favorite song in an elevator.

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