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C&p Preparation Tips

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Hey all, would love your feedback...

....I wrote 3 posts giving 10 Tips on getting ready for a C&P Exam.

Here's Post #1: 10 Tips to Help You Keep the C&P Exam in Perspective.

Here's Post #2: Dealing with the C&P Exmainer.

Here's Post #3: Paint a Picture when Talking to the Doctor.

Would love to hear from ya'll....tell me what I missed, where I can do better or give more info....

.....I'm writing another Field Manual for the Veterans Law Blog called the "C&P Exam Field Manual", and I'd like to address as many of your concerns, fears, needs, etc., as possible, to make it the best resource available.

Read the posts, and comment here or directly on the post page on the Veterans Law Blog.

Chris (Veterans Law Blog)

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I am a paralegal by profession and had no idea I should have been S/C until 2013...I served from 90-96 so I was out for over 17 years before filing! But with my hard work and knowledge I got S/C in 2014!

Here is my opinion...

1) Not all C&P exams are doctor oriented...Prime example the C&P exam I had for PTSD/MST and my Eating Disorder. Though she was a doctor she indicated that she was NOT doing a doctor exam but rather a legal exam. She made that quite clear. She was there on behalf of the VA and to determine if my claim was legit.

2) Yes be short, simple and to the point - stay on topic for your C&P exam

3) Bring all your documents with you to include anything that will help your case. I brought all information pertaining to that specific C&P exam...You are your own best advocate

4) If you are asked about pain level tell the truth! Don't sugar coated

5) If you are asked to do exercises such as bending for a ROM test then bend only to the point of pain! Don't try to bend farther than you can!

To be honest...We are Veteran's should not be "prepped" for a C&P exam b/c it is not about going in there prepped but rather going in with your own concerns, evidence and story to tell the examiner. The word "prep" strikes a nerve with me...

Additionally, I would suggest that anyone who has experienced a C&P exam whether it is good or bad tell their own situation for that C&P Exam to help other Veterans prep for that specific type of C&P Exam. Not all C&P Exams are done the same nor are they all done at a VA...A lot are done through outside vendor's like QTC

Edited by Navy4life

US Navy Desert Storm Veteran
Proudly served my Country!!! :biggrin:

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