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About dman001948

  • Birthday 01/05/1948

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  • Location
    Casa Grande

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  • Service Connected Disability
  • Hobby
    Coin collecting and Computers

dman001948's Achievements

  1. My local Va here in Phoenix sent me someone's else's records and it was a big ass pile of papers. I call my VA rep and he sounded like he really couldn't be bothered by it all. So I seal them all up and sent to to the records section of the Phoenix Va hospital and ask for a phone call or a piece paper saying they got them and explain that they weren't my records. They did call me and thank me..You don't get that very often..
  2. I'm getting them also..I don't have a clue yet..
  3. Well, nothing from McCain yet and don't expect one. But the IRIS did answer me and you know what? They contacted the Phoenix VA and ask them!!! DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I wrote IRIS back and explain to them the answer they gave is the one I already know and that I want to know where it states that I can't have these supplies. I am service connected for this condition and all service connections are suppose to be cover, so show me where I'm not. No answer yet and more then likely won't get one...Such is live...
  4. Had this old timer living across the street from me who was around 87, maybe 88 when he got his claim and he had to get his congressmen involved to get it. He is 96 now and lives in a nursing home here in town. In WW11 his ship was sunk and he spent some time in the water and lost part of a finger. He rake in some good money let me tell you. They gave him 100% and had to back pay him from WW11 time. He still gives the Tucson VA fits...hahahahahaha...Last yr he fell and broke his hip, had it repair but more is going wrong with it and the doc's say his bones are to frail to fix. So now he chase's the lady's with his walker..hahahahahahaha....And of course he is a bit crazy....1 minute your his friend, the next like who are you? Stay away from me...
  5. I have 10% for the ringing in the ears thing (Both ears) and 0% service connected for hearing loss, I have a hearing lose but not enough to rate above 0% but they (Phoenix VA) did give me a hearing aid for my right ear. It did make a difference, I could hear the birds sing again and that was above the ringing in my ears..hahahahahahaha...
  6. I talk with the Tucson advocate yesterday and she told me that Phoenix and the Tucson VA are one of the very few VA's that DO NOT make it a practice of suppying Test Strips and Lancets to Vets with Type 2 diabetes. I believe it comes down to the dollar thing and the almighty dollar is worth more then a vets life. Its dealt with on a case by case basis they claim. But they told me that without even hearing my case( so - so much for that lie) So if a Vet that is seviced by the Phoenix or Tucson VA gets the strips and lancets with Type 2. Well, they are lucky people. And does not matter if your service connected or not. 9 times out 10 the answer is NO. I do have a email to iris been about 3 days now, no answer. (suppose to answer within 5 business days). I also just shot off a letter to Senator McCain (Our senator for AZ) I don't expect much from him taking in his voting record for the vets (90%) against us. He will never get my vote and I'm a Rep. I'm getting ready to shot another one to Senator Klye, he has a better voting records for the vets. I know this will put a big ass flag on my VA records..but crap, deny a service connected vet his/her medical suppy's! Na, ani't falling for it, Its pure B.S.. I even mention to the advocate that I'm service connected for this condition (Type 2 through Agent Orange), didn't phase her a bit and just said it came down from above her pay grade. Will let you know as I find out more.
  7. Just to lt you all know I have a email in to the VA asking the question why? I have left a phone message to both the Phoenix and Tucson VA advocates office's and yet to recieved any call back.
  8. Thanks Pete, It sure was the darnest thing I have ever seen, I was in browse, but I pick ONLY that one item out of it and it posted my whole MY Documents. Yea, it sure did post the Mother File..hahahahahahaha..but all is good now. Thnaks again
  9. I just move my whole "My documents" some where else, so all that is there is the PDF file I tried to upload and you can't open it..so forget about it... I don't know why when I tried to attach 1 file it took all of my document file..now that was a strange one...
  10. Please don't open that attachment I was trying to upload a file for Type 2 and my whole "MY documents" or most of them got loaded and it has a lot of private info in there. I'm in the process of getting the whole thing remove now. But the jest of the document I found states from what I can read Type 2 should be tested around 3 times a week BUT!!! It would more or less be at the doc's call to let you have the testing supplies...
  11. This is why, I ask for the Reg that calls for the treatment and whats included...I'm not going to fight with a knife and the VA have the gun..I lose, you lose and every vet lose's for treatment under this condition or any other condition for that matter. I have been a member of this board for yrs, but post very little, I read and enlight'en myself with your alls knowledge. This board is been a great help for all vets. Keep up the good fight and never leave anyone behind.
  12. I already got my claim back and I'm at 20% for Type 2 (Agent Orange) and yes I'm a Nam vet, served with the 25th inf in Cu Chi 66-67 time period, but not with the Rangers at that time. I served with A/75th Rangers out of Ft. Hood Tx Mar 1971- Oct 1972, then back to the 25th Inf, but this time in Hawaii 75-78 may Warrant in 76. Does your friend who lives in Scottdale use the Phoenix VA? (I think it and the one in Tucson are the only VA's in AZ so he should) The VA at first gave me everything, meter/test strips and the lacents, but told me once they run out I'm on my own, I double check just last week when I was up there and was told the same thing again in the Diamond Clinte (sp). I have a friend of mind who lives here in town and use's the Tucson VA and he has Type 2 also and they told him the very same thing..must be a AZ thing...But he got in a program run by the VA for 1 yr that gives him 16 strips per month and lacents and pays him 20 extra bucks every time he comes in to get his blood check, but thats only for 1 yr, then he is out there fishing again. Had a friend of mind just pass away who was in F Company for awhile around your time frame, We called him Bone, His real name was Charles Hegerboom or something like that..he live in N.C. I guess him and F Company didn't get along in Nam or out of Nam (I guess there was some problems at one of the reunions and Bone was kinda disowned) He was crazy..kill a few folks that broke in his house he found out who they were hunted them down and killed both of them with a shotgun. I think he was a tunnel rat for awhile also in Nam. Well, after the 1st disagreement with F company he transfer to the 3/4 Cav and drove APC's. So the Phoenix VA is giving some vets what they need and some not....Now go figure....
  13. I sure appricate the input from all, its like I stir up a hornets nest..hahahahahaha, in the good way. But with all the good intentions could somebody please direct me to where in the 38 I would find that I'm entitled to the Strips and Lancets? If your going to a fight with a knife and the VA has the gun, guess who loses? We do..Now if I have that info and can show it, (I will print it off and take it with me) now my knife is a gun and bigger gun then their gun. I just call my buddy today (He was up north on a family visit run) he has Type 2 also and he use's the Tucson, AZ VA (The one I plan on transfering to from the Phoenix, VA) and he told me they told him the very same thing, no strips or lancets until he gets to Type 1...Now he has entry a test program the Tucson VA is running on Type 11 and the they provide him with 16 strips per month and Lancets and pay him an additional 20 bucks everytime he comes in to be check. I say ani't that some shit sarge! Anyhow, Can anyone provide me with in writting info stating what Type 2 is enttiled to as far as meds, strips, lancets, meters, etc. It would be a powerful weapon to use against them. Thanks Dennis A/75th
  14. Thanks for the reply and I kinda figure that..the smoke is about to start..Damn Phoenix VA and USE to like them...Now pee on them, I'll take my business to the Tucson VA...I live in Casa Grande, kind of in the middle of the two.. Again thanks for the reply's Dennis
  15. I would also like to add that with Type 2 debetics, The VA WILL NOT give you the Strips and lancets to measure your blood sugar. I'm service connected for Type 2 due to Agent Orange. They (Va) gave me a reader, 1 box of strips to stick in the reader, one box of lancets to poke yourself with and meds. They will continue the Meds but, NOT ANYTHING esle they said I'm on my own..duh...I'm service connected at 20% just for the Type 2 and over 50% overall..I thought if you were service connected everything was covered? Well, ITS NOT!! They said (va) that I have to progress to Type 1 before they give me the strips and lancets..duh again...Isn't the whole point is to try and not advance to type 1 or at least slow it down. Well, without the tools to momitor myself..guess what? I see type 1 right arourd the cornor. Does Anyone know where it states in the VA regs where we don't get this items and service connected for the conditon? I sure would like to read that. You can reach me at dman00194875@msn.com. Dennis Rick
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