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What Do You Do When You Start Going Crazy With Waiting And Anger With The Va?

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What do you do when you start going crazy with waiting and anger with the VA? The never ending circle? Waiting for any answers... time going by..

escially for people like me knowing when the day is coming that that bad day turns out to be the day I must go back into the hosptial, with possibly the news that I will not leave alive..

last time I left alive.. but I live everyda knowing that in FACT I wil die from my disease.. I just don't know if it is in a few hours, a feweeks, a few months ofr a couple of years.. as most people with my condition don't live longer than 5 years...

While I wait for the VA DRO at the regional office to make a decision on the 3 most important claim issues that I explained in my DRO hearing... and they never gave me an SOC for those 3 issues.. which leads me to believe they are going ot make a decisions, but waiting a year from December 8, 2010. Till now... and everyday.. I go crazy, soem days I feel like rolling into a ball and going to their metal health ward and saying I am going insane...

what the hell do people do when they are fed up with being jerked around?

All i wanted was honesty, what is the answer, where is my decision, why can't they tel me how long it takes? Is that so hard for these so called people who supposedly ar 'Non'Advesarial' (toal BS! They are toally adevesarial, that's a lie the, claiming that rubbish, if thye wer enon-advearial, they would not make you feel like you are criminal on trial...

Why the hell can't they just tell the poor vets, they havce tpo wait 6 monts, 12 months, 2 years? I say they are mean and cruel... they must know that they are, how can they not know they are so cruel?? Maybe they are used to some people without life threating diseases trying to get claims through,, but there are sone of us poor SOB's who have terminal diseases, and they just magnify the suffering we endure...

Not in appeals, since I got 100%, and some of it was winning an 1151 negligence, which the VA turns out does not give ful benefits if you win 1151 negligence they squirm and legal loophhole you and your family out of many benefits, really crapp nasty bunch running the va benefits, they wil backstab and scre wyou even if you win you lose. May 2021.


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sorry, I shouldn't post stupid questions, just that my whole life is so screwed up, even if they just told me how many months it would help a lot,, because then I could determine what I should and should to do when things need work around the house.. or making living decisions,, or even health decisions,, right now I have to make decisions which cause me great pain physically, fianancially,... there are things falling apart and i have to decide whther I can wait, or they need immediate attention... or if my landlord decides to sell the house or we get kicked out,,, I need to know when things will change so I don 't have to suffer any more than I do.. I may need more surgeries,, I will find out soon... the VA just strings people along without realizing the hell they cause people... either that or they get off on causing people hell.. they can't be that ruthless, uncaring, rotten, cold calculating meanness just not to give people estimates...

my latest news is the glaucoma on top of the necrotizing panceas disease,, with severe complications, I have all these (pseudocysts) cysts growing all over the pancreas these are known to cause cancer (I already had sepsis) (also I have thrombosis of the splenic vein)... all I need is to go blind, and have cancer while they continue the BS...... All I need is the decision from the dro hearing,,, it's coming up on one year in december... (6 issues) the SSOC denied 3 issues, and left 3 issues with no decision at all... the 3 with no decisions were the most important,, which means they were not denied.... just left hanging in limbo...

I told me VSO I ( I typed out a letter ) to send in a request (to the BVA) to have my case moved up because I believe I fall in the category for moving my case forward for humanitarian reasons because of having an Auto-Immune disease which can kill me at any time (one infection can kill me).. I never got a response back from the VA.

like others have said, they are Evil Evil Evil..

Not in appeals, since I got 100%, and some of it was winning an 1151 negligence, which the VA turns out does not give ful benefits if you win 1151 negligence they squirm and legal loophhole you and your family out of many benefits, really crapp nasty bunch running the va benefits, they wil backstab and scre wyou even if you win you lose. May 2021.


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sorry, I shouldn't post stupid questions, just that my whole life is so screwed up, even if they just told me how many months it would help a lot,, because then I could determine what I should and should to do when things need work around the house.. or making living decisions,, or even health decisions,, right now I have to make decisions which cause me great pain physically, fianancially,... there are things falling apart and i have to decide whther I can wait, or they need immediate attention... or if my landlord decides to sell the house or we get kicked out,,,


Just feel free to go ahead and give yourself a timeframe that you are comfortable with,

something like

I am sure I will have an answer regarding my VBA claims issues by January 1, 2021 -

and go ahead and live your life for now - the best you can - how-ever that is.

Each and every person that is alive and breathing today - just as you - have no guarantees on tomorrow.

Hell - the pancreatitis may not even end up taking you out, as any one of us can go out to get a gallon

of milk and get T-boned and killed a block from home.

I was told by medical professionals almost a decade ago that I would HAVE to have a heart transplant

in 3-5 years - guess what - I'm still here with the same heart.

I think it's real important to work on not letting our illnesses run and ruin what we have left of our life's.

Live the best you can and try to enjoy something -

the VBA will happen when it happens -

until then - try to go ahead and live your life.

Carlie passed away in November 2015 she is missed.

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I think everybody that is waiting for a VA decision at any level should write long PMs to carlie! hehehehe

You dirty dog : - )


Are you getting any SSA benefits ?

Carlie passed away in November 2015 she is missed.

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