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Would This Be Pyramiding, Or Is It Ok

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I was first service connected for hep c at 40 percent a while back. I was treated for the hepc with pegintron and ribavarin. I later developed kidney and adrenal gland cancer, that were removed, one side. I was service connected for the kidney cancer at 30 percent, because there is overwhelming medical study, that proves people with hep c are VERY likely to develop kidney cancer;

HERE is my question, I have found out that the pegintron and ribavarin are know to destroy part of your cells,(ISLET CELL DESTRUCTION) the destroying of these cells can cause type 2 diabetes. I have been told im right on the diabetic fence, if I do go full blown diabetic, can I be service connected for it as secondary to hepc, just like the kidney cancer was? Or how does this work.

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That is sad. I am not sure how disabled he is - but you could see about filing for SSI for him. Depending on your income, he might be entitled to a check, medical care, etc. That would probably end once your income goes up. But it could help right now.

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Having an autistic child, who also has seizures, is a big burden on a family. we cannot do things normal families do. Its liuke trying to raise 3 kids for the price of one. Its constant chaos, because my son is very OCD about many things. lids on things is a no-no,. so anything you grab in the house will not have a cap or lid on it, from toothpaste, to the milk jug, to the laundry detergent.

My son also moves things anroung the house ALOT. So I spend ALOT of times looking for my own posessions.

One morning I went in the bathroom, and there was NOTHING in there, but the sink , toilet and bathtub. I looked out the window, and everything was in the backyard. what possesed him to throw evertying out the window I will never know.

A paper towel holder is not allowed by him in my house. I have tried every type of fastening system know to man, and he will pull it out of the wall. If anyone wants a paer towel, they must go get it from my son, who keeps the roll in his bed. Nothing can be hid from him, I swear he has telepathic abilities, and ive hidden things from him, and he goes straight to them, like he watched me stash them.

For around 6 months after my son went the the toilet, he would flush his underwear. I had to pull the toilet, to get them unstuck every time he did it. Finally he got off of that kick. Then he would jiggle the door knobs all around the house. He jiggled one so much it fell off.

The locksmith told me he had never seen that happen before. Imagine for 6 to 8 hours a day, someone standing by the door, just jiggling a doorknob back and forth so it makes an annoying rattling noise. Thats what we put up with, /. That too has fortunatley passed, for his new passion, of putting the rocking chair right in the middle of the living room, trying to balance it on the back part of the leg. Its total INSANITY and I think its taken a big toll on my whole family, . Once an autisic person gets something in thier head, theres no convincing them otherwise, and you feel really bad abt physical discipline, because they really dont understand why your spanking them. its really tough,.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

I am not currently working. I cannot file for TDUI because I dont have 70 percent yet, and I have one rating of 40 percent and one rating of 30 percent. with va math a total of 60. % I have filed for SS and am waiting on a court date as I have a lawyer who believes we can win.

You can also win the TDIU with your current ratings....DO NOT let anyone yell you that you must be at 70% to file.

Do this ASAP....The VA should have already addresed this issue with your Hep alone, then throwing in another 30% with a claim pending....Just file the paperwork and get the ball rolling.

Do yourself a favor.....buy some gold and silver! The printing presses are in overdrive.

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Do you think its a good idea even while im waiting on the reopen for 3 contentions., my back problem, an eye injury, and scar from kidney surgery?Its been 4 months since they reopened it. I just dont want to load the wagon too full, because its obvious that VA has a weak horse. I was hoping they would hurry up and service connect my back, and that will open up alot of other things for me to file, like obbstructive sleep apnea, because im overweight do to being less active than I used to be, because of chronic back pain, and limited range of motion. I think I could also get my ED connected due to the narcotics I must take to get thru the back pain daily. Im also depressed

I dont want it to look like im throwing anything and everything out there, hoping something will stick. The thing is I do have alot of issues, that I believe are service connected. Ive just been dealing with the most major first, that were life threatening, and squeaky wheel get the grease.

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The way I read the law it said I must have at least one disability at 40 percent, which I have, and the remaining must total to 70 percent.

Im rated at. 40., 30, 0, 0. That IS 70, BUT not by va math, so my question is, which system do they use i n determining if u are eligible for TDIU, is it actual total rating, or va math rating. Va math says im at 60 %,

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Yes. I know it can be a struggle raising a disabled child. My son is high-functioning autistic.

Benefits for disabled children


Edited by free_spirit_etc
Think Outside the Box!
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