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Va Shows Me Rated At 10%-but Forgot To Tell Me!

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I have a claim in to the VA for my heart. I am currently in "Ratings" since Jan 1, 07, to see if I am SC for my heart. I just returned from an appointment with my VSO. He called the VARO and they told him that I was already SC at 10% for my heart condition. Nobody at VA has ever told me that I am SC for my heart and I have not received my 10% or any money from the VA or anybody else for over 40 years.

I received a medical discharge for my heart from the Navy in 1966. At that time I received approximately $37.00 or $45.00 a month (can't remember exact amount- 40 years ago) This was compensation from the Navy or VA for disability. I received this amount for approximately 3 months and then the payments stopped without any notice.

Does anyone know how I can find out how long I have been SC at 10% and what can I do about it? I have not been receiving any money from anybody.

Also I am trying to find out how I can get copies of the paper work that shows I was recieving this monthly payment for 3 months back in 1966. I requested info from NPR but they don't have any info on this.

Any help from anyone would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


I've waited this long and I'm not giving up....NEVER!!

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"Does anyone know how I can find out how long I have been SC at 10% and what can I do about it? I have not been receiving any money from anybody"

If I were you I would ask for a complete copy of your c file from the VARO-

I assume that the few payments you got were fron the VA and were compensation for the 10%-

The good news is that there seems to definitely be reason for a higher rating SC now-

(10% right after discharge makes the condition a presumptive one)

but the bad news is -who got all that money for years on the 10% if you did not get it ?

The c file to me-would be the best place to look-

did the military make any lump sum award for compensation-separation pay- when you were discharged and the VA withheld this from your comp?

Even so- still that must have been a large sum-

GRADUATE ! Nov 2nd 2007 American Military University !

When thousands of Americans faced annihilation in the 1800s Chief

Osceola's response to his people, the Seminoles, was

simply "They(the US Army)have guns, but so do we."

Sameo to us -They (VA) have 38 CFR ,38 USC, and M21-1- but so do we.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

I would have to agree with Berta, I suspect the $37.00 to $45.00 was the 10% rating back then. I looked back as far as 1987 on the VA website and 10% then was $71.00, so I would suspect that was rates back then.

Did you move a anytime in the 1960's? If so, did you let VA know. Many veterans fail to notify VA of when they move and all of a sudden payments stop. Then they don't have a clue as to why! Did your receive a rating decision back then. Do you remember filing a claim back then?

I would request a copy of your C-file and take a look see at what is what.

Vike 17

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"Does anyone know how I can find out how long I have been SC at 10% and what can I do about it? I have not been receiving any money from anybody"

If I were you I would ask for a complete copy of your c file from the VARO-

I assume that the few payments you got were fron the VA and were compensation for the 10%-

The good news is that there seems to definitely be reason for a higher rating SC now-

(10% right after discharge makes the condition a presumptive one)

but the bad news is -who got all that money for years on the 10% if you did not get it ?

The c file to me-would be the best place to look-

did the military make any lump sum award for compensation-separation pay- when you were discharged and the VA withheld this from your comp?

Even so- still that must have been a large sum-


Thanks for responding. Should I call the VARO and ask for a copy of my C file. My current claim is at "Ratings". Will this delay my claim by asking for a copy of my file.

Apparently the payments were compensation for my disability. I do not know where all that money went. I certainly did not get any of it. I did not get any lump sum award when I left the Navy. Do you think I would be able to receive any or all of this back money that I did not get. And how would I at least go about start getting my 10% from the VA?

As I said my current claim is at "Ratings". My VSO thinks I should wait a few more months to see what the Ratings people say before I do anything.

I wanted to call the VA and find out when I was awarded the 10% and when can I start receiving it.

Thanks, Brian

I've waited this long and I'm not giving up....NEVER!!

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I would have to agree with Berta, I suspect the $37.00 to $45.00 was the 10% rating back then. I looked back as far as 1987 on the VA website and 10% then was $71.00, so I would suspect that was rates back then.

Did you move a anytime in the 1960's? If so, did you let VA know. Many veterans fail to notify VA of when they move and all of a sudden payments stop. Then they don't have a clue as to why! Did your receive a rating decision back then. Do you remember filing a claim back then?

I would request a copy of your C-file and take a look see at what is what.

Vike 17

Vike 17

When I got out of the Navy in 1966 I moved around a few times like everyone does. I am sure I did not let the VA know my new address. In those days I was a young 21 year old healthy male with probably only 1 thing on my mind and I'm sure you can guess what that was.

I know that just before I was discharged I talked to a young officer that helped me with the paperwork to file for my disabilty. I don't remember getting a rating or even talking to anyone at the VA until 6 months ago when I filed my claim with the VSO. And as I said earlier I did not even find out that I was SC with 10% until this morning.

Would my c-file show any of this information about my past payments? Should I request my c-file by mail or would it be better to go to the VARO in person and see my file? Will they let me make copies while I'm there?

Thank you Vike 17 for your help,


I've waited this long and I'm not giving up....NEVER!!

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  • HadIt.com Elder

You need a copy of your C-File anyway so you might as well get a copy now. How long have you been out of the service? You probably have to ask in writing but if you are going to go to the trouble of writing a letter to see you file you might as well get a complete copy. You will need it later if you want to try and get increases. You will want your private doctor to review it and you service medical records as well. If you were granted a 10% rating that is retroactive to a day after discharge then that might be a good bit of money if you have been out for a while. Your claim could sit at the rating board for months so get the copy of the C-File so you have some ammunition if and when you appeal.

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