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How to get arthritis service connected?

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I submitted claims for my arthritic hands and knees. Any advice on how to successfully get them service connected?

Thank you.

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Yes.  You will need the following:

1.  Current diagnosis of arthritis.  

2.  "In service event" which you suggest was the cause of arthritis of hands or knees. 

3.  Doctors opinion that your "in service event" was at least as likely as not the cause of your arthritis.  

(aka "nexus").

    PLAN B, of course is a secondary condition.  As an example if you fractured your knee in service, and were service connected for residuals of this broken bone.    If a doctor then opinined your arthritis was "at least as likely as no due to an already service connected condition, you should be good to go.  

     Even with the Caluza elements documented, as above, you often still have to appeal.  As an example, I had loud noises documented, (jet engine noise) and a diagnoisis (hearing loss), and a audiologist opinion that my hearing loss was at least as likely as not due to the jet engine noise in service, I was still denied.  

     Upon appeal, however, I was awarded SC for hearing loss.  This applies to just about all conditions.  


         The new pact act makes it somewhat easier to get service connection.  Mostly, its because of presumptives.  "If you served" in a particular country, at a particular time, its "presumed" that your condition is related to this period of service.  

Since I dont know when/where you served, For more information on the pact act, and whether or not your period of service qualifies, go here:




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2 hours ago, edrojo1 said:

I submitted claims for my arthritic hands and knees. Any advice on how to successfully get them service connected?

Thank you.


49 minutes ago, broncovet said:

Yes.  You will need the following:

1.  Current diagnosis of arthritis.  

2.  "In service event" which you suggest was the cause of arthritis of hands or knees. 

3.  Doctors opinion that your "in service event" was at least as likely as not the cause of your arthritis.  

(aka "nexus").

    PLAN B, of course is a secondary condition.  As an example if you fractured your knee in service, and were service connected for residuals of this broken bone.    If a doctor then opinined your arthritis was "at least as likely as no due to an already service connected condition, you should be good to go.  

     Even with the Caluza elements documented, as above, you often still have to appeal.  As an example, I had loud noises documented, (jet engine noise) and a diagnoisis (hearing loss), and a audiologist opinion that my hearing loss was at least as likely as not due to the jet engine noise in service, I was still denied.  

     Upon appeal, however, I was awarded SC for hearing loss.  This applies to just about all conditions.  


         The new pact act makes it somewhat easier to get service connection.  Mostly, its because of presumptives.  "If you served" in a particular country, at a particular time, its "presumed" that your condition is related to this period of service.  

Since I dont know when/where you served, For more information on the pact act, and whether or not your period of service qualifies, go here:




Thanks Broncovet, that is some good information. I do not have a documented service event but I do have a 

diagnosis for the arthritis. I served from 1979-1982, 1 year in Okinawa. If understanding the PACT ACT correctly it doesnt appear I have any "presumptives". I am 10% for Tinitis.

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Good advice broncovet. You will need to get your military records especially you medical records because you will have to show what you did in service that could have caused your issue.  Do you have any other VA Claims or are you one of our newbie's to this.

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I have a similar problem, I fell down a second story stairs and hyperextended my fingers, chipped fracture to left ring finger which was the only residual pain so I consulted with a Doctor (in the hall) and he ordered an X-Ray of that finger to which I am service connected.  The X-Ray is the only evidence I have that I fell and now that I am up in years of course arthritis has entered ito the picture.  I have pain in both hands which worsens during cold weather.   Recent X-Rays at the VA Hospital reflect trauma to fingers.

I had a friend who witnessed the event and he wrote me a Buddy Letter and he subsequently passed away.  That and the X-Ray is the only military documentation I have other than a note on my separation physical.

The thing that I failed to do is to have a military physician create a note in my medical records-that is paramount!  Now I have to run around and find an MD who will substantiate that the injuries to my fingers was most likely when I fell down the stairs.

Edited by Hardtyme
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Hardtyme:  You usually get better answers when you post your question in a "new topic".  It sounds like you already know of the Caluza elements I posted above.  

If your buddy who passed wrote you a letter, and you have a copy, you can submit that even if he is deceased.  

The Pact Act does provide additional benefits, but frankly Im not sure of your service and/or whether or not you qualify for presumptives.  

This may help you find out:


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