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C&P For Individual Unemployability Was Awful

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I recently had a video conference C&P done by a VA doctor for Individual Unemployability. This is the first time I have filed for IU and I am %70 PTSD. The interview was nothing like my first PTSD C&P where it seemed a format of questions was followed. I faxed a copy of my Psychologist letter which supported my IU claim that went into depth about my PTSD issues. I explained I was sending it because I crack easily under pressure and can't form thoughts well and forget details. I said that it might help fill in the gaps of what I will forget because I was anxious. When I realized it seemed like an unusual interview  I started making small notes of what was mostly said because I knew I would forget. I wrote more things afterwards that I could think of and I forgot most things. Had I not written it down immediately I would not have remembered hardly anything. My memory is okay for things I see and hear that day but the day after I will start forgetting most of it and as time goes by all of it unless reminded of things. I feel that I will get turned down for IU and probably reduced.  Can a negative C&P negate all of the psych notes, DBQ and Supporting letter from my Psychologist? My Psych doc. was at the VA (saw him for 18 months) but went to private practice. I followed him to private practice and continue seeing him bimonthly.  Is this a normal line of questioning and procedure or am I being paranoid? Thanks for any responses.
1)   I could tell she read off about three questions the entire time. The rest of the questions were hard to understand because they were in her words not read from a format.
2) Quote" You don't know how to spell your ex wife of twenty years name?" This after repeating several times that I had memory issues. Quote "Why do you have memory issues?
3) Told her I had problems remembering counseling advice. She told me to start recording with my phone and proceeded to tell me about how memory works with a long explanation and that I needed to get an appointment with OT to figure it out. Offered to do it for me and I said I would look into it. She told me to go through my PCP. I explained that my PCP had already sent me to a neurologist and their conclusion was it was PTSD related. She told me to do it again through an OT.
4) Wanted to know what my ex-wife's  new husbands name was. I said respectfully that I was uncomfortable about that and I didn't give it to her. Quote "It's not like I am going to go look for them." She lives in the same very, very small town that they do.
She wanted to know where my ex worked and proceeded to tell me that she knew the owner and her husband.
5) Consulted me on how I should take Prasosin for bad dreams and how I wasn't taking enough of  it before I stopped after looking it up in my VA records online. I said I stopped after consulting with the Psych med doc because of it being a high blood pressure pill ( I take other HB pills) and I was up to 4 pills. Told me to set up an appointment with MH to get that pill and take more and to monitor my blood pressure.
6) Told her my wife may lose her job because of an injury on the job and she started looking on the job board online at the VA and recommended she find a sedentary job if she does lose it.
7) Wanted to know why I was on Medicaid after informing her it was to see a mental health Dr. outside of the VA. She Wanted to know how I qualified for it. Because of disability or income?
8) Wanted to know why I would be guarding a morgue while simultaneously I was breaking down about a question she just asked about concerning a dead child. Asked how he was killed.
9) Turned her camera around 180 degrees to show me how it was raining outside in the middle of the exam and unplugged a line which disconnected the video call. I waited at least five minutes for her to call back on the phone to tell me how to answer the video call.
10) Told me the session would take an hour and it took two because she kept counseling me and giving me medical advice.
11) I felt I was being counseled about every problem that I mentioned. She had a solution for everything I said and it made me feel more anxious and bad about myself.

12) Seemed to have a problem when I couldn't remember things.

13) Looked up my medical records online to find the MRI of my brain after saying I had a stroke a long time ago.

14) She asked a bunch of questions regarding alcohol use.

15) Was asked out of the blue after moving on to the next rambling question "What are your symptoms?" Me: My symptoms when? What symptoms are you presenting? I have a long list of symptoms and I was so anxious and disoriented by this point that I could only think of 3 or 4. I have multiple.

She seemed put out with me and I know I misrepresented myself because I was in a state of anxiety. It was brutal.

Sorry for the long post. I am just very concerned.

Thank you for all respectful comments.


Edited by RacingTime
typos and additional info.
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  • Content Curator/HadIt.com Elder

Welcome to Hadit!

Although I have not had an IU exam, I would assume they might be a mix of C&P exam plus IU exam. They have to determine if your SC disabilities are precluding your ability to be gainfully employed.

After reading through your post, most of what you mentioned seemed pretty much in line with what someone rated at 70% for PTSD would have.

The only part which might be of a concern is item 8. It says you were guarding a morgue. If you were currently employed in that capacity, even part time, then the fact that you are employed might preclude IU. If your conversation was involving prior employment, then, in my opinion, it should not have any impact. If you are not working, you might want to consider exploring SSDI as an alternate source of income.

Most of my C&P exams were cut and dry. The doc performs an exam, asks questions, etc... but I did have one doctor offer advice to seek treatment for something related. Your examiner might have been genuinely trying to reassure you to continue or seek treatment.

I hope this helps. Good luck!

Edited by Vync

"If it's stupid but works, then it isn't stupid."
- From Murphy's Laws of Combat

Disclaimer: I am not a legal expert, so use at own risk and/or consult a qualified professional representative. Please refer to existing VA laws, regulations, and policies for the most up to date information.


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Welcome aboard and sorry u had to go thru that awful exam. I have had too many mental exams to keep up with.  Not many went well even when I was granted.  Just tired of Vets having to defend themselves all the da mn time. We didn't ask to be hurt or sick. I hope all goes well my friend.  Please keep us updated and God Bless

100% PTSD

100% Back

60% Bladder Issues

50% Migraines 
30% Crohn's Disease

30% R Shoulder

20% Radiculopathy, Left lower    10% Radiculopathy, Right lower 
10% L Knee  10% R Knee Surgery 2005&2007
10% Asthma
10% Tinnitus
10% Damage of Cranial Nerve II

10% Scars



OEF/OIF VET     100% VA P&T, Post 911 Caregiver, SSDI



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  • Content Curator/HadIt.com Elder
On 3/19/2018 at 11:36 AM, RacingTime said:

Thanks for your response. I was on deployment for question #8. I have also filed for SSDI and I am currently working on an appeal. The C&P doc made feel like I am doing nothing to help myself and had an attitude when I gave an answer. It's too bad C&P's can't be audio recorded for quality assurance purposes.   ;)  Thanks Again.

Well, I am hoping that might work to your advantage. If you didn't have problems, you would not have applied for benefits. Just keep in mind that some doctors do not have any form of bedside manner.

I agree with what you said about recording the exams. When I went before the BVA, they recorded every word of the conversation. Doesn't seem right.

"If it's stupid but works, then it isn't stupid."
- From Murphy's Laws of Combat

Disclaimer: I am not a legal expert, so use at own risk and/or consult a qualified professional representative. Please refer to existing VA laws, regulations, and policies for the most up to date information.


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Thanks for your response. I was on deployment for question #8. I have also filed for SSDI and I am currently working on an appeal. The C&P doc made feel like I am doing nothing to help myself and had an attitude when I gave an answer. It's too bad C&P's can't be audio recorded for quality assurance purposes.   ;)  Thanks Again.

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