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How to service connect planters facia and back issues?

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So I am a recently separated vet, I was diagnosed with Plantar's facilities in boot and received insoles, but ever since then I bought my own insoles, so that was the first and last time I officially was on record for planters. For my back issue, I went to see a doc, and was officially seen once (by an MD), I was told to go to PT, but never went, my chain of command guilted me out of it at the time. My question is, I have appointments with a podiatrist and a back specialist coming up, I have my DBQ's ready, what would be the best route proving service connect ability. My rate (MOS) required by definition, long periods of straight standing, in awkward positions (which I think caused the back issue) and the constant marching, running and the standing.. etc caused the planters.

I just want advice and help from people with similar personal experiences. If I have a the DBQ's, and the doctor agrees with me and writes a favorable dbq's (which I'm expecting because of web MD research) what are my chances, what else could I do to strengthen service connect ability? 

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It sounds like you have the two items:  in service issue and current issue well documented.  What you need now is Nexus connecting the two.  This can be done with a letter from your doctor. 

The veteran is also competent of reporting his symptoms over the years.  So you can write your own statement of condition and symptoms documenting that you had the problem since service and what you experienced up until now.  From my memory, I believe a rating of 10% for plantar fasciitis, your symptoms have to not be relieved by inserts.  You might want to look it up.

So I think the next thing you can add to document your claim is a statement that describes your ongoing treatments (inserts) and pains etc... since you got out.  Buddy statements from family or veterans would not hurt either.


Edited by syne7
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For me both my conditions are separate.  My plantar fasciitis is rated at 50% with the bilateral factor included.  I too have inserts, plus the boots that immobilize your feet. Look at the rating schedule for this, because like Syne7 stated if you receive any relief from inserts you will either be rated at 0-10% and there are other various reliefs the examiner will ask you about. Mine is so bad they recommended surgery. If you have anything in your military medical records pertaining to your back  and you are currently seeking treatment for the back condition you should be fine. The things the VA looks for in claims is it happened in service, you have prior treatment for the condition, and are currently being treated for the condition. If you have received x-rays on your back and they show nothing I would recommend an MRI to see if there is anything going on. Between the VA and military it took 5 years before I could get an MRI for my back because the x-rays kept showing nothing was wrong, but once I had the MRI it showed a disc herniation, so finally after 5 years I started receiving the proper treatment and surgery, which could have been avoided long ago.   

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Thank you smooth! Dude I asked the same questions in the "other" forums, they just kept being negative, and was downplaying my issues, but this forum is much better. Im going to try to get those, I'm seeing a spine specialist in Monday. Ill write the VA a letter like syne said explaining the time frame. My back is in constant pain man, my foot honestly is totally fine with inserts, my back is the real issue.   I have 0 pain with insoles, so minot even expecting anything, I just want insoles! lol. Im trying to make an appointment with my VSO, but they won't pock up the phone. 

But again thank you both!! 

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Keep in mind, when you have injuries to your feet, it all transmits upwards, so you can eventually have problems with your ankles, knees, hips, SI joints, spine, both lumbar and cervical.


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1 hour ago, snow1wave said:

Thank you smooth! Dude I asked the same questions in the "other" forums, they just kept being negative, and was downplaying my issues, but this forum is much better. Im going to try to get those, I'm seeing a spine specialist in Monday. Ill write the VA a letter like syne said explaining the time frame. My back is in constant pain man, my foot honestly is totally fine with inserts, my back is the real issue.   I have 0 pain with insoles, so minot even expecting anything, I just want insoles! lol. Im trying to make an appointment with my VSO, but they won't pock up the phone. 

But again thank you both!! 

It's worth applying for the claim and getting a 0% rate in case later it gets worse.  Since you are filling a claim, you could consider pursing PF.

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