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Voc rehab

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Good day,has anyone ever heard of anyone taking up va voc rehab while rated 100% ptsd smc-s the vets effective rated date is 11 years,is there a chance of losing rating while participating in voc rehab?Thanks.

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Posted (edited)

image.thumb.jpeg.4ae454590619b880c04730bfe77ad628.jpegMany years ago from 87 to 89 I attended and completed a university accounting degree on VA VOCAB approved by Waco VARO.  During this time I was rated 50% for PTSD and in 91 my PTSD rating was reduced and then terminated due to a missed C&P exam.  Beginning in 98 I received TDIU P&T paid at 100% rate and since then additional high ratings for other medical issues.  Now 100% P&T (over 20 years) with SMC-S.  

Thanks also to 3 recent favorable BVA appeals I have also received nice retroactive awards.  I have filed all claims and BVA and CAVC appeals myself pro se since 1985 including the VOCAB accounting degree. 

Long ago I read CAVC court decisions and BVA decisions that a vet attending VOCAB is not automatically considered to be employable or improved during VOCAB   training.  May have also read same in VA M21-1 and 38 CFRs.  Do a google and VA web site search for this. 

My comment is not legal advice as I am not a lawyer, paralegal or VSO.

Edited by Dustoff1970
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I would say be careful what you ask for. Technically, if you are approved for the program, you should be fine but keep in mind what you are rated for and the purpose of the Voc Rehab program. Being rated 100% for a mental health disability precludes employment and SMC-S is for the fact that you do not leave your home for income purposes. With that said, the Voc Rehab program is to assist veterans to be able to be rehabilitated to return to the work force.

In this day and age where many employers are looking for employees to work at home, you run the risk of being re-evaluated if you complete the program and establish some type of certificate and or degree. As stated, this re-evaluation does not mean that you would lose your current rating, it simply means that you take the risk of being called in for a new exam.

I posted several years ago that I was contacted by a veteran that was receiving 100% TDIU rating and SSDI and was convinced to go back to full-time work for a government agency. I am not sure what all her ratings were, but I know one was for PTSD. She lasted just about the time that she was considered rehabilitated thirteen (13) months before she had a bad episode, and she lost her job. The problem now was the VA had reduced her rating and the SSA had stopped her SSDI benefits. I explained to her that at that point, she basically had to start all over again to prove that she could not work where the VA and the SSA just determined that she could work. Unfortunately, I don’t have the end of the story because she never returned my call and contacted me again. So, be careful what you ask for. Not only do you risk your benefits, but you also risk any benefits that your dependents may be entitled to like CH 35 and or CHAMPVA.

My intentions are to help, my advice maybe wrong, be your own advocate and know what is in your C-File and the 38 CFR that governs your disabilities and conditions.

Do your own homework. No one knows the veteran’s symptoms like the veteran. Never Give Up.

I do not give my consent for anyone to view my personal VA records.


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Posted (edited)

I agree with pacman.  After completing your VOCAB training the VA VOCAB office will send you a list of government job openings in your proximate state area that match your new qualifications.  This is what happened to me but I never followed up and applied for the openings. I was ordered to another C&P exam in 91 but did not attend due to work and family issues.

Therefore, with your new certificates and/or degrees the VA may then consider you improved and employable and may order new C&P exams.  The key word here is "MAY".

My comment is not legal advice as I am not a lawyer, paralegal or VSO.


Edited by Dustoff1970
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That is funny since just because you are qualified for a government job doesn't mean you have a snowball's chance in hell of getting one.  Back in 1984 I got a job at the VA hospital as a really low level supply clerk.  I tried for a year to get a promotion out of that job and it was impossible.  I used to get rejection letters with the heading of "qualified buy not selected" a few dozen times.  Then I took the postal exam and transferred to the USPS. The USPS was the same way.  

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Posted (edited)

This is also funny as I never wanted a government job to begin with and the reason I did not apply for any on the sent VOCAB list.  Instead I became a private small business S Corporation tax accountant.  After I finished my service with the Army and Army National Guard I became a commercial helicopter pilot in SE Asia and ME for 15 years.  I did not and do not miss the military either (it served its purpose for me).

It was standard procedure then in 1989 for VOCAB to send a list of available government jobs to recent graduates of VOCAB training program.

Not everyone desires a government or military career.



Edited by Dustoff1970

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