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I woukd like to know of other Vietnam Vets that are suffering from late onset peripheral neuropathy.  I have been diagnosed with it and have no other afflictions that may have caused it. I have been denied a disability rating because it's not recognized by the Government.  I did some research and found that it's not the recognition but only the money value that is keeping us from our due. I'd like to form a class action but I need to know that there are others out there with the same problem.  I can't possibly be alone on this. Please contact me.

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You’ve come to the right location. Welcome aboard to hadit. I wish I could be of service but too am ignorant to your concern. Hopefully you get the answers you seek.

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What about using it secondary to say diabetes? 

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Both DBM II and NP are automatically presumed and service connected under the Agent Orange Act if you were exposed to the AO Dixon with boots on the gound in Vietnam during the war or served on Korean DMZ at a certain time or at certain U.S. base locations in Thailand and maybe Guam, etc. 

All you need is a current diagnosis of the above disease/s and service records showing you were at those locations at the designated time periods.

VA has a whole website devoted to requirements for Agent Orange service connection including locations and time periods.

A qualified experienced VSO at a VA regional office may be of further assist to you. Their services are free of charge.

My comment is not legal advice as I am not a lawyer, paralegal or VSO


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PN can be caused by many things, the idea is to link it to an event in service OR, as suggested, to another service connected condtion (secondary).  

You might try this link.  https://facty.com/conditions/neuropathy/10-causes-of-neuropathy/5/

One of the causes listed is toxins. and many military vets were exposed to toxins.  If you were in vietnam, then you could be a "nehmer" vet.  

Nehmer vets have already won a class action suit.  

https://www.nvlsp.org/what-we-do/class-actions/nehmer-agent-orange-lawsuit#:~:text=In 1987%2C the district court,such benefits in the future.

If you think you may meet the nehmer criteria, such as service in Vietnam, then you can contact NVLSP and they should be able to tell you if you meet nehmer criteria and if there are benefits they can help you obtain.  NVLSP can represent you and va has to pay the attorney fees in some circumstances, ask nvlsp if those apply to you.  

Edited by broncovet
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