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Conflicting information in notes

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I had a C and P exam for anxiety. There are conflicting notes.

They say: 

3. Occupational and social impairment ------------------------------------- a. Which of the following best summarizes the Veteran's level of occupational and social impairment with regards to all mental diagnoses? (Check only one) [X] A mental condition has been formally diagnosed, but symptoms are not severe enough either to interfere with occupational and social functioning or to require continuous medication b. For the indicated occupational and social impairment, is it possible to differentiate which impairment is caused by each mental disorder? [ ] Yes [ ] No [X] Not Applicable (N/A) c. If a diagnosis of TBI exists, is it possible to differentiate which occupational and social impairment indicated above is caused by the TBI? [ ] Yes [ ] No [X] Not Applicable (N/A)


But then say:

3. Symptoms ----------- For VA rating purposes, check all symptoms that actively apply to the Veteran's diagnoses: [X] Anxiety [X] Near-continuous panic or depression affecting the ability to function independently, appropriately and effectively [X] Difficulty in adapting to stressful circumstances, including work or a worklike setting


Does this seem odd?

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I thought I already answered this question.  Im not sure if the answer disappeared, or if maybe you asked it again as you did not like my answer.  Oh well.  I tell the truth as I see it, and you may or may not like my answer.  I dont give just "the answers you want to hear" as I beleive that is a dis service.  VSOs will often do just that.  

"Aw sure, you should get your check in 90 days or less. "

Yea, that is what you want to hear, but the truth is most claims are denied, and you have to appeal and that takes around 5 years.  

Now, conflicting information in a c and p exam happens somewhat often.  The VA is supposed to catch this, and resolve it, for example, a new c and p exam may be necessary to resolve the discrpency.  

But they often just deny, instead.  At this point, you have some choices that may save time getting your check.

1.  Get an IMO clarifying the opinion.  

2.  Wait until after the decision, and see if VA will clarify.  (not likely).  

3.  Do nothing.  This will likely mean your benefits are denied, however, sometimes, people in the VA actually do their job.  If they do, send it to guiness book of world records, they would surely want to hear about that.  

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Maybe someone else will have a "feel good" answer where you will feel good...for a while..until you find out its not the reality.  Dont get me wrong.  Everyone needs encouragement.  But I dont do "fake" encouragement, deceiving Vets that "everything is ok, and you will get your check tommorrow".  

I found out that does not work out well for me.  

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When I had a discrepancy on my C&P exam, I added a statement of disagreement to my file showing the contradictory statements. I then called the VA facility that did my assessment and asked for the director of the department that was responsible for my exam.

Of course he wasn’t there but I left a message. I got a call back a few days later and explained my concern. He spoke to the examiner  and then called me back saying the issue was resolved (explaining what was done). I actually received a positive outcome.

I suggest you do the same. Good luck!

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