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Tips -Anyone -Experience With Qtc Hearing Test -Tukwila, Wa

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Would like to hear from folks that had any hearing test experiences conducted by VA Contractor QTC in the Tukwila, WA area...? I just did another hearing with another contractor (VES) a few months ago and the VBA says that that test was inadequte for rating purposes...whatever that means....I'd like to know any of the Tips or do's or don'ts with these particular folks for hearing tests. Last hearing test a few months ago locally seemed to be favorable for me, However, VBA appears to need another opinion? I guess they don't like to do sc for hearing from what I've been reading???

Edited by rootbeer22
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Been there for my SC hearing 0% I never filed for a hearing loss claim, but I did file for tinnitus (granted) that is why I was there. The lady was very professional didn't talk much (which I liked). She stated they do not have the means to test for tinnitus so she gave me a hearing exam and pressure tests.

I know vets personally with earring aides and they are 0% for SC hearing loss, so take that for what it is worth. My opinion is if you don't wear aides don't expect anything over a 0%. I figure is good to have it encase the hearing totally craps out.

I am sure tanker is on the presumed list that you were prone to tinnitus then you should be good if you filed for that (But I am sure you knew that already).

Edited by DDuck
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Thanks, It's interesting because what you decribe is just what I figured in terms of the expected outcome? Two months ago, I had a hearing test in Tacoma at a VA Contractor (VES) and it went very well for me which is what I'm thinking now...but .that the VBA wants a diffrent answer I guess? But, not sure why my entire claim has been held up on this? Apparently, during a review someone found that my hypertension DBQ was more than a year old and I think that the hearing test was just thrown back in to see if they could get a different oucome as well...take care...and godspeed...rootbeer22

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Interesting, I do not have tinnitus, as least I do not think I have it. I just had hearing test conducted by my local military Navy Hospital. Have hearing loss, probably due to being gunner on tank for 8 years. Got the print out and called VA and they refused to accept test results, instead told me that they would call me to schedule a VA hearing test. I just want VA supplied hearing aids, as very shocked at how expensive they are. My hearing loss is defined as sensorinureal (sp) hearing loss, tested by same VA in 2007 and noted had this type of loss. Why would this same VA not accept results from a DoD military hospital? Then imagine my surprise when the same military hearing examiner told me that she also conducts hearing exams for the VA! WTF! Of course, have not heard from the local VA on when this test is to be conducted.

Vern 2

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Rootbeer: I have had a time with the Seattle RO, they lost records and needed to set up a re-examine. I will say the QTC doc in Tuq was outstanding. When she found out that the VA lost her examine from 8 months prior she called them and chewed on them abit while I was there. She also putting in a claim for my kidneys that I didn't put in. So hopefully you get professional service from people there, I did.

Most claim issues I found are from lazy people or people not trained properly. Probably the same thing happened to you as it did to me. It sucks but just look at it as a bigger retro check.

Vern: From what I understand hearing is very hard to get hard to get rated; and I only speculate, that it is probably because most (including me in my tinnitus claim) put in for it so late after service and everybody has hearing damage as we age so it gets harder to prove.

I think why they rated me (0% hearing, 10% tinnitus) was because I had a documented event in my service records of a traumatic sound event that left my ears ringing and my exit hearing exam show some loss at certain db's.

As for the tinnitus if you have it you will know, mine wasn't bad until 4 years ago just a slight ringing from the service days. To be honest I kind of grown use to it until it cranked up by a factor of 50 now I can't even drown it out with the TV, 4 years later and it still bugs me.

Good luck with your claims and God bless.


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The only reason your hypertension C&P is a year old is because of the Seattle RO and the games they play.....

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Yes, it appears so...yesterday, the guy at the 1800 number read to the notes on my file and he said, the they just missed the Hypertension DBQ and let it expire? Otherwise, I would proably be done. He also said, it was confusing because my claim was marked as "completed". Oh well, at least I'm closer and if I can get these exams done in an expedited manner, I'll be finished befor the end of the summer. That said so far there's no record that the exam has been orderd? take care,,,,godspeed>..

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