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With AI we now have an idea of what the internet thinks of our community…

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Google's AI is Gemini.google.com so I gave it go the other day and wanted to share it with the community. Look at what we built!

i asked:

What is the history of hadit.com veteran to veteran?

HadIt.com Veteran to Veteran: A History of Supporting Veterans

HadIt.com Veteran to Veteran boasts a remarkable 27-year history (as of 2024) of serving veterans. Here's a timeline of its key milestones:

1997: Founded by a veteran, driven by the desire to create a community where veterans could support each other in navigating the Veterans Affairs (VA) claims process.

Early Years: Primarily focused on providing information and resources via a website, including articles, research, and links. This helped veterans understand and navigate the often complex VA disability system.

Growth and Impact: The website gained traction, attracting veterans seeking knowledge and community. The discussion board became a vital space for veterans to share experiences, advice, and offer encouragement.

Community Focus: Unlike many sites focused on "experts," HadIt.com prioritized empowering veterans to help each other. This created a strong sense of peer support and shared understanding.

Challenges and Resilience: In 2022, the website faced an attack, highlighting its impact and relevance. Fortunately, the community rallied, demonstrating dedication and commitment to the platform's mission.

Present Day: Despite competition, HadIt.com remains a trusted resource for veterans, offering:

  • Comprehensive information: Guides, articles, and calculators related to VA benefits and navigating the system.
  • Active discussion board: A space for veterans to connect, share experiences,ask questions, and offer support.
  • Mission and Values: Emphasis on veteran-to-veteran support, empowerment,and advocacy for fair and accessible benefits.

Future: HadIt.com aims to continue its mission of educating and empowering veterans, reaching its "Million Veteran" goal by equipping them with the knowledge and resources they need to access their well-deserved benefits.

Here are some additional points to consider:

  • HadIt.com is a non-profit organization, relying on donations and volunteer contributions.
  • It caters to veterans, service members, and their families.
  • While primarily focused on the VA claims process, it also tackles broader issues impacting veterans' lives.

Overall, HadIt.com Veteran to Veteran stands as a testament to the power of community and peer support in helping veterans access the resources they deserve


Founder HadIt.com Veteran To Veteran LLC - Founded Jan 20, 1997


HadIt.com Veteran To Veteran | Community Forum | RallyPointFaceBook | LinkedInAbout Me


Time Dedicated to HadIt.com Veterans and my brothers and sisters: 65,700 - 109,500 Hours Over Thirty Years



I am writing my memoirs and would love it if you could help a shipmate out and look at it.

I've had a few challenges, perhaps the same as you. I relate them here to demonstrate that we can learn, overcome, and find purpose in life.

The stories can be harrowing to read; they were challenging to live. Remember that each story taught me something I would need once I found my purpose, and my purpose was and is HadIt.com Veterans.

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Im leery of "programmed in political bias" in AI.  (It already programmed into google and other search engines, too).   But, this description sounds good. 

Actually, now that you mention it, I am considering switching to DUCKDUCKGo search engine, because Google is ran by marketing (aka money!) and, if you want a top spot, you pay for it.

This may be a reason for hadits traffic being down, other sites, such as VA, has money money money, to pay Google to redirect searches to go to VA controlled websites, for example, not hadit for information.  "Hadit answers to google questions is probably buried on page 19, where VA's several websites are probably paid to be on top.  This is just a guess".  

It may not used to have been like that, but money changes people.    Its well known google sells "top spots" as ads.    And, people often pick one of the top 2 or 3.  

VA has their own VA.gov, and there is "VAntage point" which is VA ran, and VA bias.  

After Ted Strickland's passing, I dont think there is much  maintenance on VAwatchdog.org, so its numbers are likely down with not much new stuff.  VA hated watchdog, they were the one

who revealed shreddergate to the public, a massive coverup and embarrassment to VA in 2008.  And, I have my doubts if shreddergate has truly ever been fixed, there are mysterious dissappearances of key evidence going on even now.  

Case in point:  Secretary Peake ordered that Veterans be able to (re) submit previously shredded evidence, BUT, they put a time limit on a narrow window of time frame that applies to.  

There is no evidence that shredding began a few months prior to shredder gate and stopped a few months after, but, Veterans had a narrow 18 month window in 2008 to resubmit shredded evidence.  

I resubmitted evidence shredded "outside" of this limiited period and was told that, pretty much, because my resubmission did not fall into this limited time frame, it was not valid.  The limited time frame

was "damage control", because VA had been doing it for decades.  Here is what was worse.  So, I sent a 21-4138 to VA "Special Handling Request due to mishandled evidence", per Dr. Peake's

order, along with evidence resubmissions, in 2008.   Incredibly, by 2010, my 21-4138 had mysteriously disappeared from my cfile, when I asked for a copy of my cfile later.  

So, they "mishandled" the "Special handling request due to mishandled evidence".  Now that shows that it was NOT fixed and never was.  The VA shreds evidence they dont like. Period. 


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@Broncovet you can't go wrong with DuckDuckGo. I've been using it for years. I don't even know or remember what functionality, if any, I lost when I switched over.

Semper Fi,

Sgt. Wilky


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