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Tampa Vamc And Pain Management

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  • HadIt.com Elder

The Tampa VA is trying hard to find some reason to break my opiate contract and cut me off from the opiates they have constantly prescribed for me for the last ten years. None of my other VA doctors are standing up for me. My VA shrink prescribes clonazepam for me and she is saying if I want to continue getting the opiates I have to get off the benzo's. My PCP started all this because I have sleep apnea. I know that some vets have died from Od'ing on opiates, but I have been taking them safely for ten years. No matter, I am now a drug abuser according to the VA (no evidence required except I take prescribed opiates). I have talked to patient advocate...worthless. I have called a news organization here called "Channel 8 on your side" and telling them the VA is on a crusade to get all us old guys out of the pain clinics and out of the VA's hair. Every time I agree to some compromise with the VA about the pain meds I take they want more. They find more reasons to find me a problem child. I am going to see my congressman. Just because some vets OD does not mean all million of us here in Florida are drug addicts and drug dealers which is what the VA thinks.


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I'm sorry you are getting screwed with, John. I have an AD PCM, and she would rather give me meds that are ineffective and destroy my liver or kidneys than the Percocets that work. Now, I am also not "allowed" to have any sleep meds because I have OSA? I am only talking about using them for breakthrough pain, not daily. I have not had a Percocet refill since my last surgery a year ago, and I just ran out. I take no more than one or two a week, but I cannot have them. I am supposed to take daily doses of 2 new meds on top of my other prescriptions, instead. Complete BS, they are on a crusade against these drugs, so I am guessing that they must turn less profit for the drug companies, and therefore, are not a priority for the drug lobbyists now. Instead, they can make more by destroying my internal organs with additional meds added to my daily "cocktail" and then cash in on whatever I have to take down the road to counteract the damage caused by those medications. I guess I should just drink away my pain and then pass out drunk each night to get those same effects? I wish you the best, it is incorrigible that they are treating you this way.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

If they are doing it to me and you then they are doing it to thousands more. We are not alone. There are many of us in VA crosshairs.

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If they are doing it to me and you then they are doing it to thousands more. We are not alone. There are many of us in VA crosshairs.

john you are right they are doing it to everyone its just they haven't got to some yet

but its coming. I'm catching hell getting non-narcotic acupuncture treatment saying its

not a long term treatment they really want us to deal with pain without any meds, and they

have another class they want me to attend next week 2 days a week 3 hours a day. So I ask

will that take my pain away then I would be more than happy to attend. Haven't heard from them

since but waiting for a response. I guess they see now the treatments cost about $75 a trip time

8 trips per month cost more than giving me pain pills. RU

Edited by RUREADY
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  • HadIt.com Elder

They want me to go into a 6 week in-patient program and leave my wife at home by herself I guess. I am sure yoga and meditation will cure my spinal stenosis and PN. I will cooperate with them as much as possible and then I will go get a private doctor. I know there must be someone around who will prescribe for me. I am not asking for morphine or heroin. Just enough percoset to keep me able to sleep at night. I don't want injections. I might just try and find someone who can pinpoint where my pain is originating and find a surgeor to try and fix it. My neck is getting worse and I am sick of it.

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The problem, John, is that a lot of these issues are essentially inoperable. The risks from any surgical interdiction are much, much greater than the risks of the meds. I had a couple plates put in my neck and 1 1/2 years removed, the pain is about the same levels just a little "different" in feel and more predictable. I have bone spurs developed at C1 & 2 from the same hard landings that blew out my discs prematurely. They may be causing my migraines and some other occipital issues and I have been told they would not touch that area with surgery. I received the Corticosteroid injections every 3 months for the last two years. A few weeks ago, they started with about 20 injections of botox instead of the 2 occipital nerve blocks, since it is supposed to have a longer lasting effect. The injections do help me, even the corticosteroid worked for me somewhat (would quit working before I was eligible for another series due to toxicity and I would be back migraine meds), but I understand why you would not want them. I hope you find the right mix of things to mitigate your pain to a reasonable level that you can live with.

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