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Well that was 10 month off nothing lol

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Mr cue


Dro just send me the same soc as the ssoc smh.

As u can see not one piece of evidences talk about.

He send me for a mmd exam doc stated it should be total nothing about it.

I got send to 7 different comp exam during the ro process everyone was good like 5 different doctors

I need the help more than the money but now the fight continue let see how long they take to send it to board. Lol



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As Alex explained, a SSOC is required under legacy appeals whenever you add additional evidence AFTER you have gotten the SOC.  SOP (Standard Operating Procedure).  Of course, it is possible they reconsider the decision and grant instead, and no SSOC was required.  

This (SSOC) extends your period to file an I9, Appeal to the BVA.  This is where most claims are awarded, not in the HLR, SCL, or the old DRO.  Remember this, (tatoo it on your arm if necessary) that GS7 rating specialists "dont have the authority" to grant a claim that results in a six figure retro, or even upper 5 figures.  

This needs to be done by a judge, so the idea is to get it to the judge ASAP.  Its kind of like trying to sell the Janitor your idea on a new stealth bomber.  Those decisions are not made byu GS employees, they are made by big shots or judges.  

Now that you know this, file the I9 and appeal to the BVA.  Make sure you have everything needed for your A and A.  Read over the requirements AGAIN, and re read your exams that you probably had for A and A (SMC L).  Make sure you meet the requisite criteria.  


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  • Content Curator/HadIt.com Elder

I've seen some bad decisions, but this one is what Ms. Carlie would have called a "rubber stamp decision". I had a couple of them myself. Went back and saw the date the decision was written was on a Friday and assumed someone just wanted to go home early.

@broncovet is correct. The BVA tends to be the place where the VA does their job properly for the first time. If you look up the reversal rate at the BVA, you'll learn it is pretty high. I hope they get this all straightened out for you. For what it's worth, when you do get the final decision from the BVA, go over it with a fine toothed comb. There is always a change the BVA might have screwed up something too.


"If it's stupid but works, then it isn't stupid."
- From Murphy's Laws of Combat

Disclaimer: I am not a legal expert, so use at own risk and/or consult a qualified professional representative. Please refer to existing VA laws, regulations, and policies for the most up to date information.


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